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Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Included Professor Lee Chack Fan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong; Mr Lai Pui Wing, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Award for Young people and Ms Chow Man Shan, 2002/2003 United College Social Service Award Gold Award Student also attended the Workshop to share with the participants their personal experiences in voluntary and social sevices.


On July 1st, 1997, 60-year-old Mr. Tung Chee Hwa of Hong Kong became the first Chief Executive of the HKSAR.


"These are very big, large retail banks," said Dain Ehring, chief executive of Dorado Corp., a San Mateo, Calif.-based mortgage technology company."There's a vested interest in keeping their customers."

总部位于圣马特奥的抵押贷款Dorado公司首席执行官Dain Ehring称,&这些都是大型的零售银行,对他们来说,挽留他们的客户有着巨大的潜在利益&。

LVMH, a successful French luxury-goods group whose customers are mostly women, has had just one female director over the past ten years: Delphine Arnault, daughter of the firm's chief executive and controlling shareholder.

LVMH是一家以女性为主要目标群的法国奢侈品集团,成绩卓著。该公司十年来只有一位女董事即公司总裁兼大股东的女儿Delphine Arnault。

Richard Dreiling, the new chief executive officer at Dollar General, recently spoke with The Tennessean about the company he joined two months ago and what it will take to drive growth during trying economic times.

折扣零售商达乐公司新上任的首席执行官Richard Dreiling在接受采访时谈到了他刚加盟两个月的公司将如何在经济困难时期实现增长。

In the UK, swheresthe rules are exhortatory rather than compulsory, one rule says the chief executive should not be, or go on to be, chairman.


If you don't follow the rules of an individual market place then I think you are getting irresponsible, says the company's chief executive, Andrew Ferrier.


If you don't follow the rules of an individual market place then I think you are getting irresponsible, says the company's chief executive, Andrew Ferrier.

对于把问题捂住这么长时间,Fonterra 公司的总裁Andrew Ferrier辩解说:如果你不遵守市场所在地的规则,那么我认为你是不负责任的。

Fonterra has defended its decision to keep its information under wraps for so long."If you don't follow the rules of an individual market place then I think you are getting irresponsible", says the company's chief executive, Andrew Ferrier.

Fonterra在为其为何将此事件掩盖了这么长时间才公之于众进行辩护时说:&如果你不按照市场的规则来,那我认为这是不负责的&,公司的CEO ,Andrew Ferrier说。

Andrew Ferrier, chief executive, said yesterday: In China, the domestic production base has grown quite substantially and they are quite close to being self-sufficient in milk supply.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
