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与 BERMS 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this regard, the entire experience of visiting the project is an orchestrated sequence of participatory events - walking the 164-foot- long quarry passage, arriving at the underground social chambers built into the wine cellar, enjoying the company of friends at a spectacular long table, and contemplating views of the surrounding country that have been articulately framed by doorways and the longitudinal direction of the earth berm.

在这一方面,整个参观这项计画的经验,就像一段由所有参与的事件所串起的管弦乐章---包括:走在那164英尺长的采石场小路上、抵达盖在酒窖中的地下室交谊厅、在壮观的长桌旁享受朋友的陪伴,以及沈思著周围的乡村景观、看它们如何被门口以及earth berms所构成的经线勾勒出来。

It takes three days, he said, to fill the six-inch-deep, 90-by-45-foot rink, which tips to 18 inches deep at one end and is surrounded by berms planted with foxglove.


Two numerical experiments were carried out by use of BERMS open site and BERMS forest site observation in Canada from the Second Snow Model Intercomparison Project.


The only problem with that ramp is that there were tire marks in the berms .


The calculation results show that the effect of tide and back berms on the consolidation process is obvious.


The calculation result showed that the effect of tide and back berms on the consolidation process is obvious.


They were knockoffs of motocross motorcycles and were designed for racing over jumps and around berms in the dirt.


All facilities are integrated into the land by means of a series of earth berms which assure the laboratories and recreational facilities fit into theirsurroundings.

藉由earth berms把所有的设施都和土地结合为一,确定这格实验室和所有的娱乐设施都适合这个环境。

A series of earth berms, and several wing-like concrete slabs, has transformed the entire area into what appears to be the contemporary version of a Neolithic earth shrine.

一系列的earth berms与一些翅膀状的水泥石板,将这整个区域转换成好像是现代版的新石器时期神庙。

Extending these aspects of surrealism and ritual to the Lucille Halsell Conservatory in San Antonio, Texas, Ambasz again used earth berms and a fusion with landscape to give the total complex its combined impression of Babylonian garden and space-age celebration.

这种超现实与仪式的观念,也延伸到了位在德州圣安东尼欧的豪赛温室。安巴兹再次使用了earth berms以及景观整合,来给予这整个综合体一种兼具了巴比伦空中花园、以及太空世代庆典的印象。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
