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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wresin颐Wraw medicinal herbs), eluting with 2 BV distilled water, followed by 7 BV 50% ethanol.

4颐7 ~5。 5颐7,依次用2 BV 蒸馏水、7 BV 体积分数50%乙醇进行洗脱。

Moderate to severe xerostomia occurred in 74.7 % of the patients. Of the 79 patients, 13.9 % often drank water at night, 74.7 % needed to drink water while eating, 59.5 % felt difficulties speaking and 91.1 % thought that their daily life was effected significantly.


This is the first report of pectenolone and pectenoxanthin, two types of carotenoid, in the muscle of the Yesso scallop.3 Roles of the carotenoids composition and accumulation in Yesso scallopThe method for detecting carotenoids using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography was developed. The conditions of RP-HPLC analysis were an analytical scale (200×4.6 mm, inner diameter 5μm) Eclipse XDB-C18 column of Agilent corporation; 10μl injection volume; 25°C column temperature; acetonitrile, methanol and methylene dichloride mobile phase (40:56:4, V/VV) with 0.1% BHT; 1.0 ml per minute flow rate; 450 nm UV-VIS detector; 8 minutes elution.The carotenoids from orange muscle of Yesso scallop of 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22 months old was detected using the method refered above.

通过柱层析、高效液相等手段对橘红色闭壳肌中的主要类胡萝卜素进行了提取分离,分离提纯得到两种类胡萝卜素,并通过MS、~1H-NMR和~(13)C-NMR对其进行结构鉴定,结果表明(3S,3\'R)-3,3\'-dihydroxy-7\',8\'-didehydro-β,β-Caroten-4-one和(3S,3\'S)-7,7\',8,8\'-tetradehydro-β,β-Carotene-3,3\'-diol,俗称pectenolone和pectenoxanthin是橘红色闭壳肌中的主要类胡萝卜素,这是国内外首次对虾夷扇贝闭壳肌中的类胡萝卜素进行提纯及结构鉴定。3虾夷扇贝类胡萝卜素的种类组成和累积变化规律建立了橘红色闭壳肌中类胡萝卜素的HPLC分析定量检测技术:色普柱为Agilent公司的Eclipse XDB-C18柱200mm×4.6mm,i.d.5μm进样体积,5μl ;流速1ml/min;检测波长450nm;柱温25℃;流动相为乙腈:甲醇:二氯甲烷(V/V/V=40:56:4并加入0.1%的BHT;分离时间为8min。

Results The sensitivity of Cox-2 protein、Survivin protein and urinary cytology was 88.3%、68.3%、21.7% respectively, the specificity was 93.3%、80.0%、100% respectively,and the Youden index was 81.6%、48.3%、21.7% respectively.

结果 尿Cox-2蛋白、尿Survivin 蛋白和尿脱落细胞学的敏感性分别为88.3%,68.3%,21.7%;特异性分别为93.3%、80.0%和100%;Youden指数分别为81.6%、48.3%和21.7%。

Full length nucleic acid sequence of recombinant pGEM-AC-7 were determined and we found recombinant pGEM-AC-7 was 1146 bp long, inculding all open reading frame except initiation coden ATG and 192 bp 3-end non-coding reagion.

DNA序列分析和PCR鉴定表明,插入片段均由5&端特异引物单个引物扩增出来,对7号重组克隆插入片段DNA全序列分析表明,7号重组克隆插入片段全长1146 bp,包含了除启始密码子外的全部编码区和192 bp的3&端非编码区。

As of last year, just 7.2% of private-sector employees were unionised (a total of 7.4m) whereas in the public sector 37.4%(or 7.9m people) belonged to unions. The share of private-sector workers in unions was the lowest since 1900, whereas in the public sector the share is edging upwards.


In control group 25 cases (41.7%) were healed and sixteen cases (27.6%) had apparent effect and fourteen cases (5.2%) be of no effect and total effective rate was 76.7%.


1C?, version 7.7, written on MFC, this method already will not show oneself well.


Secondly, if the morning of his eight 9:00, and after did not sleep, you wake your baby to 7:00, to speak, he said, touching the whole body massage, and then suck the breast, around 9:00 I think he should be trapped, if, sleep 1-2 hours, then close at noon, and then suck the breast, making a will, will be sleeping the afternoon between 4-6 points must let baby stay sober, so that he finished more than 7:00 after the milk definitely is trapped (at least my house is such a baby).


Methods insert the stomach tube nasal cavity, with the help of intubating ferceps, take the stomach tube out of mouth cavity from the posterior wall of dysphagia, insert trachea catheter (cid 7.0~7.5) to esophagus, under the help of trachea catheter, insert the stomach tube to esophagus then take the trachea catheter out of the esophagus and vertical, cutting off, in the course of into esophagus.

经鼻腔插入胃管,用插管钳将胃管从咽后壁前取出口腔外,用id 7.0~7.5的气管导管插入食管,在气管导管诱导下将胃管经气管导管插入食管,然后将胃管向食管内送进,同时将气管导管退出,将胃管置入相当合适的深度后,固定胃管。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
