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Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And they have to carefully select the chief executive officer (minister without portfolio responsible for gender/women's affairs) to make sure that she has expertise, global perspective, managerial skills, political influence and commitment to feminist ideals.

二次战后,在联合国、欧盟、世界银行、APEC等国际组织和亚洲协会、福特基金会等美国援外机构大力促导之下,性别平等一直是国际社会关注的议题之一,并且随著国际政经情势的变化,以不同的语言,结合不同的策略,由外往内,给予各国政府压力和诱因,将性别平等建制化;同时也提供资金及论述,刺激和引导了在地妇女运动的发展。1946年联合国妇女地位委员会成立之后,以联合国为主的国际组织曾先后以提升妇女地位或促进性别平等为目标,要求各国政府设立妇女地位委员会(commission on the status of women)、发展妇女参与国家发展方案、设置妇女政策机制(women's policy machinery)或性别平等机制,均广为各国政府遵从,2004年165个国家都因而设有某种提倡两性平等的政府机制,1995年北京世界妇女大会提出性别主流化做为全球性策略之后,十余年间也蔚为国际风潮,甚至成为国家进步的指标。

"The Mino is designed to be with you and let you be creative and share with the world all the visible and viral things you capture," said Jonathan Kaplan, chief executive of Pure Digital Technologies.


He deals with specific complaints from the public against administrative injustice and misadministration. He has the power to investigate, report upon, and make recommendations about individual cases and administrative procedures. His authority and influence derive from the fact that he is appointed by and reports to one of the principal organs of state, usually either the parliament or the chief executive.


Aviva's Europe chief executive Andrea Moneta said Ireland's low tax regime would help the company's tax bill but said efficiency gains did not depend on it.


Bashang broad grassland scenery beautiful, American-style villa enjoy, small sub-quota for investment, a comprehensive high-quality after-sales service, coupled with the "mongo'mongo Bashang villa tide to Good Shepherd Mass time share investment vacation mode operation and the promotion of Chief Executive Officer Michael confidently say: this project is that we "the former but not the ancients, the latter not to is no exaggeration to.

坝上草原风景秀丽,美国式的别墅享受,小分额的投资,全面高质量的售后服务,再加上" mongo'mongo坝上别墅潮流良好牧人的份额投资大众的时间休假模式操作和促进首席执行官迈克尔自信地说:这个项目是我们"前,但不是古人,后者不是毫不夸张地。

Some, such as Robert Morrice, chief executive of Barclays Capital in Asia, note a lack of reciprocity in the West in granting access to emerging-market banks.

一些人,比如亚洲Barclays资本的首席执行官Robert Morrice,提到了通过允许他们进入新兴市场的银行并不能使得他们在西方获得相同的好处。

Rob Katz the chief executive of Vail Resorts Inc. a mountain resort chain based in Broomfield Colo.

科罗拉多州Broomfield一家山地度假连锁酒店Vail Resorts Inc。

"While it's disappointing to report a loss for the fourth quarter, there were a number of important accomplishments worth noting," said chief executive Brian Moynihan.


Mr. Moynihan's trip is the latest of several overseas visits since he was promoted to chief executive.


Naguib Sawiris, Orascom's chief executive, also owns Weather Investments, which paid euro12.1 billion last year to take control of Wind, Italy's third-largest mobile operator.

Orascom 的首席执行官 Naguib Sawiris 还拥有 Weather Investments 。去年,该投资公司以121亿欧元获得了意大利第三大移动运营商 Wind 的控制权。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
