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Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"We now look forward to the initiation and sponsorship by our partner, Keryx, of this key registration Phase 3 trial in refractory metastatic colorectal cancer in North America which they expect to complete in 2011, with product launch, in the USA, in 2012," noted Juergen Engel, PhD, president and chief executive officer of AEterna Zentaris, in company news release.

AEterna Zentaris主席与首席执行长Juergen Engel博士在公司新闻稿中表示,我们现在期待由合作夥伴Keryx赞助且发起的关键第三期临床研究,这项研究针对北美的治疗反应不佳、转移性大肠直肠癌患者,预计将於2011年完成,该药品也预计於2012年在美国上市。

"I don't see this as the time, particularly for sovereign-wealth funds, to pump in money," says John El Khair, adviser to the chief executive of the Qatar Investment Authority.


In Afghanistan telephone ladies take an average of eight months to pay off the microloan required to buy their equipment and then earn $50-100 a month, says Karim Khoja, chief executive of Roshan, the country's largest operator.


In February lifted a pay freeze that hit Chief Executive Jeffrey Kindler, lifting his pay to $1.8 million from $1.6 million.


We have had about 65 candidates take the survey,' says PCA Skin Chief Executive Richard Linder, who has filled 17 positions since June.

PCA Skin首席执行长林德说,我们让65位求职者进行了测试。他从6月份以来招募了17名新人。

"We are very pleased that the satellite is being shipped to the Baikonur launch base and we are looking forward to traveling to Kazakhstan for the August launch," said Peter Jackson, chief executive officer of AsiaSat."Our collaboration with Space Systems/Loral on this project has been very positive, and we expect to benefit from the company's long heritage of reliability in FSS satellites."

AsiaSat 5卫星基于劳拉太空系统公司的1300平台建造而成,携带了26台C波段和14台Ku波段转发器。C波段可扩展AsiaSat 2卫星的全亚洲覆盖范围,Ku波段覆盖范围包括三个高能光束,其中的两个光束将覆盖东亚和南亚,另外一个波束为在轨可控光束,能够定位并向卫星覆盖范围内的用户提供服务。

Ron Machan, chief executive of BearingPoint China, describes the rapid growth in importance of these companies to his firm.


High oil prices will continue to threaten global economic growth unless the Group of Eight industrialised countries take the lead in improving energy efficiency, Claude Mandil, chief executive of the International Energy Agency, said yesterday.


INQ chief executive Frank Meehan said: We're fortunate to attract some of the brightest talent in mobile, and create a global leadership team that will change the face of the device landscape.

& INQ行政长官弗兰克汉说:&我们很幸运,吸引了一些最聪明的人才流动,并创建一个全球性的领导班子,改变面对装置景观。

"A blend of good business leadership,responsible financial management and powerful marketing ... can be leveraged to create and grow corporate wealth."——Eileen Campbell, global chief executive of Millward Brown


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
