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与 Based On 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Besides the tacitness, the characteristics also composes of distribution, transferability and appropriabilitry. Based on these foundation, the dissertation explain the existence of the firm as institution for the organization of production, explore the nature of coordination within the firm, analyze organizational structure, focusing upon the implications of the knowledge-based view for hierarchy and location of decision-making authority and determine the boundaries of the firm. In making the comparison, a key distinction is made between the theory of knowledge -based of firm and the theory of transaction cost , which is the main stream theory at present. For one thing, The theory of TC does not take tacit knowledge into consideration, to some degree, but focuses much on the risk of opportunism.


The present study, based on discussions on the model of IT-based living quarters, put forward the strategies and measures of intelligent IT-based real estate, with the aim of building a new type of real estate brand.


This thesis is one component of the study on the digital camera integrity and keytechnologies which is the key project of Chongqing Information and IndustryAdministration. The focus is to study the digital camera integrity based on DSC21 andCF card file system development concerned with conformity, JPEG code and decodearithmetic as well as its realization on the platform of DSC21.The study on the system of digital cameral hardware based on TMS320DSC21 andthe software are main contents of this paper.

本文作为重庆市信息产业局科技攻关项目&数码相机整机及关键技术研究&的一部分,主要开展了基于TMS320DSC21(简称DSC21)的数码相机整机系统集成研究,重点进行了CF 卡文件系统开发和JPEG 编解码算法及其在DSC21 平台上的实现。

Based on this,the relationships among the five kinds of motive of strategic alliances forming were disussed firstly.Secondly,this paper discussed the qualification on resource with which companies could coalize,defining the concept of strategic resource, following the way of seeking for resource gap and combining the characteristics of resource.Thirdly,company resource were classified into property right-based resource and knowledge-based resource in terms of inimitable barrier and thus how the resource types of partner firms would determine their structural preferences in terms of four major categories of alliances was discussed.


After the persistent practice in the 1990s, using open system idea to integrate large scale computer systems has been the consentient fact In order to embody high efficiency and intelligent collaboration in open systems, core architecture, called common agent request broker architecture, is established based on mobile agent, and agent based computing basic architecture is constructed based on CARBA Structure of CARBA and ABCBA, domain interface of ABCBA, extension of ABCBA in nomadic environment, and relation among ABCBA OMA, and ODP are discussed in detail Experiment results are given, which show that it is feasible to use ABCBA to improve efficiency and collaboration in open systems and ABCBA is suitable in both wired and wireless network environment

经历 2 0世纪 90年代的持续实践,采用&开放系统&的思想来集成大型的计算机系统已成为技术界不争的事实为了使得开放系统体现实时性和智能协作性,以移动agent为基础,建立了&公共agent请求代理体系结构&,并以CARBA为核心形成了&基于agent的计算基本框架&阐述了CARBA及ABCBA的基本结构、ABCBA领域接口、ABCBA在移动领域中的扩展、ABCBA与OMA及ODP的关系,并给出了实验结论表明:利用ABCBA来提高开放系统协作性和效率是切实可行的,所形成的ABCBA框架在有线、无线环境中都是适用的

STUDY OF DEVELOPING MECHANISM AND REGULATION OF CHINESE RESOURCE-BASED CITY Resource-based city of China is a traditional research realm of Geography, however the emphasis of research shifted with the times. Before 1980s,the research based on the resource explorement, emphasizing on the evaluation of resource conditions and industry distribution; after that it turned to the research of the developing diversity, whose emphasis became the adjustment of industry structure and the sustainable development.


Had rarely or never used protective;(11) MiceGrayAuto had realized the automatic processing of video data from the sexual preference observation system of rats, and MiceGrayManu had accomplished the analysis of images of sexual behaviors of rats;(12) Peripheral given of high dose androgen to female rats before its brain sexual differentiation had caused masculinization and defemininization in female rats, therefore led to homosexuality, and based on the results, we had established the female rat homosexual model;(13) Peripheral given of estrogen to male rats before its brain sexual differentiation had little effects on the sexual preference and sexual behavior of adult rats;(14) Peripheral given of estrogen antagonist to male rats before its brain sexual differentiation had markedly reduced masculine sexual behavior and interfered male sexual preference, but had no effect on feminine sexual behavior, and based on such results, we had established the male rat homosexual model, however the model have to be improved for better sensitivity;(15) The volume of sexually dimorphism nucleus of the preoptic area of the high dose androgen-treated female rats was significantly greater, while on the other hand the volume of AVPV of which was significantly lesser, than the female rat control.


Beijing environmental problems hold severe, and atmospheric and water pollute, soil and water loss, hot island and yawp are leading problems,and take on territorial characteristic. Based on research on relativity between urban forest and these environmental problems, urban forest can effective improve environmental quality in Beijing. And for the aim of improve environmental quality, Beijing forest overlay should attain 35% at least in citywide range, and local-areas being severe environmental problem should be provided with higher forest overlay.5. Through the study on urban forest needed capacity, Beijing's forest coverage is up to par in citywide range, but montanic forest coverage, plain covered with trees and average forest area are lacking, and CO2 and O2 balance is incapable;form the point of heat and balance CO2 and O2 balance,urban forest the city zone and suburb is lack. There is urban forest developmental potential space,but the city zone and suburb area need be compensated form urban forest in circumjacent region.6. On the based of the above results and ecological network system, the author drived whole region into city area, plain and mountain area are needed at the point of planning thoughts of running-through forests and water .


First, based on the research of vocality art and vocalization, I discuss how to set up reasonable aesthetics concept on tenor"s voice, then expatiate on the characteristics,of the tenor"s voice in bel canto and the theoretic significance of setting up reasonable sound aesthetics concept. This essay is mainly on the way and key point of constructing tenor" s voice, especially solving the core problem of alt skill. The essay argues that the construction of tenor" s voice is based on the mediant and undertone sections; finding the phonate source, practice step by step, surrounding the point , string and side of the voice; train the students using suitable vowels according to the students with different characteristics ; emphasizing that ten essential words are the golden key to solution of the core problem in the "closing " method.


In this paper, two assemblies of special test equipments have been designed and fabricated by authors in our laboratory: namely Catalyst Molding Process Analyzer and Catalyst Mechanical Process Tester. These new skills are developed for the dynamic studies on whole mold forming process and crushing process of Fe-Cr WGHS catalyst pellet. Based on the orthogonal experimental design, the effects of some factors during the forming process of solid catalyst, such as predensification proportion, calcination time, calcination temperature and content of graphite on the mechanical strength of catalyst pellets are systematically examined, and the molding conditions have been optimized. Based on the experimental data, the relationship between catalyst density and forming pressure are educed, and the physical significances of some related parameters are described. The parameter of macro scopic elastic moduls has been suggested to character the mechanical properties of molding catalyst. The effects of molding pressure on mechanical properties of catalyst pellets are discussed, and results show that there exists a optimal molding pressure for the ideal mechanical properties: when over-high or over-low pressure is applied, the specific surface area and side crushing strength of catalyst pellets will decreased. The "rebound effect" will be undermined by the unsuitable pressure maintain process, resulting in the apparent decrease of mechanical strength of catalyst pellets.

本研究通过自行设计制造的催化剂模压成型过程分析仪(Catalyst Molding Process Analyzer, CMPA)和催化剂力学性质测试仪(Catalyst Mechanical Properties Tester, CMPT),以Fe-Cr系高温变换催化剂片剂为研究对象,对成型过程和受压破碎过程提供了全过程动态研究的新手段;本研究利用正交实验设计方法考察了固体催化剂成型过程中诸因素(包含预密致比例、煅烧时间、煅烧温度和石墨含量等)对催化剂成型体强度的影响,并对成型条件进行了优化;根据实验结果,关联确定了固体催化剂成型过程中的密度-压力关系式,并对方程中诸因子的物理意义进行了描述;提出了一种利用宏观弹性模量来表征成型催化剂的力学性质的方法;研究讨论了成型压力对催化剂成型体强度性质的影响,结果表明:对于催化剂成型体的强度和比表面性质,成型压力存在着一个最佳值,过高的成型压力会导致比表面积和侧压强度的降低;不适当的成型压力的维持时间会破坏&压力回弹&作用,造成催化剂成型体的机械强度明显降低。

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Pussy On My Face Based Freestyle
Cashout On Me Based Freestyle
Based On A True Story
Sikelele (Based On South African Xhosa Stick Fighting Song)
Dream Of Me (Based On Love's Theme)

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
