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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:77.5% of sphenoid ostia can be identified by endoscope directly.The distances from sphenoid ostia to the superior and lateral wall of sphenoid sinus,the foramen of sphenopalatine artery,the anterior wall of sella,posterior nasal septum and nasal column were 9.6±4.1 mm,9.2±1.8 mm,11.1±1.6 mm,14.7±3.6 mm,3.6±0.5 mm and 61.6±3.7 mm respectively.

结果:77.5%的蝶窦口内窥镜直接窥见,窦口距离蝶窦顶壁、外壁、蝶腭动脉孔、鞍前壁、鼻中隔后端分别为8.6±3.1 mm、9.2±1.8 mm、11.1±1.6 mm、14.7±3.6 mm、3.6±0.5 mm,距离鼻小柱根部前缘61.6±3.7 mm,与鼻底夹角31.8°±5.2°。

The SD of the mean for 32 smooth nodules was 7.7%(95%confidence limits,±15.1%),12 irregular or spiculated was 3.3%(95%confidence limits,±6.5%).


Leaves glossy deep green adaxially, narrowly linear-lanceolate, straight or slightly falcate, 0.8-6.5(-7) cm × 1.5-5 mm, midvein green abaxially, 0.3-1.2 mm wide, flat with median longitudinal keel throughout, stomatal bands present on both surfaces, bands on adaxial surface 0.5-1.5 mm wide, of 7-28 rows of stomatal, white powdery or not, bands on abaxial surface 1.2-2.8 mm apart, 0.3-0.8(-1) mm from leaf margin, not or rarely white powdery, base decurrent, margin denticulate, sometimes indistinctly so, especially on old trees, with 18-55(-90) teeth per side, apex usually symmetric and spinescent, spine 0.3-2 mm. Pollen cone fascicles terminal, 1-3(-5) together, broadly obovoid, each of 8-20 cones, occasionally a few also around base of seed cone; peduncle 2-4 mm; cones narrowly oblong-conical.

正面的叶有光泽的深绿色,披针形狭线形,直的或稍镰刀形, 0.8-6.5(-7)厘米×1.5-5毫米,中脉绿色背面,全部的0.3-1.2毫米宽,平的具中间的纵向的脊,气孔带宿存在两面,在正面0.5-1.5毫米宽上条纹状,7-28排stomatal的,与否白色粉状,相隔1.2-2.8毫米的条纹状的在背面,从叶缘的0.3-0.8(-1)毫米,白色敷粉的或很少的不,基部下延,边缘具小齿,有时不清楚如此,特别是在古树上,具18-55(-90)齿每边,先端通常对称和具刺,刺0.3个-2毫米雄球花束簇终端,花序梗2-4毫米;圆锥形孢子叶球狭长圆形。

Plants annual. Petiole 5-10 cm; leaf blade palmately (3 or)5-9-lobed, sometimes simple, 7-10 × 7-10 cm, papery, abaxially with rigid spinulose hairs on veins, adaxially pubescent but not densely so, base cordate; lobes ovate-triangular, margin serrate.

一年生草本叶柄5-10厘米;叶片掌状(3或) 5-9浅裂,有时单的, 7-10 * 7-10厘米,纸质,背面具硬质的具微刺的毛在脉上,正面短柔毛但不是浓密如此,基部心形;裂片卵形三角形,边缘有锯齿。

Strains G-03 and G-03/a were inoculated in flasks and cultivated continuously for 4 generations. Compared with the host strain G-03, the glutathione concentration in the main fermentation broth and final beer of strain G-03/a increased by 32.1% and 13.8%, the stability index increased by 7.7% and 5.3%, respectively, and the flavor resistance staling value in final beer increased by 45.0%.


Sessile spikelet dorsally compressed, 7–7.5 mm; callus ca. 2 mm, acute; lower glume oblong-lanceolate, slightly flattened, densely brown strigose; upper lemma stipitiform; awn 2–4.5 cm. Pedicelled spikelet 12–15 mm.

无梗小穗背压缩,7-7.5毫米;胼胝体约2毫米,锐尖;长圆状披针形的下部的颖片,稍扁平,浓密棕色糙伏毛;上面外稃柄状;芒2-4.5 厘米Pedicelled小穗12-15毫米。

Spikelets elliptic or elliptic-oblong, 2–10 mm, stramineous or purplish, florets 3–10; glumes ovate-lanceolate; lower glume 0.7–1.5 mm; upper glume 1.1–2 mm; lemmas ovate-lanceolate, 1.8–2.7 mm; palea keels scabrid.


Bracts 5–7 mm; bracteoles smaller than bracts, subapical or at middle of pedicel; leaf blade abaxially brown, secondary veins (3 or)4(–7) pairs; twigs densely hirsute.

苞片5-7毫米;小苞片小于苞,近尖端或者在中部花梗;叶片背面棕色,次脉3或4(-7对;小枝密被长硬毛。 10 Gaultheria hookeri 红粉白珠

Ii to comply with a notice issued under Sub-Clause 7.5 or SubClause 7.6 , within 28 days after receiving it


Leaves sessile, linear-lanceolate to subulate, 5--7(--10) X 0.7--2 mm, base slightly dilated, submembranous, leathery, glabrous or sparsely pubescent on margin, margin cartilaginous, apex acuminate, cartilaginous; midvein raised abaxially.

叶无柄 线状披针形的到钻形, 5-7(-10)X 0.7-2毫米,背面中脉突起花葶单生,1或2花,在毫米,在叶内隐藏,具长柔毛;苞片1或2,裂片三角形,具缘毛,先端锐尖;脉5,不明显。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
