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与 Allium 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Filaments slightly longer than to 1.5 × as long as perianth segments; ovary with concave nectaries at base covered by hoodlike projections

花丝稍长于到1.5 *倍于花被片;子房具凹陷蜜穴在基部被钩状突起覆盖 109 ALLIUM yanchiense 白花薤

Filaments slightly shorter or longer than perianth segments; ovary not constricted at apex, with concave nectaries at base covered by narrow, hoodlike projections

花丝稍短比花被片或更长;狭窄,钩状突出盖住子房并非缢缩的在先端,具凹陷蜜穴在基部 20 ALLIUM changduense 昌都韭

Bulb tunic brown; inner filaments basally ca. 2 × as wide as outer ones, distally abruptly subulate; ovary with concave nectaries at base covered by hoodlike projections

鳞茎皮棕色;内轮花丝约基部2 *和外部的一样宽,上部突然钻形;子房具凹陷蜜穴在基部被钩状突起覆盖 88 ALLIUM korolkowii 褐皮韭

The study tests the relative electric conductivity, germination rate, germination index and vigor index of Allium galanthum seeds germinated for 1 d, 2 d, 3 d, 5 d and 7 d at 5℃ imbibitional experiment and treated with different PEG concentrations of 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% respectively.

基于种子萌发试验,分别测定了在5℃条件下及在PEG浓度分别为0%、10%、15%、20%、25%和30%条件下,实葶葱种子低温吸胀1、2、3、5和7 d后的相对电导率、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数。

In order to prove whether Allium galanthum L. has imbibitional chilling injury and whether PEG has osmotic conditioning on the seeds germination when imbibed at low temperature.


In this paper, we studied seasonal variation of endogenous IAA、 GA_3、ZR and ABA content of Leymus chinensis、 Agropyron michno、 Stipa grandis、 Cleistogenes sguarrosa、 Koeleria cristata、 Carex korshinskyi、 Allium bidentatum、 Artemisia frigida, Kochia prostrate and Potentilla acaulis in different restoring succession stages, which were determined by ELISA in the growing season in 2005. At the same time we recorded the phenological development and growing regulation of each kind of plant.


Bulb tunic splitting at apex; umbel hemispheric to fascicled, laxly flowered

鳞茎皮劈开在先端;伞形花序半球形的到簇生,花稀疏 58 ALLIUM tenuissimum 细叶韭

Bulb tunic reticulate; umbel laxly few flowered; pedicels 1.5--2 × as long as perianth; base of inner filaments with 1 short tooth on each side, apex of tooth entire

鳞茎皮网状;伞形花序稀疏少花;花梗1.5 --2 *倍于花被;内轮花丝具的基部1短齿在每边,齿的先端全缘 27 ALLIUM henryi 疏花韭

Leaves distinctly longer than scape; umbel laxly few flowered; perianth segments 3--3.5 mm; ovary with concave nectaries at base

清楚的叶长于花葶;伞形花序稀疏少花;花被片3 --3.5毫米;子房具凹陷蜜穴在基部 92 ALLIUM alabasicum 鄂尔多斯韭

The purification effect of Oenanthe javanica,Lolium mutliflorum and Allium sativum on eutrophic water body was investigated under lower temperature condition in winter using soilless floating bed.


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Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
