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与 Algeciras 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The general manager of Water, than today has attended in Toledo the inauguration of the working days The control of the poured a priority, has specified than the fond drought to practically the whole Mediterranean arch, from Catalonia to Algeciras, besides of to the Guadalquivir's basin, the top part of the Chunk and some points of the basin of the Duero.

这位总经理的水,会比今天出席了在托莱多就职的工作日数的控制范围内倾注了一个优先事项,已指明较热衷于抗旱,以几乎整个地中海拱,从加泰罗尼亚以阿尔赫西拉斯,另外的,以在Guadalquivir ' s盆地,顶部部分的大块几点盆地的

F.M.C. from SAN JUAN, PR port/customs and all suppliers exported from Port RAVENNA - Algeciras , SPECHEM , which includes the contacts of trading parties, detailed cargo information 0 2 8 NW TDI ...

F.M.C。与来自 RAVENNA Algeciras 的出口商 SPECHEM 买卖双方的详细交易数据,包含了进出口双方的联系资料以及货物0 2 8 NW TDI 。。。

Catch a car ferry or high speed catamaran from the ports of Algeciras or Tarifa, and within 35 minutes you will find yourself at Tangier, the gateway to you're an exciting new world.


There's also a sea battle tutorial that recreates the Battle of Algeciras Bay near Gibraltar.


FILSON CO - from NEWARK, NJ port/customs and all suppliers exported from Port CASABLANCA - Algeciras , TEXTIFOR , which includes the contacts of trading parties, detailed cargo information GARMENTS ...

FILSON CO 与来自 CASABLANCA Algeciras 的出口商 TEXTIFOR 买卖双方的详细交易数据,包含了进出口双方的联系资料以及货物GARMENTS 。。。

GOMME - from NEWARK, NJ port/customs and all suppliers exported from Port CONAKRY - Algeciras , NAFA TRANSIT P/C , which includes the contacts of trading parties, detailed cargo information ARABIQUE GOMME ...

GOMME 与来自 CONAKRY Algeciras 的出口商 NAFA TRANSIT P/C 买卖双方的详细交易数据,包含了进出口双方的联系资料以及货物ARABIQUE GOMME 。。。

It is understood that South Korea抯 largest liner shipping company, Hanjin Shipping, has submitted a bid to operate a new container terminal being developed at the Spanish port of Algeciras.


The general manager of Water, than today has attended in Toledo the inauguration of the working days The control of the poured a priority, has specified than the fond drought to practically the whole Mediterranean arch, from Catalonia to Algeciras, besides of to the Guadalquivir's basin, the top part of the Chunk and some points of the basin of the Duero.

这位总经理的水,会比今天出席了在托莱多就职的工作日数的控制范围内倾注了一个优先事项,已指明较热衷於抗旱,以几乎整个地中海拱,从加泰罗尼亚以阿尔赫西拉斯,另外的,以在Guadalquivir ' s盆地,顶部部分的大块几点盆地的

MAERSK has uncoupled Angola Maersk Line, and has almost completely uncoupled Angola from other ports as it removes Portugal and Algeciras from its WAF 5 route, reports AXS-Alphaliner News.

法国海运统计调查机关AXS-Alphaliner新闻报道:马士基已经分解了安哥拉马士基航运公司,并几乎完全拆分了从葡萄牙及西班牙阿尔赫西拉斯港至安哥拉的WAF 5航线。

They were drug traffickers who used their footballs, knapsacks and club strips, emblazoned with the team name of a local town, Guillen Moreno CF, as a ruse to fool border police as they passed from the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, in North Africa, to Algeciras, on the southern Spanish mainland, a police spokesman in Cadiz said.



So that ought to tell you how disrespected he feels.


But no electron transfer was found from the excited porphyrin moiety to the oxadiazole moiety. Moreover, cyclic voltammetric studies of the dyads 5a , 3b and 4b further indicated that electron transfer from the oxadiazole moiety to the porphyrin moiety was possible.


Theoretically speaking, it is a rather-clearly discussed subject to standardize the quadratic equation into the normal forms by spinning the coordinate axis so as to approach the shapes of its curves.
