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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods:(1) Dissoluble PGN and CpG DNA were immobilized onto the surface of biotin cuvette for establishing target. Another effective tracking approach was established by immobilizing Escherichia lipid A F583 onto the surface of Non-derivatised cuvett. The biosensor technology was applied to screen anti-inflammatory TCM targeting on three key molecules.(2) The active compositions were isolated by AB-8 macroreticular resin from lycium bark. After the activities of compositions were evaluated, the most effective compositions was confirmed. In vitro, the affinities of different concentrations composition E binding with PGN, CpG DNA and lipid A were measured separately. The effect of composition E on vigor of RAW264.7 cells were tested by MTT and CCK-8, and its inhibition on TNF-α, which was released from RAW264.7 cells induced by PGN, CpG DNA and LPS, was also tested by ELISA. In vivo, murine sepsis models were made by intravenously heat-killed E.coli and heat-killed S.aureus, then protection of composition E on mice sepsis model were observed.

(1)将PGN及CpG DNA包被于生物素样品池,将lipid A包被于非衍生样品池,分别建立以PGN、CpG DNA及lipid A为靶点的技术平台,对114种抗炎中药水提物进行筛选、评价其活性物质含量,并评估出针对上述三种病原分子均具有较高结合活性的中药;(2)利用生物传感器跟踪检测技术、大孔吸附树脂分离技术,从地骨皮中定向分离与PGN、CpG DNA及lipid A均具有较高亲和力的活性组分;在体外实验中,测定不同浓度活性组分与PGN、CpG DNA及lipid A亲和力;MTT法及CCK-8法检测活性组分对RAW264.7细胞活力的影响;ELISA法检测活性组分对PGN(2μg/ml)、CpG DNA(10μg/ml)及LPS(100ng/ml)刺激小鼠RAW264.7细胞分泌TNF-α的抑制作用;在体内实验中,采用尾静脉注射致死剂量热灭活大肠杆菌和热灭活金黄色葡萄球菌,建立细菌脓毒症小鼠模型,观察活性组分对脓毒症模型小鼠的保护作用。

The results showed that there were 20 species of human parasites prevalent in situ, involving seven species of intestinal protozoa with an infection rate of 7.8%: and eleven species of intestinal helminths, the infection rate being 67.4 %; while the overall infection rate of intestinal parasites was 48.8%.


RESULTS Expression rate of MHCI antigen of cultured smooth muscle cells and fibroblast was(88.7±4.3)%,(84.8±2.0)%respectively;and that of the revived smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts of aortic homografts after cryopreservation was(89.4±3.5)%,(81.9±2.7)%respectively.

结果 正常培养的大鼠主动脉平滑肌细和成纤维细胞MHCⅠ类抗原表达的阳性率分别为(88.7±4.3)%和(84.8±2.0)%;液氮低温保存的大鼠主动脉平滑肌和成纤维细胞在复苏后MHCⅠ类抗原表达的阳性率分别为(89.4±3.5)%和(81.9±2.7)%。

RESULTS Expression rate of MHCI antigen of cult ured smooth muscle cells and fibroblast was (88.7±4.3)%,(84.8±2.0)%respectively; and th at of the revived smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts of aortic homografts after cryoprese rvation was (89.4±3.5)%,(81.9±2.7)%respectively.

结果正 常培养的大鼠主动脉平滑肌细和成纤维细胞MHC Ⅰ类抗原表达的阳性率分别为(88.7±4.3)%和(84.8±2.0)%;液氮低温保存的大鼠主动脉平滑肌和成纤维细胞在复苏后MHC Ⅰ类抗原表达的阳性率分别为(89.4±3.5)%和(81.9±2.7)%。

Among 7,388 NCGR-KOME cDNA homologues, 7,346 were predicted to have open reading frames.

与KOME cDNA有同源匹配的7,388条NCGR-cDNA中,7,346条cDNA有预测的开放阅读框。

Home position shear tests of slope rock, point loading tests and indoor AMD simulation action tests in XingQiao concave slope had show shearing strength and coherence between body layers of quartz sandstone decrease by 13.2%~21.3% after attacked by AMD, the angle of internal friction between layers is decreased by 5.0%~7.5%, in general, AMD affects the rocks mechanical property at range of 60~100m interior the perpendicular slop. Data analysis shows: 1 The actions to slope are major focused on zone of weakness, shearing strength of slope foot and AMD centre are reduced by 52% and 64.7% separately. 2 The explosion stress wave of long distance field has obviously increasing influence to disturbance amplitude value of slope with increasing of the slope height and distance, the response of the top of slope and fault region are obvious as well as damage effect; the foot of slope is with smallest disturbance amplitude value, the disturbance amplitude value of the step close to free face is obviously bigger than the interior of slope. 3 With the coupling effect of the AMD and explosion loading, the stress distribution inside of slope mainly presents characters of explosion stress field; the area affected by AMD becomes a weak area of shearing stress.


7 Percent female internists, 7.8 percent male vs.

25.7%女医生内科医生, 7.8%男医生vs。

Rats were randomized into an experimental group (n=7), in which limbs were selectively perfused with a cooled isotone heparin solution at a limited flow rate before blood flow was restored, and a conventional group (n=7; uncontrolled blood reperfusion).


The decline compared with a 7.8-percent drop in June and 7.2-percent drop in May from the same period last year.


RESULT: The K or K of laetrile, paeoniflorin and paeonol had no significant difference at concentration of 19.2~304.8, 18.4~329.5 and 7.8~125 μg/mL respectively or in four different regions of rat intestinal tract, the absorption quantity of laetrile, paeoniflorin and paeonol was proportional to its concentration respectively and the phenomena were not observed saturable. Except for Paeonol, the K and K of laetrile and paeoniflorin had no significant difference at pH value 5.0~7.4. The K or K of laetrile and paeoniflorin from the extration which contains one kind of active components was significantly less than that of same components from GuizhiFuling Capsule content.

结果:苦杏仁苷、芍药苷、丹皮酚分别在19.2~304.8、18.4~329.5、7.8~125 μg/mL浓度范围内,吸收量与浓度呈线性关系,无高浓度饱和现象,K、K值基本保持不变;除丹皮酚外,在pH 5.0至pH 7.4范围内苦杏仁苷、芍药苷的吸收不受pH影响;3成分在各肠段的K、K均无明显差异;仅含有上述3成分中一种成分的各个提取物的苦杏仁苷、芍药苷的K、K值显著小於由配方药材提取得到的胶囊内容物的相应成分的K、K值。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
