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Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"We absolutely don't condone breaking the law," said Sarah Wootton, chief executive, despite it being clear that Mrs Inglis was motivated by love and compassion.

"我们当然不能宽恕她触犯法律。""死的尊严"负责人Sarah Wootton说:尽管我们知道她此举是出于爱与怜悯。

" Sarah Wootton, chief executive of Dignity in Dying, which campaigns for a new right to assisted dying, said:"These figures show that the situation in this country is forcing people into difficult and dangerous decisions - to go abroad for an assisted death, or ask their doctor or a relative to help them die, or to attempt suicide themselves, some of which end up being botched.

" "有尊严地死去"组织正推行一个争取安乐死权利的运动,该组织执行负责人莎拉·伍顿说,"Dignitas医院的数字表明,英国的现状是逼迫人们作出困难而危险的决定——到国外去安乐死,或者是要求医生和亲人帮助他们死去,或者企图自杀。

Sarah Wootton, chief executive of Dignity in Dying, which campaigns for a new right to assisted dying, said: These figures show that the situation in this country is forcing people into difficult and dangerous decisions - to go abroad for an assisted death, or ask their doctor or a relative to help them die, or to attempt suicide themselves, some of which end up being botched.


But Zak Brown, chief executive of the agency JM which represents many formula one sponsors, said Ecclestone's apology in the wake of the saga "was needed".


If he gets it, what's he likely to do there, and is his brand of rabble-rousing what Chief Executive Ed Zander needs most?

如果他取得了他可能会就任的位置,那麼他的煽动暴民风格是总裁Ed Zanderd最需要的吗?

At Nomacorc LLC, a maker of synthetic wine corks in Zebulon, N.C., Chief Executive Lars von Kantzow says the company's exports are being hurt by two new factors: Wine consumption in Europe is going down in many key markets as a result of the recession. And amid a credit crunch, retailers, distributors and wineries are all rushing to cut their inventories in an effort to free up cash.

位于北卡罗来纳州的合成酒瓶塞生产商Nomacorc LLC首席执行长Lars von Kantzow表示,公司的出口受到两种新增因素的影响:经济衰退导致欧洲多个重要市场的酒类消费减少;信贷危机期间,零售商、分销商和酒厂纷纷减少存货以释放现金。

Credit Agricole Shenzhen Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd. Fu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, told Han Zhidong,"Business News", when the rush to market All into one of the industry, he would choose to give up.


The canal's share of traffic between East Asia and America's East Coast has risen from 11% to 40%, according to Alberto Alemán Zubieta, the ACP's chief executive.

据运河管理局总裁Alberto Alemán Zubieta表示,在东亚到美国东海岸的交通运输总流量中,通过巴拿马运河的运量由11%上升到40%。

More than aquarter cited pressure from the chief executive and the board for their restlessness,while 8per cent said their rising pay had made it possible to contemplate retirement or changing jobs altogether.


But Sveinung Svarte, Athabasca's chief executive, told the Financial Times that "both of us have to reach decisions on the major issues".


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
