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与 Allies 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, Microsoft and Yahoo investors negotiations, is almost equivalent to its own investors with the negotiations, and these investors because they are in the interests of Microsoft, and Microsoft as natural allies.


In addition, she holds the great strategic points of northern Europe,--- Alsace-Lorraine, the door to France; the Kiel Canal, giving her access to the Baltic without exposing herself to the necessity of utilizing the Sund; her allies hold the Swiss passes and the vital points affording passage into Russia and the Balkans.


Seething with rage from the heavens, she abhors Hercules as damnable evidence of her husband's infidelities - yet the demigod has his allies: his foster-father Amphitryon, who exalts in the boy's potential; his faithful companion Linus, who promises to sing of his deeds far and wide; the blind oracle Tiresias, who foresees an extraordinary future; the beautiful nymph Deianeira, who secretly loves him...


Hitherto, an uneasy alliance of low-church evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics has struggled to resist liberal Anglicanism."This will change the balance in the Church of England in favour of the liberals," says Jonathan Bartley of Ekklesia, a think-tank."The evangelicals won't go to Rome and they may now be abandoned by their Anglo-Catholic allies."

Hitherto,一个焦虑的福音教派和圣公会-天主教联盟,正努力抵制开放的圣公会主义"取悦自由派将会改变英国教会的平衡", Ekklesia 的智囊 Jonathan Bartley 说:"福音教徒不会改信罗马,他们有可能被圣公会-天主教联盟抛弃"。

But Ankara's humanitarian and human rights concerns have led to charges of hypocrisy from some of its Western allies.


Defying warnings from its Western allies that it would inflame an emotional row on whaling, Japan on Sunday sent its fleet to the Antarctic Ocean.


I want anti-ballistic missile systems to protect ourselves and our allies from a rogue nation.


In fact, West Asian people had been positively helping the Allies to transport warfare commodities throughout WWII , offering their contribution towards the victory in the anti-fascism war.

实际上 ,在整个二战期间,西亚人民积极协助盟军运送战争物资,为反法西斯战争的胜利作出了自己的贡献。

The EPP will probably still be the biggest group even after losing the British Conservatives (who promise to set up a rival anti-federalist centre-right group with allies mostly from central and eastern Europe), partly because it will gain recruits from Italy.


And make the special relationship with the United States to a new level. After World War II, the decline in Britain's international status so that Mrs. Margaret Thatcher is pinning its hopes on the special relationship with the United States. She instinctively more pro-Atlantic friendly to the United States When the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union or other western allies in troubles, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher usually support the United States. In attitude to the Soviet Union, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher was unequivocal anti-Soviet and anticommunist .


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Forty Years
Blood Of The Nations
U Boat
Reign Of Terror

Chelsea不在我身边的话,我几乎不知道自己弹的是不是作曲者意图的样子.I'm recently reading Miranda July, she's writing the kind of stories that I love and want to write someday later if possible, doubtlessly, the cute and short ones. Madi tried to only read one story every night so she can enjoy the book longer, I want to translate this book with madi.


There are problems to be solved in the process of translation conflict between source language and target language, foreignization and domestication, etc.


I am also confident that there is only me in Shenzhen can be so bold to do this.
