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Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The deal is a coup for Addax Chief Executive Jean Claude Gandur, one of the founders and principal shareholders in the company.

这桩交易对 Addax首席执行长甘德尔来说是笔绝好的生意。

Part of the management team that turned Aetna around, he became chief executive two years ago.


He then found his own consultancy firm in 1996, and today is Chief Executive Officer and President of Agon Hotels and Resorts Ltd.

今天, 他是雅安酒店及渡假村有限公司的行政总裁及董事长。

In 1996, and today is Chief Executive Officer and President of Agon Hotels and Resorts


In July 2005, Mr Agon came back to the group's head-office in Paris to prepare, along side Mr Owen-Jones, his new role as Group Chief Executive Officer.


Yet that is not to say that Dame Anita will not be able to find a happy partnership with Sir Lindsay and Jean-Paul Agon, the Frenchman who will succeed him in April as chief executive and who has already signalled his intention to accelerate sales growth - by unconventional means if necessary.

然而,那并不是说,安妮塔女爵就将无法与欧文中和让—保罗?阿贡(Jean-Paul Agon)合作愉快。法国人阿贡将于今年4月接替欧文中的首席执行官职务,他已经表示,有意提高销售增长速度——如果必要的话,将采取非传统方式。

Three have been awarded the Grand Bauhinia Medal, including the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang,夏利莱 Indian entrepreneurs, as well as the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Chief Executive Joseph Yam.


The panellists are Professor Phil Scraton, author of Hillsborough book The Truth; Katy Jones, a TV producer behind the McGovern drama-documentary on the disaster; eter Sissons, the Liverpool-born newsreader; Paul Leighton CBE, former Deputy Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland; Dr Bill Kirkup CBE, former associate medical director at the Department of Health; Christine Gifford, a member of the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Council on Public Sector Information; and Sarah Tyacke, former chief executive of the National Archives.


The Economist , for one, seems to be coping just fine with its chief executive and deputy editor stranded in New York, its New York bureau chief working out of the London office and its central Europe correspondent wrestling with Mitteleuropa 's trains and autobahns .


Mervyn Davies, the chairman and former chief executive of Standard Chartered Bank, believes that one of the most important differentiators between good and bad international chief executives is their ability to sleep on a plane, which has a knock-on effect on their family life.

渣打银行董事长和前首席执行管Mervyn Davies认为一个重要的区分好坏国际化首席执行官的因素是他们在飞机上睡觉的能力,这对他们家庭生活具有连锁效应。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
