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与 Based On 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the analysis of the affected extent of the neutral-point potential by every space vector on all kinds of voltage and current conditions the concept named neutral point control grade was proposed for the first time in this paper. The calculation formulas of NPCG were presented as well. Based on NPCG, a novel modulation scheme called optimized 3D space vector modulation (O3DSVM) scheme was proposed in a-b-0 coordinates based on the translation principle of axes, by which the space vectors with higher NPCG values are selected to synthesize the object vector to suppress the unbalance of the neutral-point potential.

该文通过对各种电流电压状态下每个三维空间矢量对直流中点电位的影响进行分析,提出了"中点控制度"(neutral-point control grades,NPCG)的概念,并给出了NPCG的计算公式;基于NPCG,在a-b-0坐标系下提出一种基于坐标平移原理的新型"三维矢量优化选择调制策略"(optimized 3D space vector modulation,O3DSVM),该调制策略能优化选择NPCG值较高的矢量以合成目标矢量,从而达到最大程度控制直流中点电位偏移的目的。

Testing in terrain relief, and the algorithms can optimize the structure of TIN nicely.(2) According to the smoothness of the terrain and correlation between adjacency data points, the paper studied the possibility of smooth surface constructing of DEM based on TIN. Then based on Tayor fomula, vertical normal vector, triangular decomposition, continuous and smooth of surface and so on, a new kind of interpolate model of DEM was proposed based on TIN.


Just in order to solve thisproblem, this subject further researches the new display solving scheme --WindML based onVxWorks system, demonstrates the enormous advantages of the new scheme in technology,proceeds with the architecture of WindML, based on WindML basic 2D display scheme,throughthe research and study of the systematic principle of WindML system and different service andmanagement,I have put forward the Chinese solving scheme based on VxWorks system, andthrough the study and research of FreeType 2 font engine and vector font, utilized WindMLsystematic mechanism , have finished the implementation of bitmap and vector Chinesecharacter in VxWorks system, and on the basis of which, have designed and optimized theinquiry algorithm of the Chinese input method editor, developed the Chinese input method editorbased on VxWorks system.

本课题正是为了解决这一问题,深入研究了基于VxWorks 系统新的显示解决方案——WindML,论证了新方案在技术上的重大优势,从WindML 的体系结构入手,以WindML 基本2D 显示方案为基础,通过对WindML 系统的系统原理,各种服务和管理的研究和学习,提出了基于VxWorks 系统的汉字解决方案,并通过对FreeType 2 字体引擎、矢量字体的研究,利用WindML 系统机制,完成了位图及矢量汉字在VxWorks 系统中的实现,在此基础上设计并优化了汉字输入法的查询算法,开发出了基于VxWorks 系统的汉字输入法。

The surviveand development of CA law system can not leave the certain material life condition andcertain production pattern, so, different CA ecology reflects different economy foundation: Traditional accusatorial action based on the ethics order is co-related with the originaleconomy ecology; Traditional inquisitorial action based on the administrative order isco-related with developed cultural economy ecology. The difference of western economyecology and eastern economy ecology leads to the different genes though them faced thesame traditional inquisitorial action. The modern CA based on the law order lies on thedeveloped commercial economy, the mature market economy and modern citizen societybring about the modern CA ecology whose task is resolve the action contradiction withration.


All these problems still need to be solved. So, towards the IP Core interface compatibility of SoC Bus standard, this thesis, based on analyzing the interconnection of IP Cores, researches the software capsulation of IP Core Bus interface layer, and implements the IP Core interface layer of embedded system developing platform which is based on layers. In this thesis; the design method, flow, and environment of SoC based on IP demultiplexing is explained. While in order to improve the integration of IP Core on SoC, interconnection rules of IP Core and its standardization are researched.


On the base of the analysis about the cause why this type of systems is hard to be controlled a new FNN, the FNN based on hyper-cylinder clustering, is presented. By comparison with the FNN based on hyper-sphere clustering, for any sample to be clustered, the FNN based on hypercylinder takes not only its input sample but also its output value into consideration. And so it is impossible for any two samples with'close'input samples and'estranged'output values to be clustered in the same cluster.


The third chapter aims to discuss the self-organization essence, self-organization growth mechanism, the pattern of self-organization evolving growth.The fourth chapter aims to discuss particularly the correlative mechanism between clusters dynamic core capacity and clusters sustainable growth, and the obtaining of cluster sustainable competitive advantage basede on dynamic core capacity and the fostering and newing of cluster dynamic core capacity based on discussing the rigid competitive advantage. The fifth chapter aims to explain the effecting mechanism of government influencing cluster self-organization-evolvement and the fostering and upgrading of cluster dynamic capacity based on the theory gist of government surpports .The sixth chapter aims to analyse the High-tech industrial clusters of Silicon Valley in American and Low piezoelectricity cluster of Liu shi in zhengjiang province and explains to how self-organization , dynamic core capacity and government surpports effect industrial clusters sustainable gowth.The dissertation's main innovation lies in the following :mechanism model of cluster sustainable growth is constructed under dynamic environment based on self-organization theory and dynamic core capacity theory .


With the support of a major research grant of Zhejiang Province (No. 001101027) and the Plan of Promoting Education of Excellence of Zhejiang University in the 21st Century, this dissertation is devoted to address the above problems and fabricate an L-band EDFA with low cost, high performance and technological innovation.First the mechanism of an erbium doped fiber amplifier is introduced. Various theoretical models based on classical rate propagation equations are summarized and compared for their applications. We use a modified numerical model based on the Giles model, which agrees with the experimental results well. This serves as the theoretical base for the whole thesis and will be used to optimize the characteristics of EDFAs. A novel method based on a map of noise figure and gain is proposed to analyze efficiently the dependence of the noise figure and gain for EDFAs on the EDF length and the pump power. The characteristics of various EDFAs are studied and compared.Secondly, some important parameters are introduced to describe the characteristics of EDFAs. The methods and the experimental setups for measuring the gain and noise figure of an EDFA are emphasized. We introduce how to measure the characteristics of each component of an EDFA, especially the gain and absorption coefficient of an erbium doped fiber.Thirdly, four types of simple and novel L-band EDFA structures with low noise, high gain and low gain ripple are proposed to satisfy the requirement of a DWDM system. They can be classified into two categories. In the first category, a single ASE pumping is served asa secondary pump. This category includes the following three types. Type: a new construction using a fiber Bragg grating in an unpumped EDF section at the input side. Type: a new structure of L-Band EDFA with two-stage pumps, which utilizes the forward ASE as a second pump.

本论文本着科技创新、服务于生产实践的精神,以设计价格低廉,性能优越、结构合理简单的L-band EDFA为目标,依托浙江省科技厅重大科学基金资助项目(001101027)和浙江大学振兴教育计划资助的全光网络的搭建—《光通信技术》课程实验建设项目,展开了如下工作:首先,介绍了掺铒光纤放大器的工作原理,归纳总结了基于速率方程基础的EDFA的各种理论模型,分析比较了各个模型的特点和适用场合,最终选择完善的Giles理论模型作为本论文分析设计EDFA的理论基础;针对实际实验条件提出了修正的EDFA模型的数值计算方法;创新地提出了增益—噪声系数全局分析法,直观有效地分析了EDFA的增益和噪声系数与掺铒光纤长度和泵浦功率的依赖关系,并对各种EDFA的性能作了全面的比较;第二,介绍了掺铒光纤放大器特性参数的定义与测量方法,重点介绍了噪声系数和增益系数的测量方法及实验装置;介绍了组成掺铒光纤放大器各组件的特性测量方法,重点介绍了测量掺铒光纤参数的方法和实验装置;第三,针对WDM系统对L-band EDFA谱平坦、低噪声、高增益的要求,我们创新地提出了四种不同的L-band EDFA结构,按设计思路可以分为两大类:一类是基于单抽运二级泵浦法,这一类包括在未泵浦掺铒光纤的输入端插入一根布拉格光纤光栅的两段L-band的EDFA的新结构;基于前向ASE光作为二级泵浦源推动下一级EDF工作的泵浦分配、两段级联L-band的EDFA的新结构;基于单根光纤光栅、泵浦分配、两段级联的EDFA;另一类则是基于同时应用前后向C-band ASE作二级泵浦源的双抽运法,如基于前后向ASE光作为二级泵浦源的三段级联L-band的EDFA的新结构。

Synthetically considering these characteristics, the method of freeway management and control are presented according to four aspects: system objective orientation and concept design, system demand and requirement analysis, system data management and network structure, traffic control and accident detecting theory as well as its application. Function and structure of system are delimitated from the point view of integration. Construction and function demand of subsystem are analyzed and basic implement projects are presented. In this thesis, system data flow and management method and target which based on system network topology structure and equipment demand are described. Traffic modeling ideology and the process of making dynamic model as well as accident detecting program are presented with centralized and distributed traffic control theory in detail, then freeway ramp control theory which based on predictive model and its theoretic pattern are explored. Finally, based on the object oriented programming, program of accident detecting and checking on freeway is developed by using visual C++ as tool.

论文综合考虑高速公路交通管理系统的上述特征,分别从系统目标定位及概念设计、系统需求分析、系统数据管理及网络结构分析、交通控制与交通事件检测理论与应用四个层面,对高速公路交通管理与控制问题进行了系统阐述,界定了系统的功能及各功能的实现要求,并从系统集成角度划分了系统的结构;分析了各子系统的信息、功能、建设等方面的需求,给出了基本实施方案要求;对系统数据流程进行了描述和梳理,提出了数据管理的方法、目标及措施,分析、设计了系统网络拓扑结构及设备需求;阐述了交通模型的建模思想和动态交通模型的建立过程,对集中式和分散式全局交通控制理论进行了详细的分析,提出了基于预测的高速公路匝道控制理论,并对理论模式及相关的问题进行了研究,分析了高速公路事件检测系统,并采用面向对象的编程思想,以Visual C++为编写工具,开发了高速公路事件检测系统分析软件。

The paper chooses the assembly of aircraft digital assembly location as a research object, chooses the assembly of aircraft section as a research example, aims to study the method of aircraft digital assembly location, focuses on the research of the structure of digital assemble control prototype system for aircraft section based on laser measurement, develops the servo control device and related software based on LM629, ATmega128 and LMD18200, completes the construction of the system based on the assembly of aircraft section.


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Pussy On My Face Based Freestyle
Cashout On Me Based Freestyle
Based On A True Story
Sikelele (Based On South African Xhosa Stick Fighting Song)
Dream Of Me (Based On Love's Theme)

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
