英语人>网络例句>Dam 相关的网络例句
与 Dam 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The dam,which is the biggest in the world, is 3,803 metres long.


162 The Secretary went on to explain the significance of the dam to the habitat of the snail darter


More important for the purposes of this case, the Secretary determined that the snail darter apparently lives only in that portion of the Little Tennessee River which would be completely inundated by the reservoir created as a consequence of the Tellico Dam's completion. Id., at


Having determined that the snail darter apparently lives only in that portion of the Little Tennessee River that would be completely inundated by the impoundment of the reservoir created as a consequence of the completion of the Tellico Dam, he declared that area as the snail darter's "critical habitat."

考虑到蜗牛镖明显只生活于小田纳西河的部分区域,而在泰利库大坝竣工后,此部分区域将被大坝所形成的水库完全淹没,内政部长宣布,此区域为蜗牛镖的"关键性栖息地(critical habitat。)"

Respondents brought this suit to enjoin completion of the dam and impoundment of the reservoir, claiming that those actions would violate the Act by causing the snail darter's extinction.


List of all the inflectional forms of a word taken as an illustrative example of the conjugation or declension to which it belongs.


The basic situation of 3 decommission uranium tailings impoundments and 1 large open pit in Germany is introduced, and some special successful engineering measures are reported in detail, including the wastewater treatment, the covering of exposed uranium tailings beach, the stability of dam slope, the back filling of open pit and so on.


Past investigation found the rock in the right dam foundation composing of granite(γ_4~3~γ_5~1) in dyas- trias,which has a very complicated mechanical environment. The complicated phenomenon is as follows: tectonism, alteration, rock mass demobilize, rock mass stress release and other factors.


A dental dam was originally used in dentist's office to keep teeth dry during dental surgery.


As the foundation of other analysis in gravity dam"s designment, stress and stability"s analysis is an significant segment.


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Dam That River
My Heart Beats Like A Drum (Dam Dam Dam)
The Dam At Otter Creek
Down By The Dam
Dam Would Break
You Be The Dam, I'll Be The Water

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
