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与 Be 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The concentrations of cosmogenic nuclides ~(10)Be and ~(26)Al recorded the messages of exposure time and denudation rate on the denuded surface.

宇宙成因核素10 Be和2 6Al的浓度记录着岩层剥蚀面的暴露时间和岩石剥蚀速率等信息。

Be formation cross section ; accelerdator mass spectrometry ; cosmogenic nuclide.


Mm. 7.5.3 Requirements for quality of weld joint's surface: a No crack, not fusional, bubble, slag, splash; b Surface of seam of pipeline with design temperature lower than -29℃, stainless steel pipeline and alloy steel pipeline with trend of harden quenching shall be free from undercut.

The surface shall be smooth 7.5.3 焊接接头表面的质量应符合下列要求: 28 SH 3501-2002 a 不得有裂纹,未熔合,气孔,夹渣,飞溅存在; b设计温度低于-29℃的管道,不锈钢和淬硬倾向较大的合金钢管道焊缝表面,不得有咬边现象;其他材质管道焊缝咬边深度不应大于 0.5mm,连续咬边长度不应大于 100mm,且焊缝两侧咬边总长不大于该焊缝全长的 10%; c 焊缝表面不得低于管道表面,焊缝余高Δh 应符合下列要求: 1 100%射线检测焊接接头,其Δh≤1+0.2b1,且不大于 2mm; 2 其余的焊接接头,Δh≤1+0.2b1,且不大于 3mm。

METHODS: Twelve subjects (age 21 to 24 years) were fitted with rigid hyperopic OK lenses (BE Enterprises/Capricornia) in one eye only.

12名受试者(21岁至24岁),仅一只眼睛佩戴刚性远视OK镜(BE企业/ Capricornia)。

Low γ ray with 59.6keV energy acts as excitation for rare earth inaqueous and organic phase samples in separation processes by solvent extraction. As aresult, characteristic K series X-ray fluorescence of rare earths emitted. X-ray wasdetected by high purity planar Ge after transmitting Be window. The signals wereamplified by pre-amplifier or main amplifier, and the amulated signals are converted todigital ones.


2B8a was weakly reactive to neutrophils (23.72%) and negative for T cells, NK, DC, RBC and Plt. The antibody reacted to all 3 marrow CD34+ cells with an average positive rate of 39.33% while it was negative for G-CSF-mobilized CD34+ peripheral blood stem/progenitor cells (PBSC, 1.25%). Cell line analysis showed that the antibody notably reacted to three out of 4 cell lines (Raji, SMS-SB, Nalm-6 and Nall-1) with the positive rates of 98.78%, 98.61%, 94.93% respectively and weakly to one of them with 5.68% in B lineage cell lines and monoblastic cell line (U937, 67.78%) while it was only weakly positive or negative for other myeloid leukemia cell lines including Meg01 (33.40%), HL-60 (29.70%),K562 (28.19%), KG1a (16.23 %) and HEL92.1.7 (8.02%). Among 4 T lineage leukemia,5 neuroblastoma and 1 colon cancer cell lines tested, only Molt-3 was found weakly positive (31.40%) for 2B8a, while the remaining 3 T cell lines (Molt4, JM and CCRF-CEM), 5 neuroblastoma cell lines (LA-N1, KCNR, BE, SK-N-SH, SK-N-AS) and the colon cancer cell line (HR8348) tested were negative.

结果表明: 2B8a抗原在外周血B细胞上表达(3/3例,平均阳性细胞数为26.29 %),而在T淋巴细胞和NK细胞上不表达(0/3例);在粒细胞和单核细胞上阳性表达均为2/3例,平均阳性细胞数分别是23.72 %和59.84 %;在DC细胞、红细胞和血小板上均不表达(0/3例)。2B8a抗原在骨髓CD34+细胞上的阳性表达是3/3例,平均阳性细胞数39.33 %,而在G-CSF动员的外周血CD34+细胞上的阳性表达仅1/3例,平均阳性细胞数为1.25 %。2B8a抗原在B系细胞系Raji、SMS-SB、Nalm-6和Nall-1上的平均阳性细胞数分别为98.78 %、98.61 %、94.93 %和5.68 %;在T系细胞系Molt-3上的平均阳性细胞数为31.40 %,而在Molt-4、JM和CCRF-CEM 细胞上不表达;在髓系细胞系U937、Meg-01、HL-60、K562、KG1a和HEL92.1.7上的平均阳性细胞数分别为67.78 %、33.40 %、29.70 %、28.19 %、16.23 %和8.02 %;在神经母细胞瘤细胞系SK-N-SH、KCNR、BE、LAN-1和SK-N-AS细胞以及结肠癌细胞系HR8348细胞上均不表达,而在羊膜细胞系FL细胞上呈一定的阳性表达,平均阳性细胞数为45.03%。

Cell line analysis showed that the antibody notably reacted to three out of 4 cell lines (Raji, SMS-SB, Nalm-6 and Nall-1) with the positive rates of 98.78%, 98.61%, 94.93% respectively and weakly to one of them with 5.68% in B lineage cell lines and monoblastic cell line (U937, 67.78%) while it was only weakly positive or negative for other myeloid leukemia cell lines including Meg01 (33.40%), HL-60 (29.70%),K562 (28.19%), KG1a (16.23 %) and HEL92.1.7 (8.02%). Among 4 T lineage leukemia,5 neuroblastoma and 1 colon cancer cell lines tested, only Molt-3 was found weakly positive (31.40%) for 2B8a, while the remaining 3 T cell lines (Molt4, JM and CCRF-CEM), 5 neuroblastoma cell lines (LA-N1, KCNR, BE, SK-N-SH, SK-N-AS) and the colon cancer cell line (HR8348) tested were negative.

结果表明: 2B8a抗原在外周血B细胞上表达(3/3例,平均阳性细胞数为26.29 %),而在T淋巴细胞和NK细胞上不表达(0/3例);在粒细胞和单核细胞上阳性表达均为2/3例,平均阳性细胞数分别是23.72 %和59.84 %;在DC细胞、红细胞和血小板上均不表达(0/3例)。2B8a抗原在骨髓CD34+细胞上的阳性表达是3/3例,平均阳性细胞数39.33 %,而在G-CSF动员的外周血CD34 细胞上的阳性表达仅1/3例,平均阳性细胞数为1.25 %。2B8a抗原在B系细胞系Raji、SMS-SB、Nalm-6和Nall-1上的平均阳性细胞数分别为98.78 %、98.61 %、94.93 %和5.68 %;在T系细胞系Molt-3上的平均阳性细胞数为31.40 %,而在Molt-4、JM和CCRF-CEM 细胞上不表达;在髓系细胞系U937、Meg-01、HL-60、K562、KG1a和HEL92.1.7上的平均阳性细胞数分别为67.78 %、33.40 %、29.70 %、28.19 %、16.23 %和8.02 %;在神经母细胞瘤细胞系SK-N-SH、KCNR、BE、LAN-1和SK-N-AS细胞以及结肠癌细胞系HR8348细胞上均不表达,而在羊膜细胞系FL细胞上呈一定的阳性表达,平均阳性细胞数为45.03%。

A pulse rise time separation spectra of n and γ are obtained using Am-Be neutron slowed by paraffine upon 0.75 and 1 MeV.

在下阈0.75和1 MeV下,分别测量了Am-Be中子源的n-γ分辨谱以及相同条件下的γ上升时间-幅度谱。

The amplitude of prestrain and reversal strain both showed remarkable influence on BE and the elastic-plastic strain i...


Methods Acid suppression with compound ligation or acid suppression with anti -retroflux were used respectively on 40 cases of BE patients dignosed with endoscope and pathology.


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If Ya Wanna Be Bad Ya Gotta Be Good
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Be What You Be
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)
You Got To Be Ready For Love (If You Wanna Be Mine)
It Must Be Tough ... To Be That Cool
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)
Be And Be Not Afraid
Be What It's Gonna Be
It Has To Be You, It Has To Be Me

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
