英语人>网络例句>Big 相关的网络例句
与 Big 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This course is intended for installation engineers and others responsible for installing, configuring and troubleshooting the BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager product.

课程主要针对安装工程师和其它负责对 BIG-IP 全局流量管理器进行安装,配置和故障解决的人士。

The BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager course is designed for networking professionals to renew their understanding of DNS network systems and wide-area networks, master pre-installation information gathering, and apply this information to the process of installing a GTM System.

BIG-IP 全局流量管理器课程使网络专业人士对域名服务器网络系统和广域网有一个重新的认识,掌握安装前的信息搜集,将信息应用到安装全局流量管理器系统的过程中。

Acting mainly the well-known brand, Panasonic Electrical Products; Hitachi motor; Hitachi electrical tools; SMC Pneumatic items; KOGANEI pneumatic tools; Mitsubishi Motors, various blades, raw material products; Kyocera blade products; OSG bit, cutter, Tap products; Sampoong measurement tools and measuring instruments categories related products; NT knife handle products; BIG knife handle category Products; FSK wheel products; THK linear guide, screw type; NSK, NTN, NACHI bearing; Omron electrical switch products; East electrical products; Youyan of oil Products; citizen lathe products; JAM the lathe, machining center fixture products; KHS the lathe, machining center fixture products; OKK processing center, and other processing equipment products.

代理的知名品牌主要有,松下电工系列产品;日立电机类;日立电动工具类;SMC气动件产品;KOGANEI气动工具类;三菱电机、各种刀片、原材料类产品;京瓷刀片类产品;OSG钻头、铣刀、丝锥类产品;三丰测量工具及测量仪器类相关产品; NT刀柄类产品;BIG刀柄类产品;FSK砂轮类产品;THK直线导轨、丝杠类;NSK、NTN、NACHI轴承;欧姆龙电器开关类产品;东方电机类产品;油研油压件产品;西铁城车床类产品;JAM的车床、加工中心用夹具系列产品;KHS的车床、加工中心用夹具系列产品;OKK加工中心等加工设备类产品。

Recently, a file was uploaded to the Internet purporting to be a copy of a letter from Big Spring High School to a student regarding a two hour detention.

最近有一个文件在网上流传,被指为Big Spring高中对某学生实施两小时禁闭的决议副本。

This may be a failure with equipment (e.g. a broken steering line or a big tuck during the flight) which is not a result of the pilot's poor preflight check, or massive sink such that a pilot is unable to reach the target or arrives with insufficient height tomake a reasonable final approach.

这可能是设备故障(如操纵绳断裂或飞行中的一个大夹翼 big tuck ),并非因飞行员的飞行前检查不足,或严重下沉造成飞行员无法到达目标区或到达时没有足够的高度,以作出合理的最终进航﹙ final approach ﹚。

Triple Crown contender Big Brown has missed two days of training with a slight injury to his left front foot, but a trainer says the colt should be fine for the Belmont Stakes.

三重冠竞争者Big Brown已经两天没有参加训练了由于它前面的左腿有轻微的受伤。但是一名驯马师说这批小马会很康复并参加贝尔蒙的绕桩比赛。

Triple Crown contender Big Brown has missed two days of training with a slight injury to his left front foot, but a trainer says the colt should be fine for the Belmont Stakes.

争夺三冠王的Big Brown由于左前脚的轻伤错过了2天训练,但一名训马师说它再比赛时会好起来的。

A big Star of David and hopefully not some cheesy song lyric that someone thinks looks cool.

&A big Star of David&。但愿不会题上一些某些人认为很酷的破烂歌词。

There have been homework questions about how the Big Bang theory and evolution prove the existence of God.

也就是一个老师留了讨论作业,用the Big Bang theory和达尔文的进化论来证明上帝的存在

CBS"s "The Big Bang Theory is a successful example of this type in recent years as one.

CBS的《The Big Bang Theory》就是近年来这种类型的成功典范之一。

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Big Cars Big House
Big Girl Big City
A Town Called Big Nothing (Really Big Nothing)
Big Love, Big Heartache
Big Big World
Big Big World (TNT's Big Phat Mix)
Big Big Love (Fig. 2)
Big Big Kid
Big Big Love
Big (The Big Show Theme)

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
