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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using 2MHz pulseultrasonic Doppler probe, the index of hemodynamics such as blood flow rate、audio frequency、vascular pulsation of bilateral vertebral and basilar arteries were detected in order to analyze the diagnosis of cervical spondylosis involoving vertebral artery by Transcranial Color Doppler through the occipital foramen. Results: of all 108 carses, 80 cases were positive(positive rate 74.7%). In CSA group,cases of low flow rate were 45.6%,cases of high flow rate were 28.7%,and cases of no...

为分析经颅多普勒检测椎动脉型颈椎病的诊断价值,采用配对研究方法,用 2MHz脉冲多普勒探头经枕骨大孔窗口,检测左、右椎动脉及基底动脉的血流速度、流向、音频、血管博动指数等血流动力学指标,结果显示 10 8例患者有 80例异常,异常率 74 7%,并发现CSA组低流速者占 45 4 %,高流速者占 2 8 7%,正常流速者占 2 5 9%,与正常对照组间有显著差异(P 0 1),总体而言,低流速型是CSA的主要特征之一。

This study discovered that total amount of potential medication safety risks was 1,876 and the overall prevalence was 7.3%. The items of results depending on categorizes of evaluation, ward, medical specialty, diagnosis and pharmacology were as follows: The highest prevalence is pharmaceutical incompatibilities which is 4.7%. The highest prevalence was general ward which is 4.3%. The highest prevalence was pulmonary disease which is 2.5%. The highest prevalence was acute respiratory failure which is 3.0%. The highest prevalence was cathartics and laxatives which is 1.6%.

研究结果发现这群管灌病人的口服剂型治疗药物中具潜在用药安全性风险问题的件数为 1,876 件;整体平均盛行率为 7.3 %,其中依风险问题评估类别、病房别、科别、疾病主诊断别、药理作用类别之各项统计分析结果,分别占居最高盛行率者为:药剂学性配伍禁忌之盛行率为 4.7 %;一般病房之盛行率为4.3 %;胸腔内科之盛行率为 2.5 %;急性呼吸衰竭之盛行率为 3.0 %;泻剂及缓泻剂类之盛行率为 1.6 %。

Results The main structure of the left ventricle in canine was composed of the mitral complex、aortic valve、falsetendons and so on,among them the mitral complex was included in the mitral ring and valve,chordae tendinease and papillary muscles;the circle of mitral ring was 49.16±10.00mm,the average heights of inside and outside valves were 14.28±3.14mm,9.27±1.99mm,respectively,the breadth were 25.74±5.21mm、21.50±6.33mm;the average number of chordae tendineass was 16.72±2.76;the average number of left ventricular false tendon was 4.69±3.38:the circle of aortic valve ring was 34.55±8.00mm,the average heights of left、right and back aortic valves were 6.85±1.76mm、7.19±1.75mm and 7.52±1.79mm.


MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: At 3, 7, 14, 28 days after the application of traction and 3, 7, 14, 28 days after the removal of traction, the expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand/osteoprotegerin in the subchondral bone of the bilateral condyles was analyzed by semi-quantitative immunohistochemistry.

主要观察指标:加力3,7,14,28 d及撤除外力后3,7,14,28 d,以免疫组织化学半定量检测双侧髁状突软骨下骨中核因子κB受体活化因子配基/骨保护素表达。

The congeners distribution presented great comparability to each other as 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD and 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF contributed about 33.6%~40.5% of total TEQ.


The results show the agglutinative activity, SOD activity, CAT activity and lysozyme activity in serum of Cyprians carpio increased in contrast to that of control group. The activity of fed lectin from Porphyra yezoensis group was 3.0, 0.8, 3.9 and 1.0 times, respedctively, as much as that of control group. The activity of fed lectin from Undaria Pinnatifida group was 1.0, 0.4, 3.0 and 0.7 times, respectively, as much as that of control group. The activity of infusing lectin from Undaria pinnatifida group was 3.0, 0.3 and 1.8 times, respectively, as much as that of control group. The activity of infusing lectin from Porphyra yezoensis group was 3.0 and 0.7 times, respectively, as much as that of control group.


Compared with the control, the lungs of 3-day-hyperxia-exposure group developed into edema, hemorrhage and inflammatory infiltration and this condition aggravated at the 7th day. The pulmonary septum was significantly widened at the 14th day, the interstitial fibrocytes as well as alveolar epithelial cells proliferated obviously, and the tendency of lung fibrosis was also presented. The results mentioned above showed that the modle of hyperoxia lung injury was successfully established, and the acute inflamationm was its early symptom while the fibrosis was its late manifistation. There was no positive cytes of IFN-γ in the lung of nomal rats, The positive cytes of the groups under hyperxia-exposure for 3, 7, 14 day, which climbed to the climax at the 7th day and began to decline from the 14th day, were found in alveolus epithlia,pulmonary interstitial, bronchoepithlia and macrophage.


The results show that the best sintering process for SiC preform is 1100℃, 8 h in vacuum, by which the open porosity is 99.6% and the preform strength reaches 0.57MPa. The thermo-physical characteristics of 57% SiC/Al composites produced by this technique are as follows: the relative density is 98.7%; the thermal expansion coefficient is 7.5×10^(-6)℃^(-1) which almost matches those of GaAs and BeO; the thermal conductivity is 1.65×10^5W/K, which corresponds to that of Cu(15%)/W and decuples that of Kovar alloy; the density is close to that of aluminum and less than that of one fifth of Cu/W.


The results show that the best sintering process for SiC preform is 1100℃, 8 h in vacuum, by which the open porosity is 99.6% and the preform strength reaches 0.57 MPa. The thermo-physical characteristics of 57% SiCp/Al composites produced by this technique are as follows: the relative density is 98.7%; the thermal expansion coefficient is 7.5×10-6 ℃-1 which almost matches those of GaAs and BeO; the thermal conductivity is 1.65×105 W/K, which corresponds to that of Cu(15%)/W and decuples that of Kovar alloy; the density is close to that of aluminum and less than that of one fifth of Cu/W.

结果表明:经1 100 ℃真空烧结8 h的SiC预成形坯开孔率可以达到99.6%,抗压强度为0.57 MPa;所制备的57%SiCp/Al复合材料相对密度为98.7%,热膨胀系数为7.5×10-6 ℃-1,与GaAs、 BeO的接近,热导率为1.65×105 W/K,与传统Cu(15%)/W相当,是柯伐合金的10倍,在密度上接近Al,不到Cu/W的1/5。

The results showed that the rate of mating disruption was 71.1%-80.7% caused by 150-750 rubber pheromone dispersers per hm 2. The egg numbers were reduced by 79.4%-86.1%, 72.9%-84.7%, 58.3%-65.1% and 58 9% at the treatments of 750, 300-375, 120-150 and 30 rubber dispersers per hm 2, respectively. In large scale disruption demonstrations, numbers of egg masses decreased 82.4% and 73.2% at placements of 60 dispersers per hm 2 in mid season rice seeding paddy and in early season transplanting paddy, respectively.

结果表明,田间放置诱芯150~750个/hm2的迷向率为71.1%~80.7%;每公顷放置诱芯750、300~375、120~150个和 30个的迷向区卵量比对照区分别下降79.4%~86.1%、72.9%~84.7%、58.3%~65.1%和58.9%;每公顷放置60个诱芯的大面积迷向示范区中稻秧田和早稻大田卵块量分别比对照下降 82.4%和73.2%,早稻大田枯鞘丛率比对照下降70.4%。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
