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If you said object, you may think you will hhave to deal with boxing - unboxing, but actually the compiler will
For example, boxing and unboxing are great features; however, they can contribute to a poorly performing application if you don't use them properly.
Net 1.1, but all that boxing, unboxing and type casting made me dizzy, but now
Net 1.1过,但所有的拳击,拆箱和类型转换使我头晕目眩,但现在
Generic classes and methods are used as much as possible to reduce the need for boxing and unboxing of value types.
What Is Boxing and Unboxing?
Through innovative use of concepts such as boxing and unboxing, C# bridges the gap between value types and reference types, allowing any piece of data to be treated as an object.
Such boxing and unboxing operations add performance overhead since they involve dynamic memory allocations and run-time type checks.
Boxing and unboxing incur overhead, so you should avoid them when programming intensely repetitive tasks.
If I had to call out a few of the differences between C# and Java from a programming language point of view, I might mention C#'s unified type system (value types, boxing, and unboxing), first class support for properties and events, delegate types, separation of logical naming and physical packaging, and unsafe code.
Such boxing and unboxing operations add performance overhead since they involve dynamic memory allocations and run-time type checks.
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The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!
LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.
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