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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anti-MOG and anti-MBP antibodies predicted more frequent and earlier relapses. Of 39 seronegative patients, nine (23%) had a relapse, and time to relapse was 45 13.7 months. Of 22 patients with anti-MOG and anti-MBP, 21 (95%) relapsed, and mean time to relapse was 7.5 4.4 months. Of 42 patients with only anti-MOG, 35 (83%) relapsed within 14.6 9.6 months P .001 for both comparisons with antibody-seronegative patients.

研究显示,抗MOG和抗MBP抗体可以预测更多和更早期的发作,39名血清呈阴性的患者中,9位(23%)复发,而重新发作的时间是45 ± 3.7个月,22名带有抗MOG和抗MBP的患者中,21名(95%)复发,复发时间为 7.5 ± 4.4个月,另外42名患者只有抗MOG,35人(83%)在 14.6 ± 9.6个月之内复发(P 。001,二组相较於血清呈阴性的患者)。

The test kit contains three segments of durable 7/16 shatterproof tubing, two brass adaptors used to assemble the three tubing segments, and test hardware to enable testing of Watts Series 7 check modules and standard double checks.

这种检测组件包括三段坚固耐用的 7/16英寸抗震管,两个黄铜适配器用于组装三段管道,检测五金件用于检测美国瓦茨系列7止回阀模块和标准双止回阀。

Results:In experimental group,only 1 patient suffered from sigmoidostomic stenosis.The incidence rate of complications caused by sigmoidostomy was 3.3% and 26 patients (86.7%) got feel of defecation.In control group,the incidence rate of complications caused by sigmoidostomy was much higher (20.0%) and only 8 patients (26.7%) got feel of defecation.


The results show that NPT II had already integrated into the genome of Sinningia speciosa, and the transformation efficiencies of tMEK2 and tMEK2MUT were 1.7% and 0.7%, respectively.


The first to the market to buy a 3.3 jin of Solen, the school had a fair balance, not lack of weight (easily took the hands of the scale, the hawkers did not lack the basic weight), rushed to the 168 before 4:30, LG said, Let me Inside, and so on, he went outside to see the 168 selling price of seafood, the young girl to go out at the same time we bought Solen to the woman outside the wash (later know her as the young girl close to the checkout She handed over the money), I married a curious look on the outside to wash her, did not expect to see them sent to wash and burn the whole process of their guests to the Solen Add Taipen together, and mix with the other, one by one After the water washed into another Dapen months, and then look at the list of weight, you remove a few scales of the two, this is the Solen-after guests, because our Solen she is, she did not see I have to stand behind LG, when we raised objections, she said the amount was more or less the same now that you are both 2.7, 6, are the two intestines, comrades, 3.3 Solen two of her final with water scale Only two were 2.7, we get to the stomach, how many ah!

第一次是在市场买了3.3斤的竹蛏,学校有一个公平的平衡,而不是缺乏重量(轻松了手中的规模,小贩都缺乏基本的重量),送往168前4: 30日, LG电子表示,让我内,因此,他走到外面看到168售价海鲜,年轻姑娘走出去的同时,我们买的女子竹外洗(后来知道她的作为年轻的姑娘接近结帐她交出钱),我嫁给了一个奇怪的外观外洗她,没想到看到他们送到清洗和烧伤的全过程,他们的客人的竹蛏购买Taipen在一起,与其他组合,一个又一个的水清洗后,到另一个Dapen个月,然后看看名单重量,您删除一些尺度的两个,这是竹蛏,后客人,因为她是我们的竹蛏,她没有看见我站在后面LG电子,当我们提出异议,她说,数额大致相同,你现在都7月2日, 6日,是两个肠子,好同志, 3.3竹两个她最后与水规模只有两个是2月7日,我们到达胃部,有多少啊!

Results The prevalence of sleep abnormality related symptoms was 39.3% in children of 7-12 years old in Wuxi. Among them, the prevalence of being asleep more than half an hour was 7.3%, frequent sleep snoring 10.9%, mouth breathing 5.8%, waking because of choke 0.5%, sleep apnea 0.2%, somnambulate or nightmare 2.1%, limber spasm 11.8%, enuresis 0.2%, difficulty of waking in morning 0.9%, becoming worse in study 17.2%, being impatience 20.3%. There was difference in symptoms between genders.

结果 无锡市538例7~12岁肥胖儿童睡眠障碍发生率为39.9%,其中入睡时间超过0.5 h的报告率为7.3%,睡眠打鼾为10.9%,张口呼吸为5.8%,憋醒为0.5%,睡眠呼吸暂停为0.2%,梦游或做噩梦为2.1%,睡眠中肢体抽动为11.8%,遗尿为0.2%,清晨起床困难为0.9%,近0.5 a学习成绩下降的为17.2%,性情急躁的为20.3%;不同症状的发生率存在性别差异。

Necromancer Spells (5/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/4/4/3/3/3;DC 25 + spell level): Kel'Thuzad's high Intellect score and his ranks in Spellcraft allow him to prepare 18 spells per level; he can prepare most of the spells on his spell lists.

死灵法师法术(5/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/4/4/3/3/3;豁免难度 25 +法术等级):克尔苏扎德的高智力点数和法术辨识等级允许他每等级准备18个法术。他能准备他法术列表的大部分法术。

Results About 55.8% of the boys and 7.2% of the girls knew little about menarche; 30.0% of the boys and 66.4% of the girls knew nothing about spermatorrhea. The students' sex knowledge was mainly from media (41.6%). About 47.7% of the students were not satisfied with school sex education. What they need most were both the knowledge of sex physiology and sexual health care.

结果 55 。8%的男生和7.2 %的女生对月经初潮不甚了解,30 。0 %的男生和66 。4 %的女生对男生首次遗精不了解;青少年性知识的来源以传媒为主(41 。6 %);47.7%的青少年对当前的学校性教育不满意;青少年最需要的性知识是性生理知识和性健康保健知识。

Senior students have a poor knowledge on sex. They master menstruation, prostitution, being fertilized, childbearing, abnormality well while they know little about sex hormones,sexual intercourse and pregnancy,spermatorrhea,ovaries, testis in the middle. 2. senior students have developed a quick consciousness of sex. About 17.7% boys and 17.2% girls desire to date with the opposite sex. 54.1% boys and 42.2% girls are willing to date with the opposite sex. What's more, the willingness and percentage of dating with the opposite sex increase with the grade. Senior students do not have a steady and stable affection.


Results The origin of nasal polyps and the proportion of its appearance:middle turbinate65.0%,unciˉnate process57.0%,ethmoid bulla23.7%,maxillary ostium11.7%,nasal septum5.4%,sphenoethmoid recess2.6%.

结果 鼻息肉多发部位及其发生率为:中鼻甲65.0%,钩突57.0%,筛泡23.7%,上颌窦口11.7%,鼻中隔5.4%,蝶筛隐窝2.6%。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
