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与 Based On 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, the first identity-based proxy signature scheme without random oracles is proposed based on Paterson, et al's identity-based signature scheme. The unforgeability of the proposed scheme is based on the hardness of the well known computational Diffie-Hellman problem.


The main results in this paper as follows: First, a prototype of a shape-based image database retrieval system is completed, it can receive the query mode both by giving an example image and by sketching the desired object on the screen, Second, five shape-based image retrieval methods are realized; Third, an algorithm based on triangulation for shape-based image retrieval is brought forward. In this algorithm, firstly, the edge of the original image is followed and the candidate corners in the original image are detected. Then the counterpoints of the candidate corners in the result of edge follow are found, and the boundary corners whose counterpoints have been found are queued in the order of their counterpoints in edge follow. After these steps, the boundary corners are triangulated and triangles are obtained which can show the true shape of the original image. Finally, shape feature is obtained by calculating the angle histogram of the triangles.


Subsidiary, a total of four business segments: one is just listed kyoko resources, mainly the production of Glauber's salt-based; another one is based on the Proton in the heavy industry in Sichuan Xinjin mainly involved in special vehicles, bridge components, building machinery, new energy, petrochemical equipment industry, Hyundai Heavy Industries Company; third block is based on the production of new materials of special polymer-based PPS, in Shuangliu, Deyang has 31,000 tons production base, this piece of or will be available in September of this year; fourth block, then is the main oil-producing machinery and equipment company, is currently settled in places are being selected, which may be settled in Nanchong in Sichuan.


In this dissertation, based on the systematically analysis of theory and application research on deformable model, a new B-spline active contour based on the finite element method is proposed; then B-spline active contour is applied to fitting the digital curve cross-sectional contour, and adaptive FEM is adopted to improve the precision; lastly the model is generalized to 3D, and a B-spline active surface model based on FEM is proposed.


Contents include chapters on- Basic rules; Wild games based on five card stud; Wild games based on draw poker; Wild games based on seven card stud, Blockbusters; Odd games without wild cards; Four new wild card games; Best wild card games in brief.


A safety level-based evacuation scheme of subway station is presented in this paper, with performance-based evacuation design combined. According to the evacuation characteristics of subway station, accidental evacuation time and available safety evacuation time under smoke control have been classified into three safety levels respectively. Then four safety levels have been proposed based on them. A flow chart of safety evacuation scheme of subway station under fire was then proposed based on the guidelines of safety evacuation and code for design of metro.


Project construction is in the national spatial coordinate reference frame, based on the use of high-tech means of Geodesy, in Baotou city, the information on outcomes and quality of the original plane, gravity surveying and mapping information, etc. Based on the results, in accordance with unified planning and overall design principles, laid covering the city's domain sets plane, elevation, gravity field information based on the integrated control network formed by the geodetic datum, elevation and gravity reference base composed of high-precision, three-dimensional center of the earth and practical reference Baotou modern surveying and mapping system for the "Digital Baotou" construction and large-scale mapping projects such as surveying and mapping provides a unified spatial orientation reference.


Based on the water environment spatial data mining and visualization method, the paper presents these main characteristics and innovations:①Measurement of contamination fluxes:A scene-based research strategy is proposed:measurement /water quality analysis→flow field simulation→contamination transformation rule→fluxes scene simulation→temporal-spatial rule analysis.②Serial numerical models of water environment in the Qiantang River:The controlled equations of the flow field model of the main river,united controlled equations of the main contamination fluxes and water quality prediction model at emergent time are set up.③GIS-based water quality and contamination fluxes decision-making assistance system:A water environment database has been set up;based on MapX and C#.net platform,a system has been developed to facilitate visual inquiry,decision-making and graphics export.


At first, in this paper the background and basic principle of VoIP are introduced; the much popular VoIP technology based on H.323 protocol is studied; based on the function and main working process of IP telephone system, the principle of coding of compression and transfer technology of the real-time voice are analyzed; depended on the existed experimental environment, the program of voice part of PC to PC video telephone terminal based on LAN is designed and implemented; and the problems encountered during the design of program have been analyzed and solved.

本文首先介绍了IP电话的发展简史,IP电话技术原理;对目前最为流行的基于H.323协议的VoIP技术进行了研究;根据IP电话系统的功能和主要实现过程,分析实时语音压缩编码技术和传输技术原理;利用实验室现有的实验环境,设计并基本完成了一种基于局域网的PC to PC可视电话语音部分的编程;并对程序设计过程中所遇到的问题进行了分析和解决。

Therefore, reviewing theory base on nationality ideas of Kodaly Zoltan, Karl orff and Emile Jaques-Dalcroze these three music education systems as a cut-in point, firstly use psychology, sociology and philosophy as basic theory to process macrocosmic comparative argumentation to three system music education ideas, then process microcosmic theoretic logic discursion to a few basic fields which influence sight singing and ear training course teaching aim, teaching content, teaching implementation and teaching valuation to confirm most correlative and effective information sources of teaching practice based on nation musicality of sight singing and ear training; once more describe actuality of teaching practice based on nation musicality of sight singing and ear training in our country and demonstrate these basic subjects (psychology, sociology and philosophy) with sight singing and ear training teaching relations and actual meanings of music teaching to further propose development direction and actual problems faced with teaching practice based on nation musicality of sight singing and era training in our country.

由于音乐学科教育学研究与哲学、美学、社会学、心理学、教育学、物理学、历史学、民族学等多种学科有着密切的联系和交叉,因此,从考察柯达伊、奥尔夫、达尔克罗兹(Emile Jaques-Dalcroze)三个音乐教育体系民族性理念的理论基础作为切入点,首先从宏观上对三个体系的音乐教育理念进行以心理学、社会学和哲学为基础理论的比较论证;继而从微观上对影响以视唱练耳课民族性教学的目标、教学内容、教学实施、教学评价的一些基本领域进行理论上的逻辑推理,确定与视唱练耳民族音感教学实践最相关的和最有效的信息来源;再对我国视唱练耳民族音感教学实践现状进行描述,论证这些基础学科与视唱练耳教学的种种关系及对音乐教学的实际含义,进一步提出我国视唱练耳民族音感教学实践所面临的具体问题和发展方向。

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Pussy On My Face Based Freestyle
Cashout On Me Based Freestyle
Based On A True Story
Sikelele (Based On South African Xhosa Stick Fighting Song)
Dream Of Me (Based On Love's Theme)

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
