英语人>网络例句>Be 相关的网络例句
与 Be 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a user, he or she can only choice rules for reasoning, can't add rules for reasoning If some new rules want be used for reasoning, the software developer must recode the software But it' impossible for users The thought is very fascinating that users can add some new rules for reasoning but the software doesn't need be recoded, not only for users, but also for the software developer This technology can make computers reasoning more powerfully, or reasoning more quickly by some new rules be used, and it can be adjusted for different teaching books, and it can become perfect itself.


If possible, also, they should be branched or reticulated with other ways of a similar class, so that no part of the town should finally be many minutes' walk from some one of them; and they should be made interesting by a process of planting and decoration, so that in necessarily passing through them, whether in going to or from the park, or to and from business, some substantial recreative advantage may be incidentally gained.


B The precise place of destination shall always be safe and accessible for the Tug and Tow to enter, to operate in, and for the Tug to leave and shall be a place where such Tug is permitted to redeliver the Tow in accordance with any local or other rules, requirements or regulations and shall always be subject to the approval of the Tugowner, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.


B The precise place of destination shall always be safe and accessible for the Tug and Tow to enter, to operate in, and for the Tug to leave and shall be a place where such Tug is permitted to redeliver the Tow in accordance with any local or other rules, requirements or regulations and shall always be subject to the approval of the Tugowner, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.


The critical nitrogen content in heading period was used to calculate the biggest accumulation quantity of nitrogen. The latent distribution index of leaf and stem, which was the variety heredity parameter, were used to distinguish the difference in nitrogen assignment in different varieties. The dynamic content of the nitrogen accumulation before anthesis could be described with a Richards model. The dynamic content of the nitrogen remobilization in leaf with leaf area index could be described with a power model, and the nitrogen absorption of grain from soil with dry weight could be described with a power model. The dynamic content of nitrogen density in stem and spike with physiological development time could be described with a nonlinear model.


Sure, calling may be +EV in some of those situations but many don't even consider the +EV situation a reraise would set up for them and how much greater that EV would be than that of calling (the same thing often applies in many spots as far as raising vs overlimping, where both may be +EV but raising may be a much better option).

当然,跟注在某些情况下是+EV 的,但是很多人没有考虑到再加注是否也是+EV 的,以及再加注所增加的 EV 是否大于跟注(同样的比较也可以应用在加注和跛入的选择上,同样是+EV 的,往往加注要比跛入更好)。

J1 i# \ Sure, calling may be +EV in some of those situations but many don't even consider the +EV situation a reraise would set up for them and how much greater that EV would be than that of calling (the same thing often applies in many spots as far as raising vs overlimping, where both may be +EV but raising may be a much better option).

当然,跟注在某些情况下是+EV 的,但是很多人没有考虑到再加注是否也是+EV 的,以及再加注所增加的 EV 是否大于跟注(同样的比较也可以应用在加注和跛入的选择上,同样是+EV 的,往往加注要比跛入更好)。

Dear: I know you don't like English And I can't imagine whe you retter But this letter ish't a joke So pleuse read the letter patiently First I know you is from mysister your formen girl frieng I still Can't wnders thand why you chouse me Be fore that phone call we just strangers and we will not know edch other forever But I'm you girlfriend now Now we are used to calling eaeh other every day You always so tired afthe a day's nork However I don't know how to Comfort you To be honest I don't believe a man's sweet I choose to fvust you maybe I'm easy to be deceived If I always say "I Don't you" make you feer unlapay please forgive me Don't be worried.


Speak of to why be fourth Lei be not being shown when hill is not roric alone alone medium he, xu Xin speaks of, we were done whole the research that made a trade, he should be a tertiary, but when I see Ding Lei, I say your company, he says us the first ah, I am best, although he is that, I feel he is not resembling of come to an agreement or understanding is to be being shown off, he is genuinely and sincerely feels he is best, I feel entrepreneur has this kind of mind also is very important, say you have so an ideal becomes soldier of industry file leader with this great ambition, I feel this is quite important.


The characteristic of this installation compared with toe technologys now availatble is as follows; it needs no driving power, the structure of which is very simple; the water-supply height is not restricted for any factors within the most scops. Using H-O internal storing high-pressure gas pope as the pessure device, we can at least make the water-supply height to be 403.2 metres. If we use 16MPa mine filter press, transfering water freeboard can be very, and the height of weater-supply will be at least 1,644 meters, If the strenth of alloyed steel is desighed to be at least 50kg per square millimeters, the water-supply height will reach 50,565.6 metres.


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If Ya Wanna Be Bad Ya Gotta Be Good
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Be What You Be
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
You Got To Be Ready For Love (If You Wanna Be Mine)
It Must Be Tough ... To Be That Cool
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)
Be And Be Not Afraid
Be What It's Gonna Be
It Has To Be You, It Has To Be Me

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
