英语人>网络例句>AKES 相关的网络例句
与 AKES 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If someone maintains t h at two and two are five, or t h at Iceland is on t h e equator, you feel pity rat h er t h an anger, unless you know so little of arit h metic or geograp h y t h at h is opinion s h akes your own contrary conviction.


A ccording to the ,and connecting with the natural and social situations of the H uanghe valley in Shanxi Province,this paper m akes com prehensive analysis on the conditions of the water resources,introduces system - atically the m ethod for m aking the wat...

根据 "全国水功能区划技术细则",结合对山西省黄河流域的自然、社会情况,尤其是水资源状况的综合分析,系统介绍了水功能区划的方法,对山西省黄河流域河流地表水进行了水功能区划并提出管理建议。

Ji Yun has been an official for a long time,and at that time people attached imp ortance to textual research of Sinology,which aggravates "Li" in his notes,and m akes Ji Yun use fabrication in pudency ,prunes and prism.

一 认为纪昀反对甚至不懂小说创作的虚构艺术,其主要依据是他的门人盛时彦在《姑妄听之》跋文中转引他的一段话:《聊斋志异》盛行一时,然才子之笔,非著书者之笔也。

The rabbet, or wrapping the gla ss tube with cloth m akes itself spin into the stopper so as to


Knows the day of the week of the Valentin e's Day, he m akes a statement that the

每 的情人节,当他知道当日是星期几后,跟著当的白色情人节也是

The wakened cake baker aw akes to that he has to brake by t he lake.


M akes a different in your life.


M akes a difference in your life...


Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it akes love to you.


M akes a difference in your life.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
