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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Glass ceramics with α cordierite(2MgO·2Al 2O 3·5SiO 2) as main crystal phase, having excellent dielectric property, are perfect materials for microwave parts of a medium apparatus However, the thermal expansion coefficient of the material is not high enough for some special applications Now, a novel glass ceramics with suitable thermal expansion coefficient (47 7×10 -7 / C) and excellent dielectric property (ε=5 1,tgδ0 -3 ) was developed Crystallization process and the th...

本文以堇青石微晶玻璃为研究对象,首次研制得到了一种低介(ε= 51)、低损耗(tgδ<10- 3)、热膨胀系数(46 ~48 ×10- 7' C)能与其它器件相匹配的新型微晶玻璃介质材料通过 X射线衍射分析,扫描电镜观察等测试手段,研究了该材料的晶化过程和热膨胀系数的变化规律发现样品的热膨胀系数随温度的变化行为是与样品中析出的晶相种类及析出量随温度的变化规律相对应的

22 Of 22 pairs EST-SSR primers from Chinese cabbage/rape respectively had amplification products in soybean,wheat and maize,the rate of amplification was 81.8%,95.4%,100%,respectively;10 of 22 pairs EST-SSR primers showed polymorphism in monocotyledons wheat and maize,13 in dicotyledons oilseed rape and soybean,7 in both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous crops.


Objective To compare the sensitivity and specificity of mucin 7(Muc7) mRNA test with urine cytology in detection bladder cancer.

目的 探讨尿脱落细胞黏蛋白7(Muc 7)mRNA检测在膀胱尿路上皮癌诊断中的价值。

The results were based on data from 7,721 primiparous lactations and 13,566 multiparous lactations in 7 large dairy herds in New York State.

结果表明,依据的数据来自7721初lactations和13566产lactations 7大奶牛群在纽约州。

Numbered Musical Notation uses the seven numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7) to represent Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti respectively.

简谱使用7号码( 1,2,3,4,5,6和7 )代表做,可再生能源,美,法,因此,香格里拉和Ti分别。

The median percentage of erythrolineage, myeloblast of NEC and displasia were (58.3±8.0)%,(58.0±18.4)% and 66.7% respectively, that is different from typical AML. 52.4% of M6 patients transferred to RAEB/RAEBT and AMLM2 subtype in the disease progression. 11/19 cases (57.4%) achieved remission (CR 10; PR 1) after chemotherapy.

外周血分类显示85.7%患者有幼稚粒细胞和幼稚单核细胞,52.4%患者有幼稚红细胞和有核红细胞;骨髓涂片显示骨髓增生活跃或明显活跃;红系细胞占58.3±8.0%,原始粒细胞占NEC 58.0±18.4%;66.7%患者有病态造血,与典型AML不同。

Seven patients aged 4 to 19 years, with myelomeningocele and high-pressure or poorly compliant bladders, were identified as candidates for cystoplasty. Each patient underwent bladder biopsy, and urothelial and muscle cells were grown in culture and seeded on a biodegradable bladder-shaped scaffold made of collagen, or on a composite of collagen and polyglycolic acid. About 7 weeks later, the autologous engineered bladder constructs were used for reconstruction, and implanted either with or without an omental wrap. After implantation, patients underwent serial urodynamics, cystograms, ultrasounds, bladder biopsies, and serum analyses.


Results Of the twelve patients, seven cases were right ventricular tumor (58.3%) and live cases were left ventricular tumor (41.7%). Eight patients had undergone the tumor resection. Five cases were myxoma, other three cases were lipoma. angeioma and malignant mesothelioma respectively.

结果 超声诊断心室占位12例,其中右室占位7例(58.3%),左室占位5例(41.7%),手术8例,术中所见与超声诊断一致,符合率为100%,病理证实黏液瘤5例,脂肪瘤l例,血管瘤l例,恶性间皮瘤1例。

Six cadavers were prepared for necroscopy, operative procedure of ILIF were simulated on L3-S1, and all related important anatomic structure and their relationship were observed and record. ILIF with transpedicle screw fixation were also performed with cage insertion.3. Twelve fresh frozen bovine lumbar functional spinal units were prepared for biomechanical testing. According to the different treatment order, the specimens were devided into 7 groups, which included: 1intact specimens, 2specimens were treated by left unilateral facetectomy and had homolateral anatomical threaded cages inserted, 3 TLIF with homolateral pedicle screw fixation, 4 TLIF with bilateral pedicle screw fixation, 5 specimens had anatomical threaded cages inserted on the left by intertransverse process approach, 6 ILIF with homolateral pedicle screw fixation, 7 ILIF with bilateral pedicle screw fixation.


Results There were medulloblastoma in 7cases,astrocytoma in 7 cases,ependymoma in 3 cases and nerve fiber tumor in 1 case.


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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。