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By the comparison between archaeological stratigraphy, sediment characteristics of cultural layers and cultural interruptions, 46 ~(14)C chronological data of buried paleotrees and peat, the synthetical analysis of the distribution laws of sites, and the reference to the results from other scholars, we can see that there are 7 cultural interruptions in the three Gorges and 7 cultural interruptions in the Yangtze Delta. They are from the last stage of Chengbeixi Culture to the initial stage of Daxi Culture (7200~6000a BP)→the third stage of Guanmiaoshan Culture Style of Daxi Culture (5800~5500a BP)→the initial stage of Shangzhou Culture (4000~3500a BP )→the last stage of Shangzhou Culture (2500~2200a BP)→During the Song dynasty Culture (960-1276AD) During the Ming and Qing Culture (1368-1911AD) in the prehistorical and historical period in the three Gorges.

对长江三峡和长江三角洲考古遗址进行地层对比,考古遗址文化层和文化断层沉积特征、文化层的叠压关系、考古遗址淤砂和淤土层厚度、46处埋藏古树和39处泥炭的~(14)C年代统计数据和空间分布规律、文化遗址分布的时空变化规律等特征综合分析,发现长江三峡地区新石器时代到历史时期考古遗址地层中有7期文化断层:(1)城背溪文化末期到大溪文化初期(7200~6000a BP);(2)大溪文化关庙山类型三期(5800~5500a BP);(3)商周早期(4000~3500a BP);(4)商周晚期(2500~2200a BP);(5)宋代时期(960-1276AD):(6)明清时期(1368-1911AD);(7)近现代时期。

Inflorescence development was divided into four stages, the initiating expansion pseudobulb, initiating inflorescence (1-3 cm in flower stalk length), the initial-branching flower stalk, and full bloom inflorescence, respectively. The activity variations of mannan cleaving enzymes,-mannosidase (EC, endo--mannanase (EC, and the mannan synthesizing enzyme, GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase (EC, were analyzed during different stages to better understand the role of mannan-metabolizing enzymes during inflorescence development of the Oncidium.

将花梗发育过程分为四个阶段,分别为假球茎刚膨大、刚抽梗(花梗长度约1-3公分)、花梗刚分叉以及花盛开,分析参与分解甘露聚醣之酵素-β-mannosidase(EC及endo-β-mannanase(EC,与合成甘露聚醣之酵素-GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase(EC,在不同阶段假球茎内的活性变化,了解在花梗发育过程中代谢甘露聚醣之相关酵素所扮演的角色。

Inflorescence a racemose panicle, initially terminal to leafy shoot; spikelets 3–7, 2.5–4.3 cm, rachilla internodes 3–4 mm, white-gray setose, apex densely white-gray ciliate; florets 3–7, terminal one sterile.


Results EROD activities in liver of wild crucian from Zhangtan, Jiangjunyan, Fuyang and Wenyan (23.51±4.17, 16.79±7.39, 18.74±5.16, 18.65±8.86 nmol/) were significantly higher than that of Jiekou (7.84±2.42 nmol/g promin), and no difference was observed between the other sites and Jiekou. Three dose groups (0.25, 0.50, 1.00L/dish water sample extracts) were used in Ames test. Reversional mutation rate of TA98 colony exposed to extracts from Zhangtan was 2.21, 3.39, 6.95 without S9, and 2.70, 4.07, 6.23 with S9, respectively. The revesional mutation of TA100 colony was 2.55, 2.81, 5.36 without S9, and 1.73, 2.86, 4.14 with S9, respectively. Reversional mutation rate of TA98 colony exposed to 1.00L/dish extracts from Jiangjunyan with S9 was 2.22, and there was a dose-response relationship in reversional colony count. Ames tests of the other extracts were negative.

结果 樟潭、将军岩、富阳、闻堰点位野生鲫鱼肝EROD酶活性分别为(23.51±4.17),(16.79±7.39),(18.74±5.16),(18.65±8.86)nmol/,明显高于街口[(7.84±2.42)nmol/],其他点位与对照比较差异无统计学意义;樟潭水样浓集物在浓度为0.25,0.50,1.00 L/皿时在不加与加S9条件下,TA98回变菌落突变率MR值分别为2.21,3.39,6.95,2.70,4.07,6.23;TA100回变菌落MR值分别为2.55,2.81,5.36,1.73,2.86,4.14;Ames试验结果为明显阳性;将军岩水样浓集物在浓度为1.00 L/皿且加S9条件下TA98MR值为2.22,且在浓度为0.25,0.50,1.00 L/皿加S9条件下TA98回变菌落数呈剂量-反应关系,MR值分别为0.88,1.98,2.22;Ames试验结果为弱阳性;其他点位均为阴性。

The result showed that the dosage of 5000 IJs/plant was the best one among the 8 dosages, the average of injured legume (3.l%) with BPS was significant lower than that of 40% isofenphos-methyl solution (9.0%) and than that of tap water (53.2%). The rate of grub decrease (95.7%) and the dry weight of peanut (5941.5 kg/ha) with BPS were significant different (P.05) to that of with 40% isofenphos-methyl solution (82.7%, 303.8 kg). The application of BPS was better with irrigation than with spray. At the dosage of 5000 IJs/plant, the combination of BPS and Rhabditis sp.(4500:500) did not show conflictive, coordinate or synergistic effect to grub control.

结果显示:在8个处理剂量中,以5000 IJs/穴的剂量田间效果最好,花生荚果受害率(3.1 %)显著低于40 %甲基异柳磷对照的(9.0 %)和清水对照的荚果受害率(53.2 %),蟒螬减退率(95.7%)和平均产量(5941.5 kg/hm^2)也与40%甲基异柳磷对照的(82.7%, 303.8 kg)有显著差异(P.05);灌施效果显著好于喷施;在5000 IJs/穴的剂量下,混合喷施BPs线虫和小杆线虫(4500:500),未表现出相克、协同或加性效应。

Among the 45 neurons generating phasic firing, 8 (17.78﹪) neurons could still be induced phasic firing after treatment with 1×10-2 μg/mL SVHRP and 37 (82.22﹪) neurons had no responses to the stimulation. The AP firing of neurons was dramatically different after treatment with SVHRP (P<0.01, n=45). Among the 7 repetitive firing neurons, all of them could only generate 1 or 0 AP instead of repetitive firing when SVHRP was applied. The number of APs was 14.57±1.00 and 0.57±0.20 before and after SVHRP treatment (P<0.01, n=7). The AP rheobase was (75.10±8.99) pA and (119.85± 12.73) pA before and after 1 × 10-4 μg/mL SVHRP application, respectively (P<0.01,n=8). The AP threshold was increased from (-41.17±2.15) mV to (-32.40±1.48) mV after 1×10-4 μg/mL SVHRP treatment (P<0.01,n=8). The peak amplitude of AP was (68.49±2.33) mV for the neurons before treatment with 1×10-4 μg/mL SVHRP and (54.71±0.81)mV after treatment (P<0.01, n=8). These results showed that SVHRP could decrease the AP firing frequency, increase the AP rheobase and threshold, but decrease the AP peak amplitude of hippocampal neurons.

在产生位相放电的45个细胞中,有8个细胞在SVHRP处理后仍可以诱发出位相放电(占17.78﹪);37个细胞在SVHRP处理后无法诱导出位相放电(占82.22﹪),SVHRP处理后动作电位的产生与处理前相比,有显著差异(P<0.01,n=45);在产生重复放电的7个细胞中,在1×10-2μg/mL SVHRP作用后均不能再次诱发出重复放电,而是产生一个动作电位或不再产生动作电位,药物处理前产生的动作电位个数为14.57±1.00,SVHRP处理后产生动作电位的个数为0.57±0.20,二者之间有显著性差异(P<0.01,n=7)。1×10-4 μg/mLSVHRP处理后,诱发动作电位产生的基强度由(75.10±8.99)pA增加到(119.85±12.73)pA(P<0.01,n=8);阈电位由(-41.17±2.15)mV升至(-32.40±1.48)mV(P<0.01,n=8);动作电位峰值由(68.49±2.33)mV下降至(54.71±0.81)mV(P<0.01,n=8)。

Epidermidis、Sarcina lutea、Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli with MIC of 31.3 μg/mL, 31.3 μg/mL, 7.8 μg/mL, 7.8 μg/mL and 125.0 μg/mL, respectively. It can also suppress the growth of Candida albicans with MIC of 125.0 μg/mL.

epidermidis、Sarcina lutea、Bacillus subtilis和Escherichia coli的MIC分别为31.3 μg/mL、31.3 μg/mL、7.8 μg/mL、7.8 μg/mL和125.0 μg/mL;对真菌Candida albicans的MIC为125.0 μg/mL。

When the culture medium was the mixture of lake water and sediments, the average absorption velocity of DP was 2 ng for per 10000 Microcystis aerugilnosa and 7.6 ng for per 10000 Scenedesmus obiquus respectively everyday. And the average increasing velocity was 1.19×10~5 per mL and 3.7×10~4 per mL respectively everyday.


As regards to age,gender andhistopathological characters,the 33 cases were as follows:①age,27-67years old(Median 45 years old);②gender,28 males and 5 females;③themaximum diameter of lesions,1.0-12.5cm(Mean5.9cm);④the histology,trabecular type 18 cases(18/33,54.5%),pseudoglandular 4(4/33,12.1%),compact 7(7/33,21.2%)and scirrhous 4(4/33,12.1%);⑤Edmondson-Steiner classification,gradeⅠ3 cases(3/33,9.1%),Ⅱ14(14/33,42.2%),Ⅲ 12(12/33,36.4%)and Ⅳ 4(4/33,12.1%).

年龄、性别及组织病理学方面结果如下:①年龄,27-67岁(Median 45岁);②性别,男性28例,女性5例;③肿块最大径,1.0-12.5cm(Mean5.9cm);④组织学类型,小梁型18例(18/33,54.5%),假腺管型4例(4/33,12.1%),致密型7例(7/33,21.2%)及硬化型4例(4/33,12.1%);⑤Edmondson-Steiner分级,Ⅰ级3例(3/33,9.1%),Ⅱ级14例(14/33,42.2%),Ⅲ级12例(12/33,36.4%)及Ⅳ级4例(4/33,12.1%)。

Anti-MOG and anti-MBP antibodies predicted more frequent and earlier relapses. Of 39 seronegative patients, nine (23%) had a relapse, and time to relapse was 45 13.7 months. Of 22 patients with anti-MOG and anti-MBP, 21 (95%) relapsed, and mean time to relapse was 7.5 4.4 months. Of 42 patients with only anti-MOG, 35 (83%) relapsed within 14.6 9.6 months P .001 for both comparisons with antibody-seronegative patients.

研究显示,抗MOG和抗MBP抗体可以预测更多和更早期的发作,39名血清呈阴性的患者中,9位(23%)复发,而重新发作的时间是45 ± 3.7个月,22名带有抗MOG和抗MBP的患者中,21名(95%)复发,复发时间为 7.5 ± 4.4个月,另外42名患者只有抗MOG,35人(83%)在 14.6 ± 9.6个月之内复发(P 。001,二组相较于血清呈阴性的患者)。

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Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
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7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
