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Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Privy Council was formerly the chief source of executive power in the state and give *** advice to the King.


The Privy Council was formerly the chief source of executive power in the state a nd give private advice to the King.


Swainson, who last month left IBM to join CA , and Gary Quinn, CA 's executive vice president for partner advocacy, talk about how CA 's product plans will evolve and the channel's expanded role in the Islandia, N.Y., software vendor's overall strategy in an interview with CRN Editor In Chief Michael Vizard, News Editor Steve Burke and Senior Editor Dan Neel.

Swainson 上个月从 IBM 离职加入冠群电脑,他和合作伙伴推广部门的执行副总裁 Gary Quinn 将对冠群电脑的产品线的改进和拓宽渠道销售等方面和 CRN 的记者们作做一个访谈。

Still, chief titles can help shareholders, consumers and others identify who the point person is, said Jo Bennett, a partner at executive-search firm Battalia Winston International.

不过高管猎头公司Battalia Winston International的合伙人乔·班尼特认为,各种各样的&首席&头衔有助于股东、消费者及其他人分辨出&谁是关键人物&。

IOC press commission chief Kevan Gospar said that this year's 137,000km torch relay will continue as planned,"but certainly, the IOC executive board should review the torch relay programme for the future".

奥委会新闻委托主席Kevan Gospar说今年长达137,000公里的火炬传递仍将按计划进行,&但是可以肯定的是,奥委会执行会议将重新考虑未来的火炬传递项目。&

Prior to, online casino echeck , that Mr. Carlino Chief play craps online for money Executive Officer of Penn National commented While small this transaction adheres to our strategy of opportunistically expanding our gaming portfolio in markets that offer long term growth opportunities.


With the authorized service center will soon put into use, customers will be able to enjoy a quality and convenient services," European Aviation Holdings executive director and chief operating officer Rajeev Wadhwa said."

随着授权服务中心即将投入使用,客户们将能享受到优质便捷的支援服务,&欧洲航空控股公司执行董事兼首席运营官Rajeev Wadhwa说。&

In two thousand, he gave the job of chief exetive executive officer to Stive Bomber Steve Ballmer , a friend of his since there their years at Harvard University.Mr.Bomer University .

在两千年,他成为他在哈佛时认识的好朋友Steve Ballmer的首席执行官,Ballmer在1980年加入微软。

Regard to the latter, on the one hand, interest rates will certainly give consideration to the domestic currency supply and demand situation, the macroeconomic situation, the impact of the RMB exchange rate, etc. Therefore, at present, the reason why the central bank does not need to increase interest rates is pulling the Chief of economic growth, the same way by the executive to resolve.


Our government mainly is expected to be macro regulator and manager of economy development; to be the interveners and negotiators of economy laws; to serve administers and supervise investing market; executive of separation of the government from the enterprises and from capitals; to be supporters of vocation managing and redeploying chief of economy income.


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The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。