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与 Cortex 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

RESULTS: There was plentiful COX2 protein in the cortex, the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus, the supraoptic nucleus, the amygdaloid nucleus, cerebellum and brain stem, and so on. The COX2 immunopositive cells were mainly neurons, and a few were glial cells.


RESULTS: Forebrain beta-EP neurons were found mainly in and around the arcuate nuclei of normal rats, with small number of neurons also identified with weak postivity in the cerebral cortex and amygdaloid complex.


In addition, PTEN was detected in rat spinal cord and cerebellar granular cells cultured in vitro. It was also extensively expressed in many sites of adult mouse brain, including olfactory bulb, cortex, basal forebrain, hippocampus, amygdaloid body, and cerebellum.

此外在大鼠脊髓、体外培养的小脑颗粒细胞,以及成年小鼠嗅球、大脑皮层、基底前脑、海马、杏仁体、小脑都可以观察到PTEN的表达,提示PTEN在中枢神经系统(Central nervous system, CNS)中具有重要作用。

Small scale, only ventral cortex ventral fin and even anal with abdominal edge.


Cortex nerve cell could be orientation differentiation to cholinergic neuron,β-tubulin was expression during the process of differentiation, which was distribution from around nucleus intensive in the early of differentiation to presented in cytoplasm in network, and extension into apophysis after maturity.


Ordinarily only one cortex and the cancellous bone are remoed for grafts, and the fractured crest, along with the apophysis, is replaced in contact with the remnant of the ilium and is held in place with heay nonabsorbable sutures.


Caffeine - A derivative of coffee, is an efficient arouser of central nervous system capable to drive away fatigue, and improve renal circulation. Its stimulation on the cerebral cortex activates Neurotransmitter receptors in the cell membrane; the adenylyl cyclaseactivated on the other surface of the cell catalyzes Adenosine Triphosphate, forming Cyclic adenosine monophosphate, and thus set off series of bio-chemical reactions, like increase of passionate feel, prompt recovery from fatigue after working etc..


Cortico cerebral response audiometer; cerebral cortex response audiometer


Demo content this week includes Eidos's Kane and Lynch , and the PSOne Classics section has received Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex ...

演示内容,在本星期,包括理念的凯恩和林奇,并为下一代的经典科已收到坠毁害鼠2 :皮质。。。

Oth Barrington's nucleus and D-region are responsible for control of micturition activity, and their functions are controlled by other brain structures (cerebral cortex and subcerebral brain regions).

arrington's 核和 D 区是控制排尿的中枢,它们在生理条件下排尿反射过程中起着重要作用,它们同时也受到上位脑结构的控制。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
