英语人>网络例句>Be 相关的网络例句
与 Be 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"A Place To Be," devoted to Drake last summer at Seattle's Bumbershoot festival. It was also on display during

这部去年在西雅图雨伞节放映的黑白影片— A Place To Be ,由莱杰自编自导,并向德瑞克致敬

So, google put forward " Don't Be Evil " catchword.

所以,Google提出了"Don't be Evil"的口号。

Under the protection of fusing agent or gas, melting commercial-purity magnesium completely in copple, adding alloying element in formation of Al-Be hardener, commercial-purity aluminum, Al-Mn hardener, Mg-Re hardener and commercial-purity antimony, agitates to achieve uniform mixing, refining and casting.


"Always"之类的强调词,如: e.g.4 The Covenantor hereby undertakes to procure that the Customer will comply with all the Customer's obligations to you, the beneficiaries of this deed,but should the Customer default in the payment when due of any payment or default in complying with any other obligation, the Covenantor will, without the need for any demand, make immediate payment or performance thereof as the case may be, at the place, in the funds and currency and/or in the manner required of the Customer and without any withholding or deduction whatsoever PROVIDED ALWAYS HOWEVER that no time for limitation of liability in respect of this Deed shall begin to run in favor of the Covenantor unless and until one or both of you shall have made demand on the Covenantor, and if more than one demand is made, then only from the date and to the extent of each demand respectively.

订约人兹承诺:保证客户将履行其对贵方—即本契约之共同或单独受益人—应尽之所有义务,但是假如客户未支付任何到期的款项或未能履行任何其他义务,订约人将在无需要求的 13 情况下,在客户指定的地点,以所要求的款项及货币形式及/或付款方式,立即做出支付或履行本契约的义务,所付款项不得有任何扣留和减少。但是,除非组成贵方之一公司或两公司已经向订约人提出要求,否则有关本契约之债务时效任何时候都不得按有利于订约人一方的方式开始计算;如果贵方向订约人提出一项以上的要求,则分别按每项要求提出的日期及具体状况开始计算债务时效。 7, any person who"的引导和翻译:,""的引导和翻译:在法律条例中,尤其在各地的刑法典及条例中,"any person who does…shall be guilty of an offence 类句型重复率相当高, person who 用来指称具备一定条件之人, any 并不似 whoever 那样可泛指所有的人,此外,any person who 是个定语从句,后边可以带好几个并行成份的句子而读者读起来不感到吃力,这点也非 whoever 能比,在句法上,该句型有时会把主语和谓语用逗号分开,中间加插一个定语修饰词。

Inelastic neutron scattering spectra of YBa2Cu3O(6+δ) sample with several different oxygen contents δ have been obtained in the energy range from 10 to 150 meV at a new wide angle (~30°) Be-filter detecter spectrometer, CIAE,Beijing.


While such an identity is disputed, the site has been successfully identified with the city called Wilusa in Hittite texts; Ilion (which goes back to earlier Wilion with a digamma) is thought to be the Greek rendition of that name.

第二个附会,赫梯文献,凭啥?西方人这里的想象力,往往过剩。第三点,你看看清楚,对于王的确定,表达方式竟然是这样子,thought to be,原来这样也可以,大家thought to

"It is a serious crisis and we are here to solve all the problems relating to this crisis, to make that Guinea will again be a nation founded on law," said Dore.

"这是一个严重的危机和解决,我们在这里涉及到的所有问题,这一危机,使,几内亚will be on再次founded一国的法律,"说多尔。

To hit a person when he's down would be right up the double-dealer's alley.

be up one's alley可以直译为对某人的路子,表示是某人所长,合某人的胃口。

Be sure to select "my account is suspended" from the drop-down menu.


Dark"rehearsal room equipment:Guitar sound box: Fender STAGE100 Peavey scorpion 112 Bass sound boxes: ROSS 60w Keyboard sound box: Peavey KB100 Drum: The BLSAT high-level fifth or the last watch of the night,the drum skin is the REMO oil skin Rent: 20RMB /1H Drummer:10RMB/1H rehearsal room address: Hongkou area Quyang road 621 underground approach north Zhongshan two groups transportations: 123 sectors, 817,115,116,405,142,751,329,848,554,134 the orbital transportation line3 Chifeng road stands walks 10 minutes then to arrive this rehearsal room to be located on Tongji University outside nearby the second dawn, welcome these universities the student orchestra to come to rehearse Telephone: Jing Yuan Zhang:13524906909 Ice:13482460809 QQ:195472310 MSN:zhangjingyuan_4444hotmail.com

Certainly, the dark room also can be bright…"暗"排练房设备:吉他音箱:芬达STAGE100 百威蝎子112 贝斯音箱:ROSS 60 键盘音箱:百威KB100 鼓:BLSAT高级五鼓,鼓皮为REMO油皮租金:排练20元/1小时鼓手练习10元/1小时排练房地址:虹口区曲阳路651号地下靠近中山北二路交通:123区间,817,115,116,405,142,751,329,848,554,134等均能到达轨道交通3号线赤峰路站下步行10分钟即可到达本排练房位于同济上外复旦附近,欢迎这几所高校的学生乐队前来排练联系电话:13524906909张景元 13482460809冰

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If Ya Wanna Be Bad Ya Gotta Be Good
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Be What You Be
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
You Got To Be Ready For Love (If You Wanna Be Mine)
It Must Be Tough ... To Be That Cool
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)
Be And Be Not Afraid
Be What It's Gonna Be
It Has To Be You, It Has To Be Me

I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
