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与 African-American 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is Cairo ––– a cradle of civilization, a wellspring f culture, and a meeting-place of the Asian, African, and European World.


Page 90 Melba decides that in order for her to feel like an equal to the white people, she will have to fight for her freedom, and the freedom of other African Americans.


During 1957, in Little Rock Arkansas, Melba Pattillo Beals fought for educational equity for African Americans.

杂谈 1957年,在美国阿肯色州小石城,梅尔巴·帕蒂罗·比尔为非洲裔美国人为她的教育平等权而斗争。

Movie Set against the backdrop of civil war and chaos in 1990's Sierra Leone, Blood Diamond is the story of Danny Archer - a South African mercenary - and Solomon Vandy - a Mende fisherman.


Surtis {soor'-tis} from 4951;; n pr f AV - quicksands 1; 1 1 Syrtis, the name of two places in the African or Libyan Sea between Carthage and Cyrenaicia, full of shallows and sandbanks, and therefore destructive to ships; the western Syrtis, between the islands Cercina and Meninx (or the promontories of Zeitha and Brachodes), was called Syris minor, the eastern (extending from the promontories of Cephalae on the west to that of Boreum on the east) was called Syris major; this latter must be the one referred to in Acts 27:17, for upon this the ship in which Paul was sailing might easily be cast after leaving Crete

相关经文回前一页 4950 surtis {soor'-tis}源自 4951;;阴性专有名词 AV - quicksands 1; 1 1 赛耳底,在非洲或介於迦太基与塞利奈以加之间利比亚海的两个地方的名字,充满浅滩与沙洲,也因此对船有破坏性;西赛耳底,在塞西那与麦宁斯两岛间(或者在 Zeitha 与 Brachodes两海岬间),被称为小赛耳底,东赛耳底(从塞法雷海岬西边到延申到保瑞恩为东边)称为赛耳底;后者必是在使徒行传 27:17中被提到那一个,因为在保罗离开高大出海后的这艘船很容易遭海难

Only prejudice, and the trick of the Mercator projection, prevents us from recognizing the enormity of the African continent.


Studies of African material have demonstrated that there are superficially similar species that differ most obviously in details of mericarp morphology, and detailed studies have led to the recognition of more, rather than fewer, taxa.


This is the web page of African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology.


They will go for African and Middle Eastern supplies.


While many forces are at work to facilitate intermarriage, others militate against it. This is particularly the case for African Americans.


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African Moon
African Night Flight
African Friend
African Pride
I'm A African
African Sunrise
African Suite
African Queen
The African Way
Dance Like An African

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
