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American bison相关的网络例句

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与 American bison 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The products we plan to exhibit in this show are as follows: American TIFFEN steadicam filets,Italian CARTONI tripod,America ESA glasses and pens, mini-camera lens, American CAMMATE jib, German ARRI series lamp, American KINO-FLO cold light source lamp, German DEDO light, German OSRAM light bulbs, ARRI filter, ROSCO filter, French Transvideo monitor, Photoflex softbox, support attachment, Ewa-marine, German AC chrosziel as well as various types of TIFFEN,German B+W and England FORMATT color filters.


Audubon : Haitian-born American ornithologist and artist whose extensive observations of eastern North American avifauna led to the publication of The Birds of America (1827-1838), a collection of his engravings that is considered a classic work in ornithology and American art.


Sometimes referred to as the Sottile Bandog, Italian-American Bulldog or just plainly American Cane Corso, being initially just an American-bred Cane Corso Italiano strain, this breed is today generally disregarded by Italian breeders as unpure, due to the introduction of some fighting breeds to its bloodline, most notably the Presa Canario, Rottweiler, Bandogge, English Mastiff and the Pit Bull Terrier.

有时被称为sottile bandog ,意大利美国牛头犬,或者直接称为美国 Cane Corso ,最初只是一种美国繁殖的意大利卡斯罗变种,由于采用了一些斗犬品种引进它的血系,其中最引人注目的加纳力,洛威拿,班道戈,英獒和比特斗牛,这个品种在今天只被意大利繁殖者视作为非纯种狗。

Kurt Vonnegut is an influential novelist, satirist, and dramatist, and black humorist in American literary field and has been lauded as one of American most respected novelists due to his active artistic interaction with American life.


American think tanks are of such a high power and position that they can influence a series of important policymaking in politics, economy, military and foreign affairs in the United States. Therefore, they are called the "brain truster" for the American national security strategy, the "revolving door" for the exchange of scholars and government officials, the "incubator" for American diplomats, and the "amplifier" for academic research reports.


But Jews too young to have watched Israel rout three Arab armies in six days in 1967 are less likely to see it as heroic, morally superior, in need of help, or even relevant."Israel in the Age of Eminem", a report written in 2003 for the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, a Jewish charity, concluded that "There is a distance and detachment between young American Jews and their Israeli cousins that does not exist among young American Arabs and has not existed in the American Jewish community until now."

但是那些过于年轻而未曾见过以色列人1967年在6天里就击溃三支阿拉伯大军的犹太人就不太可能认为其英勇、道德优越、需要帮助或是诸如此类。2003年为犹太人慈善团体"安德里亚与查尔斯·布隆夫曼慈善事业"( Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies )所撰写的一份报告总结说,"在年青美国犹太人与其以色列同胞之间存在着疏远和脱离,这在美国阿拉伯人中则不存在,在美国的犹太人社团中直到现在也不存在。"

Here's a list of bird species you just might see: Red Throat Loon Common Loon Pied-billed Grebe Horned Grebe Red-necked Grebe Great Cormorant Double-crested Cormorant American Bittern Least Bittern Glossy Ibi s Black-bellied Plover American Golden-Plover Semipalmated Plover Killdeer Pomarine Jaeger Parasitic Jaeger Dovekie Common Murre Thick-billed Murre Osprey Bald Eagle Northern Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk Cooper's Hawk Northern Goshawk Red-shouldered Hawk Broad-winged Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Golden Eagle American Kestrel Merlin Peregrine Falcon Gyrfalcon Common Nighthawk Whip-poor-will Red-breasted Nuthatch White-breasted Nuthatch Bohemian Waxwing Cedar Waxwing Solitary Vireo Warbling Vireo Philadelphia Vir eo This list is a very small sample of the species you will find at Acadia.


Through Rabbit, Updike comes close to revealing the social malaise of the American society in the post-industrial period: the split between the material gain and the spiritual downfall, the clash between freedom and order, the inflation of the American ideal and the diminishment of the American spirit, and the paradox between "what is a good man" and "what is goodness."


American Tragedy" is the description of the "American Dream" and the pursuit of "American Dream disillusionment.


When Woodrow Wilson became American President, he launched on the revolution of"Dollar Diplomacy", forced the American group to withdraw from the sextuple consortium, abandoned the Tafts policy: cooperation with the other powers, and encouraged American businessmen to invest independently in China beyond the consortium.


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American Made
American Hearts
American Girls
American Life (Headcleaner Rock Mix)
Young Americans
American Boys
Dragon Backpack
American Boy
We're An American Band
American Beauty

We are in a good position to meet your requirements.


We are all pervade d with a sense of disaster.


Points out that the switching frequency、the input inductance and the output power all have great contribution to the input-current THD. When the output power goes up, the input current harmonic content keeps almost constant, thus the THD goes down.
