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Based On相关的网络例句

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与 Based On 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Detailed work is as follows:(1) During the research of enterprise"s technology innovation ability based on knowledge communion, firstly the paper analyses the improvement approach of enterprise"s technology innovation ability based on the resourse of knowledge communion, the process of knowledge communion and the carrier of knowledge communion; anatomies the influence of attitude during knowledge communion, subjective rules and self-efficiency to enterprise"s technology innovation ability, puts forward the mechnism model of improving enterprise"s technology innovation ability based on knowledge sharing.


By introducing XOR operation and one-way function chains to group key management schemes based on the keys tree, a new group key management scheme based on the keys tree, XOR operation and one-way function chains is proposed. Initialization, member adding and member evicting operations are introduced. The new scheme is compared with three other group key management schemes which are based on the keys tree:SKDC, LKH, and OFT. As far as transmission, computation and storage costs are concerned, the performance of the new group key management scheme is the best.

摘 要:在基于密钥树的组密钥管理方案中引入了XOR操作以及单向函数链,提出了一种新的基于密钥树、XOR操作以及单向函数链的组密钥管理方案,介绍了新方案中初始化、成员加入以及成员退出的操作,将新方案与3种基于密钥树的组密钥管理方案SKDC,LKH,OFT进行了比较,数据表明:就传输、计算以及存储开销而言,新的组密钥管理方案性能最优。

First of all, for the face detection, I make use of the face detection based on the evolving Agent, so as to confirm the face's area, and the method based on facial knowledge and edge extracting to localizes eyes and mouse, and then, I adopt the method based on the deformable template and snake, to realize facial feature tracking.


At first, the dissertation neatened the meanings ,types and characters of rubric systematacially; found out the deficiencies in the researchs at home and abroad by literature, and analysed the current problems in using the rubric by questionnaire and interview; based on the analysis on the platforms" functions abroad and the demands of users, the author designed and developed a web-based rubric which can create rubric and assess students online; primarily designed a teaching assessment process based on rubric by the education assessment theories, and by action research, sampled the BiGguiYuan middle school students in Grade 2 as the research objects, used the rubric in information technology teaching; during the study, the author observed the teaching activities,students" learning behaviors and teaching blogs; finally, the author analyzed the dates from questionnaire and teachers interview and observing of the researcher,testified each other in order to validate the effect of applying rubric.


But some of these plats or developing instruments exists in efficiency insufficiently, example for CGI ; Some exist in stability and security insufficiently, such as ASP; These enough to make question based on that there are more and more systems of Internet, restrict the development based on system of Internet, but websites based on JSP too strong .


The research work in this dissertation aim to apply the advanced technique in practice, that ramifies three parts: at first, the basic study of the computer vision, especially the stereo vision, include their technical mechanisms, methods and algorithms resolves the same technical problems of endoscopy and ferrograhpy based on stereo vision. Secondly, the endoscopy of engine fault inspection based on stereovision is researched and the system faced to this application is developed, thus the problems of stereovision applied to macroscopical images such as endoscopic images are resolved in method and computation. In addition, inside scenes are reconstructed and typical damages of engine inside are analyzed. Thirdly, the investigations of system formation, methods applied and algorithms study of debris analysis based on stereovision is carried out. Thus the problems of stereovision applied in debris analysis are resolved mainly. Furthermore, the integrated method combine with 3D symbolic parameters is studied and discussed for the recognition of debris configuration in pilot.


The research work in this dissertation aim to apply the advanced technique in practice, that ramifies three parts: at first, the basic study of the computer vision, especially the stereo vision, include their technical mechanisms, methods and algorithms resolves the same technical problems of endoscopy and ferrograhpy based on stereo vision. Secondly, the endoscopy of engine fault inspection based on stereovision is researched and the system faced to this application is developed, thus the problems of stereovision applied to macroscopical images such as endoscopic images are resolved in method and computation. In addition, inside scenes are reconstructed and typical damages of engine inside are analyzed. Thirdly, the investigations of system formation, methods applied and algorithms study of debris analysis based on stereovision is carried out. Thus the problems of stereovision applied in debris analysis are resolved mainly. Furthermore, the integrated method combine with 3D symbolic parameters is studied an d discussed for the recognition of debris configuration in pilot.


This paper at last analyses the disadvantages of the fingerprint recognition algorithm based on minutia and introduces the basic principal of the algorithm based on structure of fingerprint, and designs a systematical method of calculating fingerprint center point, normalizing, Gabor filtering, sectoring, extracting features and checking based on structure of fingerprint, and implement the algorithm using of emulator of Matlab, and sets up a fingerprint database of some fingerprints, matches the database with a number of fingerprints, and analyses the matching result.


Based on these hot and key spots in construction of high dams at present, Combining one of the 973 plan projects: Study of Global Stability of Geology Engineering System under Interaction of Several Factors(NO.2002CB412707), the dissertation mainly studies the stability anomaly and corresponding shape optimization. The main contents are as follows:The dissertation advances stability analysis method of arch dams based on arch-cantilever method, that is, the stability of arch ring and cantilever are analyzed respectively based on arch-cantilever method and corresponding formula of stability calculation is established. So the calculation methods of dam stress and stability are unified.

围绕目前高拱坝建设中的热点和重点问题,结合973计划课题:多因素相互作用下地质工程系统的整体稳定性研究(编号 2002CB412707),重点研究高拱坝的稳定转异以及体形优化,现将主要内容归纳如下:本文提出基于拱梁分载法的拱坝稳定分析方法,即在拱梁分载法的基础上,分别分析拱圈和悬臂梁的稳定,建立相应的稳定计算公式,统一坝体结构稳定和应力计算方法。

The study results of the thesis, especially of maximal frequent item sets, data cleaning based on ordinal patterns, recommendation technique based on user-associations and prediction of the unknown values of criteria based on dominance association rules, are of both theoretical and practical benefit to further researches of association rule mining.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
