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与 Booth 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Often repair shoemaker to hold in the palm hold what placing oneself in a corner of market in the palm to mend shoes booth, appear had had 10 years.


Booth: You seriously believe all that hoo-ha ?


The hustings was formerly the booth where votes are taken, or the platform on which candidate stand to speak, but now the word is used simply to mean 'an election'.


The hustings are formerly the booth where votes are take , or the platform on which candidate stand to speak , but now the word be used simply to mean ' an election

过去" hustings "一词是指投票站,或指候选人发表演讲的讲台。现在用此词所表示的意思就是"选举"

Our domestic and international pulp market summary and analysis of columns and related characteristics, such as:"Pulp city scan" and "paper market" and "hundred schools of thought contend","Landscape","Products booth,""Voice of India package "In the paper industry is unique in the media, by the paper industry and related industries colleagues welcome.


Chicago Booth offers an unprecedented level of flexibility and individualization in an advanced management program.


Based on the principle of double-layer wall sound insulating and porous absorption, a six cubic meter isolation booth is designed according to the characteristics of stored grain insect action sound.


The ambient noise is uniformly insulated between 125 Hz and 2000 Hz, averagely insulating sound about 22 dB, by the isolation booth, and that fits in with the spectrum and SPL of stored grain insect action sound.


The methods for controlling transformer noise are introduced: for noise source control,using high-quality silicon-steel sheet,and adopting effective measures in transformer design,techniques and installation;for noise propagation control,adopting muffler device,sound insulation board and isolation booth,etc.to enhance noise attenuation.


"Booth:Family of actors, including Junius Brutus, a British-born Shakespearean actor who in 1821 immigrated to the United States, and his sons Edwin Thomas, noted for his portrayal of Hamlet, and John Wilkes, the assassin of President abraham Lincoln."


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Toll Booth Willie
DJ Booth Freestyle
I Have The Body Of John Wilkes Booth
Phone Booth
Phone Booth In Heaven
Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In Hand
Fire In The Booth
Phone Booth
My Cape Is Stuck In The Phone Booth
Lunacy Booth

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
