英语人>网络例句>Booth 相关的网络例句

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与 Booth 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have seen you bags all around the fairground of the Big 5 show, so I came to your booth to tell you how much I like this sourcing platform and how much this website has helped me find new suppliers.


That neighboring theater, the Booth, is where Ralph Fiennes performs each night in Faith Healer. And sometimes the chanting takes place during one of his long, quiet speeches.


Will be used to produce fascia board at your booth.


The company name above will be used for the fascia board production at your booth.


White fascia board with Blue company name and booth number.

白底蓝色之公司名称及摊位号码 3。

Exhibitors occupying a corner booth have the choice of having the side panel replaced by a fascia board complete with company name, at no additional cost.

v 在角落的展台可以将边侧展板换为带有公司名称的楣板,不另外收取费用。

Fees for standard booth consist of exhibition area, wainscot with the height of 2.5 m, production of the fascia board, carpet of 9 Sq.

标准展位费用:包括展出场地、2.5m 高壁板、楣牌制作、9平方米地毯、洽谈桌一张、二把椅子、220V 电源插座一个、日光灯二支。

Notes: Standard booth is provided with three display panels, one table and two chairs, two spot lights, one fascia board, one power socket(220V 5A).

说 明:标准展位配置为三面展板、一桌二椅、二只照明射灯、一条楣板、(220V·5A)电源插座一个。

The above details will be used to make fascia board, set up booth and compile Show Directory. The official contractor is required to engage in the above service. If there are any changes of the above details, please notify the organizing office in written form by June 1st, otherwise the exhibitor is liable


Booth configurations: three of the hoardings, fascia board in Chinese and English, a negotiating table, two chairs, two fluorescent lamps, 220 V/10A a power socket


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Toll Booth Willie
DJ Booth Freestyle
I Have The Body Of John Wilkes Booth
Phone Booth
Phone Booth In Heaven
Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In Hand
Fire In The Booth
Phone Booth
My Cape Is Stuck In The Phone Booth
Lunacy Booth

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
