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与 C-format 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The book is presented in a user-friendly handbook format, with use of tables and algorithms to ensure that it is portable, accessible and can be read and referred to on, or before going to, the ward, or before a domiciliary visit.


With Dot Matrix Pilot, you can save your form in PDF format.


An ambiguous condition exists if the exponent of r is too large to be accommodated in IEEE double-precision format.

如果 r 的指数部分大於能以 IEEE 双精确格式容纳时,将会有模稜两可的情况存在。

If the significand of the internal representation of r has more precision than the IEEE double-precision format, it will be rounded using the round to nearest rule.

如果内部表示法 r 的有效位数比 IEEE 双精确格式有更多的精确度,它将会被以四舍五入到最近值规则来四舍五入。

The pattern books you will receive in digital format both downloadable and on ...


If you send your works by email, they should be in JPEG format and at least 300 DPI.


If you send your works by email, they should be in JPEG format and at least 150 DPI.

-如果您发送电子邮件的作品,应在J PEG格式,并至少有1 50部。

The cartoons should be in JPG format, in 1200 pixel size, and with 150 dpi resolutions.

这些漫画应以JPG格式的1200像素尺寸,并与150 dpi的决议。

I've scanned the papers at 300 and 600 dpi and I've saved the images in bitmap and JPEG format.

我已经扫描的文件在300和600 dpi和我已经保存的图像位图和JPEG格式。

Is that Bammes book you often mention available in electronic format? I already have that Loomis book Figure drawing for all it worth, but it focuses on the overall shape of the body and not on the body parts. So I could really use some recommendations.


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Touch It (Remix)
Touch It (Remix 2)
The Format
Touch It (Remix 3)
Magician Reversed
Rock Show
Touch It

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
