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Chief Executive相关的网络例句

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与 Chief Executive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Renato de Guzman, Asia chief executive of the Dutch bank's private bank, said his unit had built up a $23 billion pool of assets, with average annual growth of 34 percent over the last four years.

雷纳托德皮诺切特,亚洲总裁,荷兰银行的私人银行表示,他的单位已经建立了230亿美元池的资产,平均每年增长34 %,过去四年来的。

"The industry had a very weak third quarter and an extremely weak fourth quarter so our comparables look better," Maytag's new chief executive Ralph Hake told Reuters yesterday."Our sense is the actual unit volumes aren't going to change much...they're going to be about flat."

Maytag的新首席执行官Ralph Hake对路透社说,"整个行业去年第三季度十分疲软,第四季度更甚,我们相对来说较好,""我们的感觉是实际单产不会有很大变化,……将比较平缓。"

In a statement, chief executive Charles Haldeman said Freddie Mac wanted to raise its underwriting standards and beef up its credit quality.


His approach in the crisis has been that of a hard-driving chief executive, not a politician.


Chinese researchers vow not to repeat that mistake when developing the next drug. When Li decided to take Kanglaite global,"our very capable patent attorneys soon got a process patent and a use patent on the Kanglaite Injection," says John Harmer, chief executive officer of Salt Lake City-based Kanglaite USA, a subsidiary of Li's Zhejiang Kanglaite Pharmaceutical Co.

所以,中国研究者吸取教训不想再犯这种错误,当李大鹏在全世界推广康莱特时,浙江康莱特制药公司的子公司康莱特美国公司的首席执行官John Harmer先生说"我们优秀的律师很快就申请了康莱特注射剂的加工专利和使用专利"。

From 1996 to 1998, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Unilever HPC Helene Curtis Business Unit.


Steve Bollenbach, HHC's co-chairman and chief executive, said the transaction was "the final and logical step in a process that began in 1997" with the signing of a strategic alliance between the two companies.


Enron was a prodigious hirer of MBAs, including Jeff Skilling, its chief executive.


James Hackett, chairman and chief executive of Anadarko, one of the US's largest independent oil and gas companies, said in an interview:"The histrionic and maniacal focus on carbon dioxide is intellectually repugnant to me."


Xinhua Frankfurt on November 20 Mar (Reporter Xun public younger brother) Germany's BMW chief executive Norbert Hofer 20, Wright said that even if the current market downturn is expected in 2009 will achieve Profits.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
