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- 与 Christ Jesus 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
DM Baillie, God Was in Christ; K Barth, The Doctrine of Reconciliation; E Brunner, The Mediator; H Bushnell, The Vicarious Sacrifice; JM Campbell, The Nature of the Atonement; S Cave, The Doctrine of the Work of Christ; RW Dale, The Atonement; FW Dillistone, The Significance of the Cross; J Denney, The Death of Christ and The Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation; RS Franks, The Work of Christ; PT Forsyth, The Cruciality of the Cross and The work of Christ; L Hodgson, The Doctrine of the Atonement; TH Hughes, The Atonement; J Knox, The Death of Christ; RC Moberly, Atonement and Personality; J Moltmann, The Crucified God; L Morris, The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross and The Cross in the NT; RS Paul, The Atonement and the Sacraments; V Taylor, Jesus and His Sacrifice and The Atonement in NT Teaching; LW Grensted, A Short History of the Doctrine of the Atonement; R Wallace, The Atoning Death of Christ.
马克baillie ,上帝在基督里; k巴特,这个学说的和解;电子布兰,调解员; h布什内尔,替代牺牲; jm坎贝尔,但性质赎罪; s洞窟,中庸的工作,基督; rw戴尔,赎罪; FW的dillistone ,十字架的意义; j ,丹尼,死亡的基督和基督教教义的和解;卢比弗兰克斯,这项工作的基督;铂佛塞斯, cruciality的十字架上的工作,基督;升,惠普,这个学说的赎罪;次休斯,赎罪; j诺克斯,死亡的基督;钢筋moberly ,赎罪和人格; j莫特曼,被钉十字架的上帝;升莫里斯,教廷鼓吹的交叉和跨中新台币;卢比保罗,赎罪和圣礼; v泰勒,耶稣和他的牺牲和赎罪在新台币教学; LW的格伦斯特德,历史较短的学说赎罪与r华莱士, atoning死亡的基督。
DARBY: Simon Peter, bondman and apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have received like precious faith with us through righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ
According to Kant the Christian creed deals with the ideal, not with the historical Jesus; according to Jacobi, it worships Jesus not as an historical person, but as a religious ideal; according to Fichte there exists an absolute unity between God and man, and Jesus was the first to see and teach it; according to Schelling, the incarnation is an eternal fact, which happened to reach in Jesus its highest point, according to Hegel, Christ is not the actual incarnation of God in Jesus of Nazareth but the symbol of God's incarnation in humanity at large.
Jesus Christ has chosen to walk to the Golgotha. We only have to commit to follow Jesus Christ.
As to the doctrine called the Real Presence,[22] the council condemns: those who, denying that Jesus Christ, God and Man, is truly, really, substantially present in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, hold instead that He is only present as in a sign or image or manifestation of power; those who say that the substance of the bread and the wine remains along with the body and blood of Christ, denying that marvellous and unique changing of the whole substance of the bread into the Body and the whole substance of the wine into Blood, while the appearance of bread and wine still remain--the change which the Catholic Church most suitably calls Transubstantiation; those who say that the Body and Blood of Christ is not there following upon the consecration, but only while the sacrament is in use, while it is being received, that is to say, but not before this or after this, and that in what is left over of the consecrated hosts or particles after communion has been administered, the true Body of the Lord does not remain; who say that the main fruit, or the sole fruit, of this sacrament is the forgiveness of sins; or that Christ the only begotten son of God is not to be adored in this sacrament with the externals of the reverence called latria,[23] and that those who do so adore Him in this sacrament are idolaters; that Christ is shown forth in this sacrament to be received in a spiritual manner, and not also sacramentally and really; that only faith is sufficient preparation for receiving this most holy sacrament.
以中庸所谓真正的存在, [ 22 ]安理会谴责:这些人,是无可否认的耶稣基督,人与上帝,是真的,真的,大幅度目前在圣圣体圣事,举行而是说,他是目前唯一的作为一个标志或形象或表现形式的权力;那些说这种物质的面包和葡萄酒仍是随着身体和血液基督的,是无可否认的壮美和独特的变化,整个物质的面包进入人体和整个物质的酒的血液,而外观的面包和葡萄酒仍是-改变,其中天主教教会最适当呼吁陷于变体说,这些人说,该机构和血液基督,是不是有以下后, consecration ,但只有而圣餐是在使用,而它正在被接受的,也就是说,而不是在此之前或在此之后,以及在什么是遗留下来的该consecrated主机或微粒后,共融一直经管的,真正的机构主不留;人士说,这样做主要水果,或唯一的水果,这圣餐是罪的赦免;或基督独生子的上帝是不被喜欢在这圣餐与外部的崇敬所谓latria , [ 23 ] ,并认为那些这样做,崇拜他,在这圣餐是盲目崇拜者;基督表明,在此圣餐将收到的在一种精神的态度,是不是还sacramentally真的,那只有信仰是有足够的准备接受这个最神圣的圣餐。
The whole temple construction constituted by the three groups, the East to worship "Jesus Christ Zongyao" Literature of the Wenchang Wenchang Palace as the center, south to the Mountain Gate; north shrine Chong; for the temple is dedicated to "Jesus Christ师表" Confucius places to Dacheng Hall as the center, the South Gate for Ji, lattice Star gate, bridge champion and Pan-Chyr; North for respect by the Court; West Institute for Liangzhou Joinet House.
I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
1:9 我约翰就是你们的弟兄,和你们在耶稣的患难,国度,忍耐里一同有分。为神的道,并为给耶稣作的见证,曾在那名叫拔摩的海岛上。
Rev 1:9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
As to the doctrine called the Real Presence,[22] the council condemns: those who, denying that Jesus Christ, God and Man, is truly, really, substantially present in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, hold instead that He is only present as in a sign or image or manifestation of power; those who say that the substance of the bread and the wine remains along with the body and blood of Christ, denying that marvellous and unique changing of the whole substance of the bread into the Body and the whole substance of the wine into Blood, while the appearance of bread and wine still remain--the change which the Catholic Church most suitably calls Transubstantiation; those who say that the Body and Blood of Christ is not there following upon the consecration, but only while the sacrament is in use, while it is being received, that is to say, but not before this or after this, and that in what is left over of the consecrated hosts or particles after communion has been administered, the true Body of the Lord does not remain; who say that the main fruit, or the sole fruit, of this sacrament is the forgiveness of sins; or that Christ the only begotten son of God is not to be adored in this sacrament with the externals of the reverence called latria,[23] and that those who do so adore Him in this sacrament are idolaters; that Christ is shown forth in this sacrament to be received in a spiritual manner, and not also sacramentally and really; that only faith is sufficient preparation for receiving this most holy sacrament.
至於所谓的理论的真实临在, [ 22 ]安理会谴责:这些谁,否认耶稣基督,上帝和人类,这是真正的,真的,大大目前在圣圣体圣事,持有相反,他只是本作为一个标志或形象或表现的权力;谁说,这些实质的面包和酒仍然随著身体和基督的血,不可否认,神奇和独特改变整个实质面包进入人体和整个物质的酒血,而出现的面包和葡萄酒仍然-改变了天主教会最适当的要求Transubstantiation ;谁说,那些身体和血液基督是不存在的神圣以下,但只有同时圣礼正在使用中,虽然它正在收到,这就是说,但在此之前或之后这本,在什麼是遗留下来的在神圣的主机或颗粒后共融已管理,真正的机构上帝不会留,谁说,主要水果,或唯一的水果,这种圣礼是宽恕的罪过;或基督唯一的独生子上帝是不喜欢在这圣礼与外部的崇敬所谓latria , [ 23 ] ,这些谁做崇拜他的这一圣礼是拜偶像;基督显示本条圣礼收到在一个精神的方式,而不是还sacramentally真正;,只有信仰是足够的准备接受这个最神圣的圣体。
The disciples of the emissary, Jesus Christ of representative, Jesus Christ of Jesus in 2000, stem of is the affair which makes the person thousand times cut up rough, they eavesdrop with the intelligence report system of the United States and record sound my telephone, intercept my E-mail, steal my computer data and even install spy's system in my computer ……if god's of the minister work such method play with God, so this minister labor union have 2 sow a field; The first is beheaded, the second is to drown of disaster; Will also be put~toed death punishment of put out the blood relations in the meantime.
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- 推荐网络例句
The split between the two groups can hardly be papered over.
This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses, but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink.
The new PS20 solar power tower collected sunlight through mirrors known as "heliostats" to produce steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine in Sanlucar la Mayor, Spain, Wednesday.