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与 7-up 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was indi-cated that compound Ⅳ and Ⅴ possess antitumor activity. The〓 of 〓 and 〓 was 7.85 and 7.45 μg/mL respectively to〓 compound Ⅳ,Ⅴ and Ⅶ show pesticidal activity. The inhibi-tory effect of compound Ⅶ(2) was 1OO% to Barnyardgrass,and 100% to Rice Sheath Blight.


The germination rate of pollen of 3 Phyllostachys species was generally lower, ranged from the lowest of 21.7% to the highest of 58.7% in this study.


Basal and lower petioles 4–7 cm, sheaths long and broad; blade oblong, 3–5 × 1.5–3 cm; pinnae 4–6 pairs, remote; ultimate segments ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 7–15 × 5–8 mm, entire or shallowly 2–3-toothed, base rounded-truncate or slightly cordate.

基部和下部叶柄4-7厘米,鞘长和宽的;叶片长圆形, 3-5 * 1.5-3 厘米;羽片4-6对,稀疏;末回裂片卵形的到卵状披针形, 7-15 * 5-8 毫米,全缘或2-3齿,基部圆形截形或稍心形。

Spikelets plumply elliptic, 1.5–1.7(–2.2) mm, pale or purple tinged; flo-rets similar; glumes equal to spikelet, 5–7-veined, glabrous or sparsely setose, with broad incurving margins, subacute, lower glume elliptic, upper glume broader; lemmas smooth, glabrous or puberulous above the middle, minutely ciliolate along upper margins.

微染的小穗plumply椭圆形,1.5-1.7(-2.2)毫米,浅的或紫色; flo 渍于水中相似;等于的颖片小穗,5-7-脉,无毛的或稀疏刚毛,具宽incurving边缘,近尖,下部椭圆形,宽的上面颖片;外稃平滑,无毛或高于上面边缘的具短缘毛的那些中间,微小的。

Results CT shows 18 cases of mesenteric edema, 2 cases of mesenteric pneumatosis, 7 cases of mesenteric vascular anomalies, 5 cases of mesenteric vascular were filling defect, 2 cases of the trunk of the mesenteric vascular were thickening, 21 cases of segmental mesenteric small blood vessels hyperemia, 7 cases of segmental mesenteric small blood vessels ischemia and 2 cases of the mesenteric venous accumulation of gas.

结果 CT表现:肠系膜水肿18例,肠系膜积气2例,肠系膜血管走行异常7例,肠系膜血管充盈缺损5例,肠系膜主干血管增粗2例,节段性肠系膜小血管充血21例,节段性肠系膜小血管缺血7例,肠系膜静脉积气2例。

The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRI diagnosis of lateral collateral ligament tears were 82.4%, 66.7%, and 80%, respectively. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were 85.7%, 50%, 75% respectively for the MRI diagnosis of popliteus tendon tears simultaneously.


The RE of TP, COD and turbidity except NH4+-N in the aeration process by adding AS and PAM for enhanced chemical phosphorus removal increased by 7.3~59.2%, 5.0~20.3% and 10.9~34.7%, respectively. Given enough dissolved oxygen, the nitrification was not affected by adding AS and PAM in the dosage range of the study. The RE of TP, COD and turbidity by postpose coagulation were better than by simultaneous coagulation, however, coagulation and sedimentation equipments were needed in postpose coagulation process. Therefore simultaneous coagulation was more suitable for transformation of AB process for chemically enhanced phosphorus removal.


The study results are as follows: The majority of the participants were in the preparation stage (50.7%), with only a small minority (7.1%) in the precontemplation stage. About 68.3% did no regular exercise.


The results showed that 7-day-precultured embryogenic calli had the best responses for bombardment among 2-7 day' preculture duration. Enhanced transformation efficiency was found in the explants treated with high osmotic medium 4h prior to till 24 h after bombardment. Particles of gold and tungsten were both found suitable for rice transformation and there was no adverse effect when tungsten particles were reduced to 1/3 standard amount for DNA precipitation on transient GUS gene expression. However, it was found that gold particle had higher GUS expression at 120 h post-bombardment. A preliminary microprojectile transformation system with an average of 15-20 blue spots/explant GUS expression was routinely obtained for 'Tainung 67' by using the particle gun with 1,100 psi rupture disk, 6 or 9 cm microcarrier flight distance and 4 mm of macrocarrier flight distance setting.

初步结果显示,以预培养2~7日之胚性癒合组织逐日测试转殖率,以预培养7日之培植体表现最佳;培植体於转殖前4小时至转殖后24小时以高渗透压培养基处理,有助於转殖效率之提高;比较金、钨粒子对转殖率在转殖后48h並无不同,但转殖后120 h取样,则金粒子组有较高之蓝点数;钨粒子用量可减少至1/3標准用量对转殖率並无影响;利用基因鎗在使用1, 100 psi裂碟片、大载片至挡片之距离为4 mm、微载髁至射击目標之飞行距离6或9 cm之设定,GUS基因表现之平均蓝点数均可达15~20个/培植体。

The incidence of severe nausea in the oxygengroup predelivery, postdelivery, and postoperatively was 3%,7%, and 9%, respectively, and in the medical air group was 3%,9%, and 7%, respectively.

吸氧气组重度恶心的发生率在待产室、产后室以及术后分别为3%,7%,和 9%;在吸空气组里,相应的统计结果为3%,9%,和7%。

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7 Ways
7 Foot Man
7 Letters Coked Out
7 Days
6'7 Freestyle
7 Keys
Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
7 8 9
7 And 7 Is

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
