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Based on these results and inferred to related reports from other labratories, it was possible to make some analyses and conclusions or inferrences:(1) CD〓AK with tumoricidal activity were induced and expanded in number througth costimulation of PBMC with anti-CD〓 McAb . and r IL-2 ;(2) CD〓AK induced and expanded in such manner did exibit more potent proliferation·ability and cytotoxicity which maintained for lonser time than those of LAK cells, thus CD〓AK was a new variety of antitumor effector cells worth to be explored;(3) CD〓AK could mediate MHC nonrestricted cytotoxicity and kill tumor target cells through inducing necrosis and apoptosis;(4) Normal mature lymphocytes of PBMC could be induced to proliferate and /or to die from apoptosis when they were costimulated by anti-CD〓McAb and rIL-2. Both proliferation and apoptosis were existing in the same cultivation system sugsesting that the presence of rIL- 2 might provide some accessary signals for apoptosis.


The result indicates; that the antiˉpenetration c apability of the nubbly corundum concrete target is the best. The average penetration depth of nubbly corundum concrete is 46.9% less than that of concrete; the antiˉpenetraˉ tion resistance capability of the steelˉfiber concrete is between t hat of nubbly corundum concrete and concrete.


Anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic factors have synergistic effect and play a switch role. Usually, anti-apoptotic protein is insulated in organella, restraining the release of pro-apoptotic factor and controlling cell apoptosis.


If you put 5 Flak Troopers inside it you'll have an amazing anti-tank and anti-air defense that can outrange most vehicles!


Flies to honey, vampires to blood-but we've got a glut of lawyers out there just looking for someone to sue, said John Banzhaf, the founder of ASH, an anti-smoking group. The Master Settlement Agreement of 1997, which cost tobacco firms $246 billion, much of it to be spent on anti-smoking measures, meant that after decades of barefaced lying, Big Tobacco found itself outspent and outmanoeuvred.

蜂蜜招引苍蝇,血液招引吸血鬼--但是我们有一大帮律师去寻找那些能够被起诉的人,反烟团体 ASH 的创始人 John Banzhaf 如是说。1997年的《控制结算协议》让烟草企业付出了2460亿美元,这些资金的绝大部分被用于禁烟措施,这意味着,厚颜无耻地说了几十年弥天大谎之后,烟草公司发现自身已经筋疲力尽和黔驴技穷。

Experimental materials include CO2 incubator,M199, fetal calf serum,Ⅳ collagenase, 40 g/L of paraform, 20 g/L of cidex,ECGF, mouse-anti-human FⅧ monoclonal antibody(anti-FⅧ-RAg), multi-marked immune analyser(1 420, WALLAC BLCTOR2), centrifuge, inverted microscope, and immunofluorescence microscope, etc.METHODS: Three-step gradient sieve method was used.

实验材料为CO2培养箱,M199,胎牛血清,Ⅳ型胶原酶,40 g/L多聚甲醛,20 g/L戊二醛,ECGF,鼠抗人第八因子单克隆抗体,多标记免疫分析系统(1 420,WALLAC BLCTOR2),离心机,倒置显微镜,免疫荧光显微镜等。

A The BBC correspondent says the anti-pirates emission anti-piracy mission is controversial in Japan because of its passivist pacifist post - Second World War constitution.

BBC 通讯员表示,由于日本曾签署二战后和平宪法,反海盗任务在当地引起了争议。

For chemical processes, focus is on the relation between the added concentration and the anti-scale effect of acidification, inorganic phosphate and organic phosphonate and comparing the anti-scale effects among different kinds of chemicals.


The biological tests indicate that most of the compounds synthesized have herbicidal activity in a certain degree and several compounds show certain bactericidal activity. Further anti-ALS enzyme test shows that two kinds of novel phosphonic ureas have good anti-ALS enzyme activity.


Furthermore, the anti-chloroquine plasmodia strain have cross - anti character in clinical. Artemisinin from Artemisia annua L.


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Anti You
Anti-Love Song

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
