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与 Based On 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main research results in this dissertation can be given as following:Firstly, the bidding strategies and affections of generation companies on the TOU power price are analyzed; Supply function model is employed to simulate the bidding strategies of generation companies in power pool. Some meaningful results are obtained through the proposed equilibrium equations model, when different bidding parameters are selected to maximize profit of suppliers, such as the the numeral of generation company, the block bidding, and power demand elasticity. Based on these results, the affections between the bidding strategies and the TOU power price are discussed.Secondly, the important principles consider the factor of bidding strategies of generation companies and consumers gaming strategies are proposed to constitute the new TOU power price model under present electricity market. Based on these pricinples a new mathematical model of TOU power price is constructed, to evade electricity market risk, partition the peak-valley, ascertain the consumers' response curve, and protect the ambilateral profits.Thirdly, the affections of the TOU power price strategies for reducing the network loss, adjusting node voltage, improving load curve of power system, and protecting the consumers' benefits in electricity market are analyzed with applications of a city real time load data of Jiangsu province.


After comparing the two type of tests,we came to some conclusions.The tests based on binomial test can be regarded as some kind of permutation tests under certain definition of "permutaton".If the tests are related to statistics,then whether they can be viewed as permutation tests depends on if the value of the probability,p,is known where p is the population parameter in the null hypothesis.For tests like Kolmogorov goodness-of-fit test,since the statistics is calculated based on empirical distribution function,hence no matter how we repermutate the observations,the order statistics is the same.This kind of tests can't be regarded as permutation tests.

我们得到的结论为:在一般的无母数检定中,如果检定与binomial test相关,基本上都可以视作排列检定的一种;与卡方检定相关的检定,基本上和p值已知或是未知有关,这个p值为原始假设下所要检定的母体机率值;其他检定如Kolmogorov goodness-of-fit test,由於统计量的值是根据empirical distribution function决定,而不论如何重新排列样本,其顺序统计量都不变,所以无法视为一种排列检定。

The paper introduces the conception of digital home and its development and significance at first. Then it explains the foundation of digital home system platform based on hardware platform and system operation system. Following it talks about the frame hardware system design and the daughter module board of the embedded digital home system platform based on Blackfin. After that, it mainly explains the uClinux kernel's transplantation and realization on the digital home system platform. At last it introduces the embedded GUI—microwindow's transplantation and realization.


Some valuable works in the paper include: First, based on the algorithm of based-cell detection, the paper presented a dynamic adjustment function on "M" which can work out a problem of outliers fault-making on boundary cell.

总结本文的研究内容,主要有如下创新: 1、在基于单元的孤立点数据挖掘算法基础上,针对边界单元格出现的孤立点误判问题,给出了对M值进行动态调整函数。

We describe the algebraic characteristic of the public-key cryptosystems based on algebraic structures such as elliptic curves,bilinear pairings,as well as braid group s,with the emphasis on the difficulties of constructing public-key cryptosystems based on non-commutative algebraic structures.


So supported by well core experimentation, the *** analyzed the logging response feature and mechanism of thin bed, and point out that many factors can affect the logging response of the reservoir, the main factor which mostly influence the logging response is the thickness of thin layer, and the content of carbonite have a great influence on the response of 3-porosity logging.we make use of core experimentation, combined with logging material, firstly the *** do the lithology correction and thinckness correction for resistivity curves, and based on the content of mud that derived from the core experimentation, the *** present the thickness correction model of gamma-ray logging and self-potential logging, and choose the appropriate ways to compute the carbonate content and using the value of mixed frame in order to correct the influence from the carbonite, based on this, the *** gives a effective methods to correct the thickness influence for 3-porosity logging.


In theory,based on the theory of actio libera in causa,we can conclude that the casual acts can not influence the hit-and-run behaviors;in practice,case review should be based on proofs,as well as dependence on the development of related judicial authentication.


The chain between air valve operational rule and bed stratification is set up, which supplies the reliability for control decision-making of expert system. Expert control strategy is put forward based on the characteristic of jigging process in this article. Knowledge acquisition, knowledge expression, search method and reasoning mechanism are studied in the expert system. The rule-base is set up based on bed stratification status, bed mobility status, feed velocity, recording data on site, artificial float and sink test result.


The result indicated that: land leveling in chernozem area should be based on the actual mode of production and soil characteristics to amend the local topographic surface; water conservancy works of farmland should adopt sprinkler irrigation system to save water; field road design requires to be based on field conditions in order to maximize conservation of the farmland; creating a shelter to mitigate the harmful wind, focusing on raising soil fertility, and changing tillage methods to improve soil.


First, the state~space equation of the circular inverted pend ulum system was established based on the Lagrange Equation. On the base of that, the circular inverted pendulum was swung up by the energy control strategy, and the controller of the system was designed by the pole placement of the optimal control theory. Second, in order to realize the observation for the unknown vari ables, stable state observers were designed based on the equivalent principle of sliding mode variable structure.

该方案在采用 Lagrange 函数建立状态空间方程的基础上,利用能量控制策略实现自动起摆;采用最优控制理论中的极点配置法设计倒立摆系统的控制器;同时利用滑模变结构的等值原理设计观测器,实现对系统未知状态变量的观测。

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