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Notably, compounds 12–14 can be described as a 3D open–framework with nano–channels, compound 15 can be described as a 3D open–framework with double helical channels, while compound 16 can be described as a 3D heterochiral coordination polymer with double helical channels, which can be obtained by spontaneous resolution from the racemic phosphonic acid.X–ray powder diffraction analysis shows that compound 16 is a pure phase. Surface photovoltage spectroscopy of compound 16 indicates that it possesses positive SPV response in the range of 300–600 nm and shows p–type semiconductor characteristic.


Then, face corrupt action, a lot of people although detest, but the courage that hits out without the front however, such awkwardness is as rare as what be ready to help others for a just cause be short of be exactly the same -- as a result of corruption person often mastering more substantial society natural resources, the risk that informs against corrupt place to want to assume more very at be ready to help others for a just cause, because lack enough and effective protection, homiletic enough of blood makes the successor flinchs.


If using humidly hardener, the surface can be humid, but there should not be any panice. b the surface should be fastness, compact and smooth, without any sand streak, floppy shell, crack, comb,bug holes. Using light blasting spray to clean the unevenness and incompact raffle, and getting the appropriate roughness, filling the crack with HF61-30 mixed with fine sand. C the surface must be clean, and have no oil stain.


Needle taking place is commonly used the rescue that changes cure and danger to weigh a patient at patient of children, tumour, in infusion, because secure not firm outside can bringing about syringe needle slippery haemorrhage to be in charge of, cause local strut, aching, serious person can send infiltration of the certain pharmaceuticals that change cure to cause subcutaneous tissue hypodermically necrotic or the liquid cannot be defeated in time note and illness of incur loss through delay, new puncture increases the patient's anguish not only, also increased economic burden to also can be affected at the same time to the patient nurse working quality, the course relapses clinical experiment, my division adopts vein to accept the annular and fixed method of buy needle, obtained better result, introduce as follows now. 1 method is taken fixed stick (needle taking place is deployed) together, the disinfection that wide 10cm controls wraps cloth, two paragraphs of end are seamed on after sticking glue to buckle vein to leave buy needle puncture to succeed, convention is secured with adhesive plaster, next the ground degree of tightness will take stalk of handle of buy pinhead, needle, needle to be in firmly aptly fixed and fixed stick , next annular in blood-vessel twine stick on stick buckle. 2 experience apply this method to secure vein to left buy needle method to reduce the patient's anguish, reduced cost, provided mobile space for the patient, also avoid heparin cap prolapse, still facilitate observation puncture is nodded, do not affect hematic use, gauze pad can alleviate heparin cap is oppressive and unwell, reduce infusion pollution.

概要: 留置针常用于小儿、肿瘤患者化疗及危重患者的抢救,在输液中,由于固定不牢可导致针头滑出血管外,引起局部肿胀,疼痛,严重者可致某些化疗药物渗入皮下造成皮下组织坏死或液体不能及时输注而延误病情,重新穿刺不仅增加病人的痛苦,也给病人增加了经济负担同时也会影响护理工作质量,经过反复临床实验,我科采取静脉留置针的环形固定方法,取得了较好的效果,现介绍如下。1方法取固定贴一块,宽10cm左右的消毒包布,两段端缝上粘胶扣静脉留置针穿刺成功后,常规用胶布固定,然后将根据松紧适宜将留置针头、针柄、针梗处牢牢固定固定贴,然后在血管中环形缠绕粘上粘扣。2心得应用此方法固定静脉留置针方法减少了患者的痛苦,降低了费用,为患者提供了活动的空间,也避免肝素帽脱垂,还便于观察穿刺点,不影响血运,纱布衬垫可缓解肝素帽压迫不适,减少输液污染。

These two implicational universals can be drawn from the two principles:"The bigger the numerals are, the more they tend to be nouns; the smaller they are, the more they tend to be adjectives" and "Ordinals tend to be adjective more often than cardinals".


The results indicate that the different thermal expansions and elastoplastic properties and distributed randomness of various mineral particles composed of oil shale will lead to the nonuniformity of thermal field, deformation field and stress field in heating process, which makes the particles of oil shale deform incompatibly: and the release of product pyrolysis results in irreversible damages of oil shale material and structure. These are the main reasons for the thermal fracture of oil shale. When oil shale is heated through thermal conduction, temperature transfers slowly, so the spacing between heating well and production well should not be kept too long. When difference exists in oil shale reservoir's properties, heating well should be chosen in the high conductivity region. Oil shale's stratification is vital for developing permeation zone in in-situ retorting. Oil shale will generate additional expansion force as it reaches its pyrolysis temperature, and stratification will be cracked first, so the oil shale stratification should be utilized to enhance its permeability.


Choose medicaments correctly, reasonable use medicaments, in order to make sure with medicine safety is mixed effective will be henceforth the main task that clinical medicine learns, for solution control hospital the clinical current situation that use drug reachs existence issue, promote the development of the reasonable job that use drug, raise a hospital reasonable the level that uses drug, the prescription of two place has outpatient service of author general hospital, be in hospital analytic research, summary goes out unreasonable a few big states that use drug, undertake classified at the same time. 1 clinical unreasonable with medical analysis each division all applies 1 abuse of 1 · or antibiotic of blind application antibiotic extensively, utilization rate amounts to 70% above, among them couplet is used rate be as high as 40%, appear even 2 couplet, triplex above, the commonnest abuse is infection of the upper respiratory tract, be admitted to hospital give 2~3 to plant antibiotic cure. 1 · of 1 · 1 without point to this kind to the cure that ask for uses drug unreasonable with medicine main show is in the person that the virus sex appeal such as hepatitis of sex of common cold, chicken pox, berpes zoster, virus is caught, in infection of not amalgamative bacterium, point to without what apply antibiotic ask for next using medicine. Incontrollable virus affects antibiotic, increase hepatic burden instead to patient of virus sex hepatitis.

梗概: 正确选择药物,并合理使用药物,以保证用药平安和有效是今后临床药学的重要任务,为了解把握医院临床用药目前状况及存在新问题,推动合理用药工作的发展,提高医院合理用药的水平,笔者将医院门诊、住院两处的处方进行分析探究,总结出不合理用药的几大状况,同时进行分类。1临床不合理用药的分析1·1滥用或盲目应用抗生素抗生素各科均广泛应用,使用率达70%以上,其中联用率高达40%,甚至出现二联、三联以上,最常见滥用为上呼吸道感染,入院给予2~3种抗生素治疗。1·1·1无指征的治疗用药这类不合理用药主要表现在普通感冒、水痘、带状疱疹、病毒性肝炎等病毒性感染者,在未合并细菌感染,无应用抗生素的指征下用药。

Subject to the conditions of this section and to such terms and conditions as the Administrator determines to be necessary to carry out the purposes of this title, the Administrator is authorized to guarantee, and to make commitments to guarantee, the principal and interest (including interest accruing between the date of default and the date of the payment in full of the guarantee) of any loan, obligation, or participation therein of any State, municipality, or intermunicipal or interstate agency issued directly and exclusively to the Federal Financing Bank to finance that part of the cost of any grant-eligible project for the construction of publicly owned treatment works not paid for with Federal financial assistance under this title, which project the Administrator has determined to be eligible for such financial assistance under this title, including, but not limited to, projects eligible for reimbursement under section 206 of this title. No guarantee, or commitment to make a guarantee, may be made pursuant to this section—(1) unless the Administrator certifies that the issuing body is unable to obtain on reasonable terms sufficient credit to finance its actual needs without such guarantee; and (2) unless the Administrator determines that there is a reasonable assurance or repayment of the loan, obligation, or participation therein. A determination of whether financing is available at reasonable rates shall be made by the Secretary of the Treasury with relationship to the current average yield on outstanding marketable obligations of municipalities of comparable maturity.

依于这个部分的条件和对如此期限和条件象管理员确定是必要执行这个标题的目的,管理员被批准保证,并且做承诺保证,主要和兴趣(包括兴趣累积在缺省日期和付款的日期之间充分保证)的任何贷款,义务,或参与在其中任何状态,自治市,或intermunicipal 或跨境代办处直接地和完全被发布对联邦财务银行提供经费一部分的任何授予合格的项目的费用为公开地拥有的治疗工作的建筑没被支付以联邦经济援助在这个标题之下,哪个项目管理员确定是有资袼这样的经济援助在这个标题之下没有保证,或承诺做保证,可以被做寻求这个部分(1)除非管理员证明发布的身体无法获得在合理的期限充足的信用提供经费给它的实际需要没有这样的保证;并且(2)除非管理员确定有贷款的合理的保证或偿还,义务,或参与在其中。

If a quicksand, then he can Interphalangeal passage if a wind, then even if he can not use network will also network if a-heart, then Heaven and Earth will be on your tolerance, if your heart be healed, then you will be unfair to the World; If you get you want, then you will be satisfied; if you are in the shadow of life, then I can light up the sun


Results The bronchi stricture can be seen at lobar bronchus or segmental bronchus and the bronchial walls were thickened. No mass and opposite "S" sign can be found in all the cases. Among them,centripetal stricture can be found in 6 cases, and eccentric stricture in 11 cases. Bronchi stricture with obstructive atelectasis in 12 cases. In which "Air bronchogram" can be found in 9 cases. Bronchi stricture with pleural effusion in 8 cases. With intrabronchial polypoid shadows in 5 cases. With active pulmonary TB in 9 cases.


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If Ya Wanna Be Bad Ya Gotta Be Good
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Be What You Be
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
You Got To Be Ready For Love (If You Wanna Be Mine)
It Must Be Tough ... To Be That Cool
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)
Be And Be Not Afraid
Be What It's Gonna Be
It Has To Be You, It Has To Be Me

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
