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An estimated population of 11,500 live in 10 communities on the Atlantic coast and continue to speak the language - black Carib, which blends elements of the language spoken by the former inhabitants of Saint Vincent with African elements.


A remarkable African Daisy just made for hanging baskets and windowboxes, Cascadia offers big blooms on long stems that, rather than dangling downwards, turn up and out to show off the flowers' beauty!

一个令人注目的用于垂吊和窗台的南非万寿菊品种, Cascadia 系列在其长长的茎上开出大花的品种,并不像其他品种那样向下悬垂,而是转向并展示出美丽炫目的花朵。

The third century gives us (1) the Alexandrian writers of the catechetical school,(2) the writers of Asia Minor and (3) Palestine, and the first Western writers,(4) at Rome, Hippolytus, and Novatian,(5) the great African writers, and a few others.

湾的第三个世纪给我们( 1 )亚历山大作家的问答学校,( 2 )作家小亚细亚和第( 3 )巴勒斯坦和的第一位西方作家,( 4 )在罗马举行,西波吕,和Novatian ,( 5 )伟大的非洲作家,和其他一些。

Any of various chiefly arboreal African monkeys,primarily of the genus Cercopithecus,having long hind legs and a long tail.


Deer Garden was firstly established in the year 1958, covering 10 hectares, and is the main sight spot in the Jingyuetan. There are about 500 animals of cervidae being raised in the garden, including Mt. Changbai sika, Tianshan red deer, Daxing'anling reindeer, and elk, which are categorized as the National Protection Animal. Moreover, there are some tropical African Ostrich for exhibition.

梅花鹿苑始,建于一九五八年,景区总面积 10 公顷,是潭内主要景观之一,苑内饲养有长白山梅花鹿、天山马鹿、大兴安岭驯鹿、国家级保护动物麋鹿等鹿科动物五百余头,更有热带风情的非洲鸵鸟供人观赏。

Its founding party of independence, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM, the Party of the Revolution), formerly the Tanzanian African National Union, known as TANU, still suffocates the country's ragtag opposition parties with its size and ponderous propaganda.

引导其走向独立的革命党Chama Cha Mapinduzi(简称CCM,其前身是坦桑尼亚非洲国家联盟,简称TANU),仍然在规模和大量宣传上压制着弱势的反对党们。Kikwete总统是革命党成员;他的转折点是成为坦桑尼亚武装部队的青年政治委员

In addition, a major African snail parasites, plant pathogens of the mass media, at the same time transmit Clonorchiasis, tuberculosis, eosinophilic meningitis, and zoonotic disease, such as the Canton Eye Liner.


Any of various Eurasian and African freshwater fishes of the family Cobitidae, having barbels around the mouth .


Two-thirds of African countries scored less than three out of 10 for probity in Transparency International's 2009 corruption perception survey -- a big negative which continues to hurt their economies, according to its managing director Cobus de Swardt.


Any of various tropical African shrubs or trees of the genus Coffea, especially C. arabica, widely cultivated in the tropics for their seeds that are dried, roasted, and ground to prepare a stimulating, aromatic drink.


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African Moon
African Night Flight
African Friend
African Pride
I'm A African
African Sunrise
African Suite
African Queen
The African Way
Dance Like An African

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
