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Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fox won a competition with other networks to buy the idea from Mark Burnett, executive producer of "Survivor," perhaps because Liguori — not too modestly — said he was the only chief network television executive to answer all six questions from the show correctly.


They are Lord Woolf of Barnes, former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, and Non-Permanent Judge of the HKSAR Court of Final Appeal; Dr. the Honorable Sir T.L. Yang, GMB, JP, former Chief Justice of Hong Kong and chairman of the Executive Committee of the CUHK School of Law; and Sir David Williams, Q.C., D.L., a leading public lawyer in the common law world and former vice-chancellor of the University of Cambridge.

三位荣誉教授分别为前英格兰及威尔斯首席大法官暨香港特别行政区终审法院非常任法官伍尔夫勋爵、前香港首席大法官暨香港中文大学法律学院执行委员会主席杨铁梁爵士,以及促进公共行政法权威暨前剑桥大学校长David Williams爵士。

"We have made a good signing for the future in Jordy," said chief executive Rick Parry.


Anders Olshov, chief executive of the Swedish-based Oresund Institute, a think-tank, says dismissively that it is sad that Denmark has a party bent on isolating the country "like a Nordic Albania".

Anders Olshov ,基于瑞典的厄勒研究所的所长,则轻蔑地说丹麦有着这样一个党派,倾向于把他们的国家孤立为&北欧的阿尔巴尼亚&。

Before that he was managing director of Virgin/NTL subsidiary Premium TV, having joined from Huddersfield Town, where he had been chief executive and chairman for three years.

在那之前他是Premiun TV子公司Virgin/NTL的总经理,是从哈斯菲尔德足球俱乐部跳槽来的,他在哈斯菲尔德当了三年的CEO和主席。

But this time around the country's chief executive is N.S.


We have the money,' said James Dimon, chief executive of J.P.


"I don't think you are going to meet another chief executive out there who can say at the age of 18 they were carrying an M-16 in the swamps of Vietnam, and so know effectively what our front-line customer is doing today, only on the streets of Baghdad," he says."And yet also someone who has done all the course work for a PhD in business administration at an Ivy League university."


"WE RUN a business here—but instead of selling cars or candy to kids, we're selling hope and leadership," says Nancy Lublin, the chief executive of Do Something, a non-profit group which promotes volunteerism by teenagers.

&这里我们经营企业,并不是销售车子或糖果给孩子,我们所销售的希望和领导特质。&南西露伯林女士,非营利组织 Do Something 公司的董事解释(DoSomething意为做有意义的事)。

"We had had conversations with Lotus and weren't able to persuade them to make a deal with us," said Ricciardi, a veteran, like Louis V. Gerstner Jr., IBM's chief executive, of RJR Nabisco in its shell-shocked, post-takeover days.

&我们不得不会话与Lotus ,并没有能够说服他们作出处理表示,&我们ricciardi ,一位资深的一样,路易郭士纳五小, IBM的行政长官, rjr纳贝斯克在其壳震惊,后接管天。

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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。