英语人>网络例句>Ball 相关的网络例句
与 Ball 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On its last drive, Arkansas moved the ball down the field on short passes, mostly to its talented tailback, Bill Burnett, who was having a good day running the ball and who would soon become Colonel Eugene Holmes's son-in-law.


In addition, ball-carriers with explosive leg drive are often able to brush past attempted tackles, while tacklers with similar attributes can forcefully secure the ball-carrier and take him to ground.


I've been to bat 35 times and have only three strikeouts. That tells me that I am hitting the ball, but everything I hit seems to be an out. Out, out, out, and I don't know why. I can't do anything about it. All I can do is keep trying to hit the ball hard every time I go to bat.

在我 35 次的打击当中只有三次三振,这说明我能打到球,但是都跑到别人的手套里去,出局再出局,我不知道为什麼,我无法做什麼改变,我能做的是当我在站在打击区时,继续努力击中球。

Among them, the glue solvent addition-nitric acid had a greater impact, and its amount was controled at 8%~10% for the best; 2though the result of the ball catalyst prepared by oil ammonia column was better, the process was more complex; 3performance of the catalyst prepared by impregnation ball support was poor.


I think Yao is better than both Smits and Z at this point in his career, but Smits was a great player and Z is now so to compare them is not necessarily an insult, however, I think Yao will be better in the long term. Besides working on the basic things like holding onto the ball, Yao needs to get more touches to either pass out of a double team or get off his shot. I don't see why players like McGrady or Sura can shoot their way out of slow starts, but JVG will just abandon Yao as soon as he gets off to a slow start. Sure, he turned the ball over in crucial situations today but why not take your chances with a 50% shooter rather than having McGrady create everything for himself off of a screen?

我认为姚的职业生涯得分要比Smits 和 Z好的多,Smits是一个伟大的球员,Z也类似,和他们相比,并不是侮辱,而且我认为长远看来,yao更加出色,除了在握紧球这些基本功上努力外,姚需要更多的传球和投篮,我不明白为什么当jvg在sura和tmac开始命中率不高时,仍会让他们投,而当yao开始表现不好时,就禁止yao投篮了,当然他今天在关键时刻失误了,但jvg为什么不给一个命中率超过50%球员机会,而让tmac自己创造机会投篮,不要忘了,这只是自从1月2号以来,姚第一次投篮命中率不好,有些人要把yao去交换odom,这太可笑了,不要忘了,但当yao表现不好时,球队为胜率挣扎,当yao表现好时,并且在tmac表现一般时,球队却取得了八连胜,网友们,有点自信好不好?

The three sightlines on the flange properly frame the ball at address while the center sightline helps you align the ball at the true sweetspot.


Sequinned when the fairy transforms Cinderella to go to the ball. Naked and isolated by the light when Cinderella arrives at the ball.


Mechanism of Reactive Ball Milling was discussed.The resultants of ball milling, TiB2 and MgO, were purified and cleaned with hydrochloric acid.


Taking a general view of the paper, major innovative ideas and returns are as follows: The main innovative ideas are as follows: 1. The paper put forward the new idea that combine water-saving drilling with rotary percussion drilling creatively according to the present situation of water resource lack seriously and the background of implementation of state geological survey strategy. 2. The working principle of new designed system of water-saving hydraulic percussion device completely different from traditional hydraulic percussion device, the system can carry out rotary percussion drilling on the condition that no surface water be consumed, and achieve the purposes that saving surface water, cutting cost and improving drilling efficiency. 3. The design conception of steel ball percussion device is very novel, the percussion device is durable, with a simple structure, at the same time drilling efficiency would be improved highly and drilling cost would be reduced greatly when drill with the steel ball percussion device.

综观全文,论文的主要创新点及研究成果如下:主要创新点: 1、结合我国许多地区水资源严重短缺的现状以及国家实施地质大调查战略的背景,创造性地提出了&节水钻探&和&回转冲击钻进&结合起来的新思维; 2、设计出的节水型液动冲击器系统,其工作原理跳出了传统液动冲击器要消耗大量地表水的原理模式,在基本不消耗地表水的情况下便能实现回转冲击钻进,达到节约地表水、降低成本、提高钻探效率的目的; 3、设计的球体冲击器构思新颖,克服了同类产品冲击功传递效率低的弊端、且结构简单、经久耐用,可大幅度提高钻探效率、降低钻探成本。

Keep an eye on the PINK ball and be careful about potting the white ball as it carries -50 points.


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Ball 4 Eva
We Can Have A Ball
Must've Had A Ball
Levity Ball
Wrecking Ball
Speed Ball
Ball And Chain
Ball And Chain
Drop The Ball
Ball Baby Ball

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
