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与 Baltimore 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to Wikipedia: In the early hours of the morning on that date, a black-clad figure, presumed to be male, with a silver-tipped cane enters the Westminster Hall and Burying Ground in Baltimore, Maryland.


According to Wikipedia: In the early hours of the morning on thatdate, a black-clad figure, presumed to be male, with a silver-tipped cane enters the West minster Hall and Burying Ground in Baltimore, Maryland. The individual


Now, select any weapon for all the small calibre slots of the new version of the Baltimore.

现在, 选择任何的武器为巴尔的摩的新版本的所有小口径位置。

Frederick Douglass, a slave, explained this phenomenon when he was employed as a Baltimore ship's caulker: I was to be allowed all my time; to make bargains for work; to find my own employment, and to collect my own wages; and in return for this liberty, I was … to pay him (Douglass' master) three dollars at the end of each week, and to board and clothe myself, and buy my own caulking tools.

"冯检道格拉斯,一个奴隶,解释这一现象时,他被聘用为巴尔的摩船舶的caulker :"我是为了让我所有的时间;作出讨价还价的工作;找到自己的就业,并收集我自己的工资;并在返回这个自由,我是……以他的薪水 3美元,上月底,每星期和董事会和衣物自己,购买自己的嵌缝工具。

At the age of eight he was sent to the plantation where his father was a manager, and one year later to the Auld household in Baltimore where he was taught to read. In 1833 Douglass was returned to the plantation, from which he attempted to escape, the delivered again to Auld, who apprenticed him as a ship caulker.

他八岁那年被送到他父亲的农场,一年后送到 Baltimore 的亲戚 Auld 家,在哪里开始学习阅读。1833年道格拉斯被送回农场,在那里试图逃跑,后来又被送到 Auld , Auld 让他做了修补船只的学徒。

Caveat Emptor wrote an interesting post today onHere's a quick excerpt Several Baltimore real estate investors make $1,000 to $5,000 or more by flipping houses.


Chasseur was a Baltimore clipper commanded by Captain Thomas Boyleo on his first voyage in 1814, Boyle unexpectedly sailed east, directly to the British Isles, where he harassed the British merchant fleet, sent a notice to the King by way of a captured merchant vessel that he had released for the purpose.


Located in the upper Chesapeake Bay region, Baltimore is a city rich in American history.


Nancy Collop , director of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Sleep Disorders Center in Baltimore.


Nancy Collop, MD, an associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, told Medscape,"It is most interesting to have data that confirm how prevalent insomnia is in patients with asthma and how this is really a public health concern because there are risks associated with daytime sleepiness — accidents, for example." Dr. Collop, who was not involved in the study, said the first therapeutic approach should be "asthma control. I really think that improved asthma control could help a number of these problems."

马里兰巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯大学医学副教授Nancy Collop医师向Medscape表示,最有意义的是这项试验确立了气喘病患中失眠是多么常见的,而且因为这与白天嗜睡的风险,例如意外发生有关,因此这确实是公共卫生的一大隐忧;Collop医师没有参与这项试验,她表示,第一个应该做的治疗方式是控制气喘,她认为,改善对气喘的控制的确对这些问题是有帮助的。

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Everybody Wanna Know
Back From Baltimore
Streets Of Baltimore
We Are The Captains Of The Sea
For Baltimore

Moreover, the heritage of the Jin and Yuan dynasties contributed to turning subofficial the clerks of the Ming dynasty in many aspects.


Said I, with an air of carelessness , three several times


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