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与 Cretaceous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dawsonite of Mesozoic strata in Northeast China and adjacent area distribute in Lower Cretaceous strata from Hailaer basin,Tamtsag basin, Erlian basin, Kailu basin and Fuxin basin, and Upper part of Lower Cretaceous and Lower part of Upper Cretaceous from southern Songliao basin.


The Lower/Upper Cretaceous boundary in Songliao Basin is,therefore,between the Quantou and Denglouku formations,instead of between the Quantou and Qingshankou formations.2.The dark mudstones and shales in the Member 1 of Qingshankou Formation are of high organic carbon and low diasteranes contents.Organic geochemical characters are illustrated by biomarkers of 28,30-bisnorhopane and gammacerane,and positive excursion of kerogen isotopes.It is suggested that the dark mudstones and shales in the Member 1 of Qingshankou Formation are the products of lake anoxic period.It corresponds to the oceanic anoxic event at Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in Cretaceous.3.Based on the study of biostratigraphy,chronostratigraphy,magnetostratigraphy and event stratigraphy,a correlation of the lacustrine sequence to marine standard has been proposed,i.e.,the Quantou Formation corresponds to Cenomanian stage,Qingshankou Formation correlates to Later Cenomanian-Early Turonian,Yaojia Formation to Later Turonian-Coniacian,Nenjiang Formation to Santonian-Campanian.Sifangtai and Minshui Formations to Maastrichtian. 4.Analysis of lithology,lithofacies and microfossils of Cretaceous in Songliao Basin, shows that shore and shallow lake facies yield the most abundant microfossil groups,and the predelta and deltaic distributary plain facies rich in fossils as well.In the shore and shallow lake areas during the high level periods(such as Qingshankou and Nenjiang sedimentary periods),the lacustrine biota are of high diversity and high abundance.


The basin evolution from the Cretaceous to the Palaeogene shows a complete process of rifting development, in which the Lower Cretaceous is theproduct of early rifting and the Upper Cretaceous and the Eogene represent the sediments of thermal subsidence in late rifting stage.


The second group are the mixtures of Jurassic coal-formed oils and Cretaceous-derived oils. The carbon isotope, n-alkanes and isoprenoids compositions of these oils are similar to core extracts from Jurassic coal measures. However, sterane and terpane compositions of these oils show affinity to Cretaceous source rocks. It is deduced that coal-formed oils dissolved the biomarker-rich Cretaceous bitumen of relatively low thermal maturity, and overprinting occurs during oil migration.


They not only occur in deep ocean basins such as in the central North Atlantic where they were deposited below CCD, but they extend up the continental slopes and rises, such as in the Alps, including the Gampu area , in the Carpathian Mountains (Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Romania), in Spain, in Turkey and in the Exmouth Plateau (Legs 122 and 123) in northwest Australia.The Upper Cretaceous reddish marlstones in Italy are particularly similar to the Upper Cretaceous Chuangde formation red beds in the Tibetan Himalayas. In summary, the Upper Cretaceous redbeds have several characteristic as follow:(1) very low TOC, only 0~0.3%;(2) wide distribution throughout the Neo-Tethys, from north Atlantic to the west, to Exmouth Plateau to the east;(3) Sedimentary environment of the red beds varied from oceanic basin, to slope/rise, to outer shelf. Most comment is pelagic and hemipelagic.


It indicated evidently tropical floristic remnant and affinity in the Alsophila spinulosa community. Comparing with the fossil flora from late Cretaceous and Tertiary (i.e. Northeast China flora, Fushun flora in Liaoning, Jinggu flora in Yunnan and Shanwang in Shandong) in China, pteridophyte flora of the Reserve was quite similar to that of late Cretaceous. Nevertheless, its spermatophyte flora was little similar to that of Tertiary, where angiosperm were booming in that period.


In Late Jurassic period (159-135Ma), when the orientation of maximum principal compressive stress was NW direction, the Wuzhangshan granite intruded to upward, accompanied the formation of NW trending Sanrenchang and Huangshuian breccia pipe belts; In the Early Cretaceous period (135-120Ma), when the orientation of maximum principal compressive stress was NNW trending, the second stage of Huashan granite intruded to upward, accompanied the formation of NW trending Qiyugou breccia pipe belts; In 120-105 Ma, when the orientation of maximum principal compressive stress changed to NE direction, the gold-bearing quartz veins and gold orebodies in breccia pipes were formed along the NE trending fractures; In the Middle Cretaceous period (105-85 Ma), when the orientation of maximum principal compressive stress was NEE, the NEE trending Leimengou granite porphyry intruded to upward, accompanied the formation of NEE trending Leimengou breccia pipe belts.


Cambrian; Ordovician; Silurian; Devonian; Mississippian; Pennsylvanian; Permian; Triassic; Jurassic; Early Cretaceous; Late Cretaceous; Eocene; Miocene; Present


Based on the analysis and sufficiency cognition of Transgression Lake of late Cretaceous and Paleocene Epoch of Subei Basin, the research is important to not only paleogeographic reconstruction of Subei basin during late Cretaceous and Paleocene Epoch but also the comment to make upon development and distribution of the source rocks and potential of oil and gas generation.


The evolution process under the control of the multigeodynamic force system (including the boundary forces of Eurasia-Pacific-Indian three massive plates around Nansha block, effects of the deep mantle, relative soft layer-sliding planes within Nansha lithosphere block and the earth's rotational inertial force) can be briefly divided four stages: the late Cretaceous to the early Eocene stage of uprilfing-erosion and shear-extension caused by the oceanwards-eastwards withdrew of Pacific subduction zone and the delamination of proto-subducted slab after the stage of pre-Cretaceous pre-rifting active continentoceanic plate margin. In this stage, the Nansha transcrustal layering-block started to move southeastwards on the Nansha transcrustal layer-sliding plane, meanwhile, the Andu-Bisheng and Liyue-Banyue basement layering-block slid on their upper-crust layer-sliding planes, and Xibu accretion zone was formed. Successively, it entered the stage of the mid-Eocene to early Oligocene, when NW-SE sea-floor spreading occurred in the southwest subbasin owing to the slip-line field initiated by the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates, Zengmu foreland-basin started to develop in the same time. And in the stage of late Oligocene to early Miocene, near NS simple-shear extension and sea-floor spreading in the central subbasin of eastern South China Sea resulted from the south-southeastwards drawing-force of the mantle-flow. The crustal layering-blocks and the Miri accretion zone formed also in this stage.


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Also we hope the government would look into this matter to build more Go-Kart track for this purpose.


But it was Thomas Aquinas and his sequelae that protruded and systemized the theory of analogy in philosophy and theology.

但是 ,使类比问题在神学和哲学中的核心地位凸显出来,并得到系统化的创新发展,却是托马斯及其后继者的成就。

The merit of this new method basically lies in that it is not affected by the lack of information upon crossroad waitings.
