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与 Cretaceous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sixteen ( 15 new) amphibian and twenty-two ( 11 new) squamate species have been reported across China, including the oldest Chinese tetrapod Sinostega pani from the Late Devonian of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the large stereospondyl amphibian Yuanansuchus laticeps from the Middle Triassic of Hubei Province, Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous lissamphibians ( e. G., the anurans Callobatrachus sanyanensis and Mesophryne beipiaoensis, the caudates Jeholotriton paradoxus and Laccotriton subsolanus) from Northeast China, Paleogene lizards (e. G., Brevidensilacerta xichuanensis and Tinosaurus yuanquensis) from North China, and numerous lizards from the Late Cretaceous of Nei Mongol Autonomous Region.


The event of collision between Lasha block and Qiangtang block in Cretaceous was too weak to cause the regional tectonic effect, but only produced a little relief topograph and Cretaceous red classic deposit in Central Asia.


Through the age analysis on apatite and zircon fission track, there have five stages of tectonic movements, respectively occurred in late Trias, from mid-late period in early Cretaceous to late Cretaceous, Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene.


Evolution history of Jianghan Basin can be divided into Seven stages by sedimentary character since Cretaceous: uplifting and decomposing stage (lower-middle Cretaceous), whole downfaulting stage , regional subsiding stage , uplifting and decomposing stage , differential downfaulting , shinking-subsiding-uplifting and denudating , subsiding stage , differential elevating and subsiding-stabilizing stage (lower Pleistocene-early stage of middle Pleistocene), whole subsiding stage (middle stage of middle Pleistocene), shringking stage (upper Pleistocene-Holocene).


The sedimentary characteristics in Xuefeng area suggested that Xuefeng experienced complex vicissitudes of uplift-depression from Sinian to Cretaceous, it can be divided into five stages, including carbonate slope-shelf basin in Early Sinian-Middle Ordovician, uplifting and denuding in Late Ordovician-Late Carboniferous, carbonate platform in Permian, carbonate shelf in Early Triassic, uplift and intermountain basin in Middle Triassic-Cretaceous.


The results are shown as below.1 Tectono-thermal evolution: The history of the Songliao basin is divides into four stages, high-temperature doming and extension, high-temperature rifting, low-temperature depression, and low-temperature shrinkage. Numerical simulation of mechanical process shows that the basin appeared in the early- to late- Jurassic as a result of rapid low-angle subduction of the Pacific plate towards the northwest, of movement of the Siberian block towards the southeast, of many other influences such as internal thermal stress in the mantle, gravitational force, stress of phase transition, etc. Both the Pacific plate and the Siberian block slowed down in the early Cretaceous, and almost stopped in the middle Cretaceous with the rapid decrease of abnormal heat in the mantle below.


However there are regional inversion uplifts in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous basins and the Late Cretaceous basins.


Based on analysis for paleostructural characteristics of above four areas,the paper proposed that there developed a series of paleostructure belts under the background of regional uplifting in latest Mesozoic at the front of south Qilian Mt,and those paleostructures are characterized by NWNNWstriked anticlines and synclines,whose wavelengths are 15~20 km and middlescaled. At the same time,the paper also points out that most areas in western China are lack of upper Cretaceous,which implies the existence of a broad Late Cretaceous plateau in central Asia.

通过这4个地区古构造特征的研究,提出南祁连山前区中生代晚期在区域性隆升的背景下,形成了一系列古构造带,古构造活动的特点是形成北西-北北西走向的背斜和向斜构造,这些褶皱的波长为15~20 km,为中尺度规模。

The garnets in Cretaceous sandstones come from blueschist that located in the southwest Tianshan and low-grade metamorphic rocks by lager proportionally. The garnets in Tertiary sandstones enrich almandine, which come from high-grade metamorphic rocks.


The acid volcanic rocks of the Early Cretaceous Shangkuli Formation belong to continental crust anatexis type ones (S-type volcanic rocks) and may have formed by compression and migration of the Indian-Australia plate toward the NNE and delamination of the lower crust caused by the lithospheric extension in eastern China.


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