英语人>网络例句>Be 相关的网络例句
与 Be 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thepersuasive processes by which particular scientific groups establishtheir experimental results as authoritative are themselves socialactivities and can be rewardingly studied as such. Indeed, much of the new work in the history of science has been extremely revealing aboutthe institutional interactions and rhetorical devices that helpdetermine whose results achieve prominence.6 o o5 d+ _; l Z v0 v- I; F

找出主干,第一句话红色部分,只要能清楚找到就知道说的是有这么一个persuasive processes 是一个什么,其实句子主体很单调没什么玄奥的,然后看看附加成分吧,主语后面有个东西修饰它,说的是有一个科学组建立了一个实验结果而且是个as authoritative的实验结果,而前面那个processes正是通过这种方式的processes,然后带着这个加入了&感情色彩&的主语看后面谓语宾语,谓语简单be动词,宾语说的是他们自己的社会行动和可以回报的研究,整个说的就是前面一坨是后面后面一坨

Deleuze and Guattari name this complexity as rhizomatic webs, the tricky webs that their causes and results cant'be traced.


The total instantaneous blockage accident study progress was summarized in the paper. The most important SCARABEE-N in-pile tests in TIB fields were reviewed, also various out-of pile backup tests. The SCARABEE BE+ group and APL group, which were directly linked to TIB scenario, were compared for the different test conditions and phenomena. Many analysis models and computer codes developed in parallel with SCARABEE program were presented, followed by using SCARABEE results for code verification and engineering practice.


To predict the accident scenario caused by the total instantaneous inlet blockage of single fuel subassembly at full power in fast reactors, a model was developed according to the SCARABEE experiments. The calculation results for the SCARABEE BE+1 experiment agree well with the experimental observation. The model was then applied to an actual reactor to predict the consequences of TIB.

为了预测正常功率下快堆单个燃料组件入口完全堵流所导致的事故序列,根据SCARABEE系列堆内实验建立了模型,针对SCARABEE BE+1实验的计算结果与实测数据吻合,进一步使用该模型对实际快堆中的单组件完全堵流事故进行了预测。

On September 8th, turned out to be a schoolmasterly homily in favour of hard work.

这个turned out to be 应该不是&换成&的意思吧,只是&结果是&。。

"There be +NP +PP"and"NP1 有NP2"are two typical existential constructions in English and Chinese respectively commonly used to indicate stative existence.

&There be+NP+PP&和&NP1有NP2&分别是英汉语中表示静态存在句的典型结构,意思是&某处有某物/人&。

This is the regression of the Be Good concept that Google alleges a few years ago.

这是 Google 几年前宣称的&Be Good&理念的回归。

It's easy to see the maturation in the Maddens' songwriting on such tracks as "The River," a surveillance of the inner workings of Los Angeles, the grass-is-greener pop song "Something Else," and "Where Would We Be," a break-up ballad about Joel Madden's split with pop princess Hilary Duff.

通过这张专辑,很容易看出Madden兄弟作曲日趋成熟,如探视洛杉矶这个城市内在潜规则的歌曲&The River&,反映这山望着那山高心理的&Something Else&,以及一首关于Joel Madden与流行小天后Hilary Duff分手的流行曲目&Where Would We Be&。

It's easy to see the maturation in the Maddens' songwriting on such tracks as "The River," a surveillance of the inner workings of Los Angeles, the grass-is-greener pop song "Something Else," and "Where Would We Be," a break-up ballad about Joel Madden's split with pop princess Hilary Duff.

通过这张专辑,很容易看出Madden兄弟作曲日趋成熟,如探视洛杉矶这个城市内在潜规则的歌曲&The River&,反映这山望著那山高心理的&Something Else&,以及一首关於Joel Madden与流行小天后Hilary Duff分手的流行曲目&Where Would We Be&。

The verb'be'has eight different forms. In other words, it's the most irregular verb .


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If Ya Wanna Be Bad Ya Gotta Be Good
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Be What You Be
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
You Got To Be Ready For Love (If You Wanna Be Mine)
It Must Be Tough ... To Be That Cool
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)
Be And Be Not Afraid
Be What It's Gonna Be
It Has To Be You, It Has To Be Me

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
