英语人>网络例句>Chief Executive 相关的网络例句
Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In late 2001, General Electric chairman and chief executive Jack Welch will turn over the reins to his star protégé and hand-picked successor, Jeffrey Immelt.

在 2001 后期,一般的电主席和执行长杰克威尔许中将会对他的星 prot é g é和精选的继承者,杰弗里 Immelt 翻倒缰绳。

"We appreciate the guidance and vote of confidence provided by the FDA in establishing a treatment protocol for prGCD and are working closely with physicians and patient advocacy groups to allow Gaucher disease patients to gain access to our drug," commented Dr. David Aviezer, the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer.


Carl-Henric Svanberg, the chief executive of Ericsson, the world's largest maker of telecoms-network gear, reckons that the actual number of people with mobile phones is closer to 3.6 billion.

据世界上最大的电信网络工程的制造者爱立信公司的首席执行官Carl-Henric Svanberg估计,拥有移动电话的实际人数接近36亿。

At the end of May, to comply with the law, Alcatel-Lucent, a maker of telecoms gear, changed its contract with its chief executive, Patricia Russo.

五月末,依据法律, Alcatel-Lucent 一家通讯设备零件制造商和它的首席执行官 Patricia Russo 修改了雇用合同。

Carl-Henric Svanberg, the chief executive of Ericsson, the world's largest maker of telecoms-network gear, reckons that the actual number of people with mobile phones is closer to 3.6 billion.

全球最大的电信网络设备制造商——爱立信的CEO卡尔亨瑞克?斯瓦恩伯格(Carl-Henric Svanberg)认为实际的手机用户数字应该接近36亿。

However, David Gill, the chief executive, has indicated that he and his fellow board members have persuaded the Glazers to modify their previous business plan in a welcome return to the status quo in the Old Trafford boardroom.


FIFA was rent with bitterness, conspiracies and back-stabbing, there was a seismic power struggle between the President and his chief executive, and the greenhorns, oblivious in the chicken house to the grinding of football's tectonic plates beneath their feet, enthused about 'aspirationsetting workshops'.


FIFA was rent with bitterness, conspiracies and back-stabbing, there was a seismic power struggle between the President and his chief executive, and the greenhorns, oblivious in the chicken house to the grinding of football's tectonic plates beneath their feet, enthused about 'aspirationsetting workshops'.


Boots' chief executive, Richard Baker said:"The Chinese market has good growth potential and this move demonstrates our belief in the ability of the group to drive growth through developing opportunities in new markets."

博姿公司的 CEO Richard Baker说;&中国市场有良好的增长潜力,这一行动也表明我们公司有信心通过在新兴市场发现赢利机会来促进企业利润的增长。&

It is essential to establish a face-to-face relationship," says Roy McGregor, chief executive of Credit Suisse in Guernsey."


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。