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Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apple used the Yerba Buena Center last September when it hosted an iPod event that featured the first public appearance by Chief Executive Steve Jobs following his return from medical leave.

苹果公司曾在去年9月份用过了Yerba Buena中其心去举办一个iPod事件,当时以其总裁Steve Jobs休病假后第一次公开亮相而引起注意。

New York state's attorney-general has reportedly issued a subpoena to Bank of America demanding data on its most well-rewarded employees. A penitent Peter Wuffli, ousted as UBS's chief executive in July 2007, has returned SFr12m ($10m) in bonus entitlements to the Swiss bank.

据报导纽约州首席检察官已经发传票给美国银行索要其有关薪酬最高雇员的数据。2007年7月被逐出瑞士联合银行的前执行总裁 Peter Wuffli 满是懊悔地把所得的一千二百万瑞士法郎的奖金退还给了瑞士银行。

As the chief executive of a state with a long and porous border with Mexico, she has a feel for well-policed frontiers.


Deutsche Bank, the biggest German bank, has had expansion in the United States "in sight since we bought Bankers Trust in 1998," said Seth Waugh, chief executive of Deutsche Bank Americas."We expect to win market share" in mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, trading and wealth management, he said.

德意志银行,德国最大的银行,已经在美国扩张了,&既然看到我们与1998年购买了银行家信托公司,&Seth Waugh,德意志银行美国的首席执行官表示,&我们希望赢得市场份额&在兼并和收购、资本市场、交易和财产管理等领域。

"We just thought geographically it made so much sense for the Yankees to come here — it seemed like a natural," said Kenneth Stickney, the chief executive for Mandalay."The geography made more sense than Columbus, Ohio. So many of the people in that area were Yankees fans to begin with. It was a two-horse race, but it was really the Yankees' to lose."

&我们只是认为地理上,洋基到此是非常合理的-似乎像是天生的,& Kenneth Stickney说,他是Mandalay首席执行长,&地理的特性比俄亥俄州Columbus更适合,那地区埵陶\多人因此开始成为洋基迷,这就像是两匹马的比赛,但真正的,却是洋基输了。&

Newman served as Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Bankers Trust Corporation, a major international bank based in New York.


MILAN - In the splash page of Acmilan.com website you can enjoy the photograph of Milan chief executive Adriano Galliani in the trophy room at Milan headquarters in via Turati while he is awarding the secretary of the coaching staff, Mary Buscaglia, with a plate carrying a dedication from president Silvio Berlusconi.

米兰-在米兰官网封面你可以欣赏到米兰首席执行官阿德里亚诺·加里亚尼在via Turati的米兰总部荣誉室的照片,当时他正在给教练组秘书玛丽·布斯卡里亚颁奖,奖品是一个带有希尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼主席题词的盘子。

The trial will coincide with a trip to China by Tom Albanese, Rio's chief executive.


Wei Sun Christianson, chief executive of Morgan Stanley China, said that outbound deals would continue to be driven by the country's thirst for energy security.


On the morning of Sept. 19, Morgan Stanley Chief Executive John Mack phoned Mr. Buffett in hopes of arranging a deal, possibly a large credit line Morgan could tap.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。