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与 Cortex 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A prominent visible blood vessel in the pontocerebellar angle was noted in the affective side, but no similar finding was noted in the non-affective side. In conclusion, acupuncture may improve facial spasm, this effect of acupuncture probable mediates via a antidromic impulse of facial nerve to decrease intensity of impulse that is orthodromic transmission from facial motor nucleus or from focal demyelization of neurovascular compression; acupuncture evoked cerebral cortex to produce a descending inhibiting impulse to inhibit the hyperexcitablity of facial motor nucleus to improve facial spasm.

结论是针刺可以改善颜面肌痉挛,针刺可能经由诱发颜面神经逆行的神经冲动减少颜面运动核或神经血管压迫之focal demyelination处往下而来神经冲动的强度;或者针刺诱发大脑皮质产生抑制性下行神经冲动抑制颜面运动核的过度兴奋来改善颜面肌痉挛。

T1-weighted coronal sections show gadolinium enhancement along cortical gyri and sulci in the occipital paracentral cortex.


Configuration characte of PCD appeared evidently in those cells. Especially for the quantity and speed of the PCD of cortex parenchymatous cells, they increased gradually together with the motion and diffusion of nematodes.


Results 8 cases of parosteal osteosarcoma on femur showed high density liking emission aside cortex, boundary insufficiency and partly soft tissue bulge on X-ray.

结果 发生在股骨的8例病例中X线表现为皮质旁放射状高密度影,边界欠清楚,局部软组织隆起。

Cases of parosteal osteosarcoma on tibia showed bony tumor, which basilar part accreted surface of bone on X-ray, and vicinity cortical bone hyperplasia and harden, soft tissue mass with focal or cauliflower-like high density tumor bone in it. A lucent zone between the cortex and tumor bone was noticed in 1 case.


Abstract] objective to discuss radiological findings of parosteal osteosarcoma on emphasis combined with clinical pathology and literature.methods 4 cases of parosteal osteosarcoma proved by operation and pathology were analyzed retrospectively.results female was 3 cases,male was 1 case,average age was 30.5 years old,these tumors were arised on posterior border of distal femur and popliteal cavity,presented as lobular dense ossified mass,defined lesion.one case had villose margin.a thin narrow lucent zone separated the mass from the cortex at two cases.one case underwent angiography,there was no malignant feature.conclusion parosteal osteosarcoma may be divided into low-grade type and high-grade type.radiological manifestations of early stage possess character,early diagnosis conduces to establish rational treating plan and evaluate prognosis.

目的 结合临床病理学特征和文献资料,重点讨论皮质旁骨肉瘤的x线特征。方法收集经手术、病理证实的皮质旁骨肉瘤病例4例,对其进行回顾性分析。结果 4例患者女3例,男1例,平均年龄30.5岁,肿瘤均发生于股骨远端后侧和腘窝处,表现为分叶状致密骨化肿块,边界清晰,其中1例边缘呈绒毛状改变,2例有细窄透亮带与骨皮质相隔,1例行血管造影,未见血管池等恶性征象。结论皮质旁骨肉瘤分为低度恶性和高度恶性两种,早期影像学表现有特征性,早期诊断有助于制订相应的治疗方案和评估预后。

Following small injections into the caudal part of the insular cortex, the retrogradely labeled neurons were mainlyseen in the parvicellular ventroposterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus, thecentral lateralsubdivision of the PBN, theouter part of the external medial subdivision of the PBN, and the contralateral PBme.


Following small injections into the rostral part (namely the dysgranularfield, DI) of the insulpr cortex, retrogradely labeled neuronswere primarily in the parvicellular ventroposterior medial nucleus of the thalamus, the "waist" area of the PBN.


Hewever the caspase-3 expression was still very high in cortex. Conclusion: In KA model the hippocampus amygdala plays a key role in epilepsy. Therefore it provides a mimic optimal conditions for human temporal lobe epilepsy study. Its an effective method of studying the development, change and pathopoiesis of epilepsy. There is a close relationship between NPY and epilepsy. The regulation of NPY via VPA may be one of the antiepilepsy mechanism of mechanism of VPA. Moreover NGF can enhance the caspase-3 expression. Excito-amino acid can aggravate the apoptosis, which may be one of the reason for intractability of epilepsy.


It typically presents as a pedunculated or sessile mass, slightly hypo- or isointense to cortex on T1 and generally slightly bright on T2, without contrast enhancement and stable over time.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
